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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-30

Renewable Energy Resources - a solution for a sustainable development of two European Regions

Periodic Report Summary - RENERG EUREG (Renewable energy resources - a solution for a sustainable development of two European Regions)

The main objective of this project is to enhance the capacity of CENTRU and Brandenburg regions and of its regional stakeholders in planning and using the local and regional renewable resources as a solution for a sustainable economic development, in the context of the new knowledge-based economy, by promoting the innovation and strong connections between research and economic environment as a regional policy.

One of the main goal of the project consortium during the second year of project implementation was to 'analyse' the potential of renewable energy resources of Centru region and the inputs provided from other field as SME's, research, local or regional authorities, in order to support the emergency of new investments and to facilitate the access of companies to research and knowledge provided by universities, research institutes or other support services as business incubators, technological parks, etc.

Four analyses were elaborated by Romanian partners in collaboration with the partners from Lusatia. Very important information regarding the potential of renewable energy resources in Centru region, needs of the SME's, support structures for SME's and financial sources for energy can be found in these documents.

The analysis of the regional potential of renewable energy resources was the first regional inventory ever achieved in order to determine the main renewable energy sources and its potential. Several institutions were involved in data collecting and the consultation process of the regional stakeholders has brought a lot of improvements and additional information which have contributed to the final document.

The SWOT analysis was the last document elaborated under the 'analysis' work package. The regional stakeholders have had a very active and strong feedback in defining the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of renewable energy sector.

Another important achievement of the project was the set up of the Romanian research cluster on renewable energy. 14 institutions have joined the cluster in 2009. The study visit of the Romanian cluster in Lusatia was the first step in organising a future interregional collaboration in energy field.

Within the dissemination package, the following activities were developed during the second reporting period:
1. International conference 'Opportunities: post mining landscapes'.
2. Brochures with results of the four analyses were elaborated in order to improve the visibility of the project results and to offer a friendly way of understanding some aspects regarding the renewable energy in Centru region
3. Information package for SME's with strategic information on market development on renewable energy 10 events (conferences and exhibitions) were promoted on the project website out of which 4 events were organised within the project. The site is operational now in three languages: Romanian, English and German.

Project dissemination was made also in regional and local media: 8 articles related to project events and results published in the local and regional newspapers, 3 press releases, 34 appearances of information about project on the internet websites and 2 TV appearances.

The work performed during the first two years of the project will enable development of the Centru region strategy for using renewable energy resources. This strategy will became integrated part of the regional development plan. The local administration represented in the regional development board, together with the relevant regional stakeholders will agree on the future directions and measures to be undertaken in order to valorise the RER potential.

A joint action plan will be developed in cooperation by the two regions, Centru and Lusatia. It will contain the necessary and possible measures for implementing the regional strategies and political directions envisaged for development of a competitive research sector.