Final Activity Report Summary - WIATEC (The development of a World Integrated assessment Model of Technology-Economy-Climate change for ... induced technical and behavioural change on the environment)
The model consisted of two parts, an economic sub-model and a climate sub-model. The economic sub-model was of the mutli-sectoral multi-regional general equilibrium type, based on two existing models, the GTAP-E (Burniaux and Truong, 2002) and the WIAGEM (Kemfert, 2002). The climate sub-model was a reduced form model, based on the existing ICLIPPS Climate Model (Tóth et al., 2003; Bruckner et al., 2003). The two sub-models were to be soft linked to be used in simulations which could produce climate and technology-economic results which were consistent. The model was then used for climate policy studies, particularly for those relating to the European Union climate policies.