Descrizione del progetto
Secure, dependable and trusted Infrastructures
The core scientific focus of GEMOM is the significant and measurable increase in end-to-end intelligence and resilience of complex, distributed information systems.
GEMOM's definition of intelligence and resilience include:
- Insensitivity or significant reduction in sensitivity to individual and sometimes multiple faults in the system. Fault is defined as any deterioration of the functional profile of informational system, the volumetric profile, and the security profile
- Support for a reconfiguration as an efficient system
The primary objective of GEMOM is to research, develop and deploy a prototype of a messaging platform that is evolutionary, self-organising, self healing, scalable and secure. GEMOM will be resilient and be able to utilise redundant modules (hot-swap or switchover) instantly without information loss. These resilience features will allow specialist, independent system actors, viz. watch-dogs, security and situation monitors, routers, and other optimisers, to remove or replace compromised nodes from the broader network instantly without compromising higher level functionality.
GEMOM considers the Publish-Subscribe variant of Message Oriented Middleware to be the predominant one and will focus on issues surrounding that kind of messaging. For completeness GEMOM would provide a synchronous Request and Reply overlay as well.
The advances that GEMOM proposes to make to the area of messaging revolve around the notion of a "fault". In addition to the intuitive understanding of what a fault might be, whereby any actor stops being operable, connection is lost etc, GEMOM extends the notion of fault to include compromised security or inadequate bandwidth availability in the first iteration and compromised abstract notion of "resource" in its final iteration.
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CP - Collaborative project (generic)Coordinatore
43124 Parma