In Europe many buildings suffer from Dry Rot decay. The Dry Rot fungus is limited to building constructions and it is the fungus which causes the greatest damage and which is most difficult to combat. It attacks timber constructions causing severe loss of strength over a short period of time, spreading through brickwork and masonry behind plaster and underneath floorboards so that the extent of the attack is not limited to the timber constructions but involves masonry as well. The strategy for eradication is uniform throughout Europe and involves replacement of decayed timber and chemical treatment of the masonry. This is expensive, time consuming and involves loss of culturally valuable constructions.The objective of the project HEATCON is to establish, through a pilot study in Norway, a model for transfer of the fully developed Danish heat treatment technology to European countries to combat Dry Rot.Treating Dry Rot attacks (Serpula lacrymans) in buildings with hot air requires precise planning of the process as well as implementation of the heat treatment in situ along with a quality control scheme assuring a highly efficient treatment which is cost saving, environmentally friendly compared to traditional chemical treatment and ensures minimal destruction to constructions during treatment and repair.The best way to reuse building materials is to maintain them in the original construction. Development of non-destructive inspection methods for detection of decay and new more differentiated and less destructive treatment methods are therefore necessary. New technology for the renovation of old buildings must be competitive and different methods must be available so that renovation of a building can be optimised.Market demand will be investigated and buildings suitable for demonstration identified. Initial demonstrations will be carried out by the Danish contractors. Well-established building contractors from Norway who have an interest in assimilating the technology will be invited to take part in the follow up work.
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