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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-25

Aviation Safety Improvement using Cost Benefit Analysis


The objective of this project is to improve aviation safety through the development of a novel safety approach. This approach will allow aviation stakeholders (from EASA, to civil aviation authorities, airlines, airports, air traffic control, and manufactu rers) to understand and manage the effective risk reduction when adopting a safety measure; to prioritise their safety investments when multiple options are potentially feasible; to increase safety as much as possible within the limiting budgets available; to justify investments in safety from a cost perspective. The safety approach will consist of a methodology enabling aviation stakeholders to assess the effects of their technical, managerial and political decisions at the safety level, together with the associated costs and benefits. The approach will support decisions such as whether or not to introduce a safety measure, by making priorities for investments in safety, based on the most beneficial outcome. The methodology will be implemented into a Decisi on Support System (DSS) providing a step-by-step procedure that will support the user throughout the different phases for assessing the cost effectiveness of safety measures. The DSS will incorporate a data pool for the estimation of risk reduction and cos ts related to the implementation of specific safety measures. Cost benefit analysis of safety measures is a relatively new concept in the aviation community and decision on safety related matters are taken without knowing precisely what will be the final e ffect of such decisions. This project will provide the means for taking decision at different levels (i.e. policy, procedures, and operational level) in order to understand the consequences on safety of both viewpoints: policy makers and regulator on one side, industry on the other. While for policy makers and regulators the objective is safety with affordability as a requirement, for the industry the objective is affordability with safety as a requirement.

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