The EUROCITS project will be a patient orientated conference providing contemporary scientific information on the research on and therapeutic potential of Stem Cells technologies in severe medical disorders. It intends to initiate and promote a meaningful dialogue on stem cell research between science and society as the understanding of European patients on the topics of stem cell research and its potential may be limited. There is a need for the broader societal perspective to be considered so as to cont ribute to discussion relating to research as well as broader socio-cultural issues in order to contribute to an informed, balanced debate. For the first time, patients from throughout the ERA will participate with other constituencies to discuss many of the issues and challenges relating to stem cell research and its therapeutic application. There will be a particular focus on the impact of research on patients and their needs, whose views will be actively sought. Patients will be provided with sufficie nt background material and will have considerable opportunity to pose questions to and engage with experts in the field. EFNA, the European Federation of Neurological Associations, acts as the lead organiser, in close partnership with DMA Media, a televi sual content management company. Patients suffering from a wide range of disorders, their carers, scientists, health professionals, ethicists, politicians and the media will take part in this event, which will use lay language and will be held in Brusse ls, with free registration. The working language will be English, with simultaneous translation. The newly-integrated EU countries will be also be encouraged to actively participate. Media channels will disseminate the conference proceedings as part of a media communication strategy. A number of tools such as key pad voting will be used in order to draw the patients directly into debate, chaired by a professional facilitator.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
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SSA - Specific Support ActionKoordinator