CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-14

CEMS business best practice network

Exploitable results

The mission of the CEBUSNET Information Centre (CIC) is to disseminate knowledge about business best practices to businesses, organisations and students within Europe. The CIC produces and disseminates business best practices through case studies and seminars. The services are provided on a commercial and non-commercial basis. Developed by six leading European Business Schools, CEBUSNET Case Studies represent insights into successful Business Reengineering projects. All twelve case studies, describing the implementation and realisation of Business Best Practices which have led to significant and measurable improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction, have been developed in close co-operation with the companies. Using the CEBUSNET Consolidation Framework, not only the process and the achieved results have been analysed but also contextual and environmental impact factors as well as the change process. The richness of this information provides a detailed picture of all relevant factors which are required for the success of the reengineering project. The case studies have been reviewed and verified in co-operation with the companies, as well as internally within the project team. All of them have been applied successfully in lectures and lessons in the CEBUSNET Business Schools as well as in commercial seminars targeting industry executives. Project URL :

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