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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Implementing Metrology in the European Research Area


iMERA will enable the Governments from 14 countries to increase significantly the national and European impact of their investment in R&D in metrology. Collectively they invest approximately 400M Euros annually to ensure top-level metrological capability across a multiple of disciplines. R&D projects are executed through national programmes in the National Metrology Institutes. Though the institutes have collaborated on an ad hoc basis, there are currently no links between the national programmes. Exchange of programme information will enable best practice to be identified and adopted. The partners aspire to a substantial increase in collaboration, opening access to special metrological facilities and examining the viability of joint investments in new facilities.Foresight and road-mapping will ensure there is an appropriate direction for these activities. The project will launch collaboration at programme level. Scope, stakeholder needs, national funding contributions, legal issues, obstacles for national participation and organisational structures will all be addressed. A multi-disciplinary European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) will be developed with the prospect of launching the initiative in a joint action between the European Commission and interested countries utilising Article 169 of the European Treaty. A high-level policy group consisting of senior representatives of the national governments and their NMIs will oversee and develop the conditions for a successful project. Activities that are necessary to create the appropriate climate for in-depth research collaboration like mobility, stakeholder consultation, needs analysis, knowledge transfer, impact assessment and IPR are all addressed. Not all countries within Europe have well-established metrology programmes or facilities. iMERA will ensure that, although not contract partners, these countries are able to participate in key activities if they so choose.

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CA - Coordination action


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Partecipanti (20)