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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Training for Micro-analytical platform technology

Final Activity Report Summary - MAPTECH (Training for micro-analytical platform technology)

Training for micro-analytical platform technology (MAPTECH) was an integrated training programme for early stage researchers.

MAPTECH aimed to provide researchers with integrated experience in scientific research and technology commercialisation. It strategically focussed on strengthening and integrating European expertise in the increasingly significant field of emerging microanalytical systems, biosensors and nanotechnologies. Teesside focussed on training on microanalytical device fabrication with an emphasis on polymer moulding and joining technologies and the incorporation of functional nanomaterials for sensing biological analytes. A specific technique called cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) was used for this matter.

Barcelona incorporated printed micro and nanostructures and nanosensors within sensor systems. Techniques of micro-contact printing were also developed during the programme. The implementation of micro structures on thin film was developed for further integration into a microfluidic structure.

In the Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskusvtt (VTT), work was carried out around hybrid and functional material development and incorporation into microanalytical sensor systems. Techniques around printing, development of inks, lithography and hot embossing on roll to roll were experienced and further developed by both fellows.

Fraunhofer focussed the activities of the programme on advanced polymer microfabrication and nanofabrication technologies for biotechnology devices, with a stress on roll to roll polymeric device fabrication. Joining and assembling of microfluidics were studied in depth with their implication on biocompatibility. Details of each results and achievements were submitted during the project activity reports.