CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

European Coaching Innovation Standard


The TEEE-Inn project of the Innovation program has developed since 2002 a method and associated tools for coaching innovative start-ups, and has demonstrated the benefits of using these in a concerted manner between incubators of five European regions. The Technology Transfer Accelerator project of EIF assesses the feasibility of a new type of investment vehicle focused on financing the commercialisation of the results of research. Today, these results are regarded by key finance actors as a breakthrough to be deployed in Europe to facilitate the access of innovative start-ups to early-stage venture capital. EUCIST proposes to disseminate these results to European incubators, in the ICT sector, via the Gate 2 Growth and PAXIS networks. Our aim is to increase significantly the number of new innovative start-ups of the ICT sector, and to reduce their failure rate, in all Member States. Concrete results to be deployed include classical individual support (selection process, commercial and marketing mapping, mentoring, economic intelligence support) and novel small team coaching services: - Specific training for future coaches - BizDev events, which lean to existing major commercial events to organise meetings between entrepreneurs and decision makers - IVCS: the International Venture Capital Summit, where start-ups meet investors. To maximise access to technological clusters, remote markets and investment community, the dissemination will take place into the ICT sector focussing on Software, Telecom and Micro electronics, among candidate regions, not necessarily known for their high potential innovation. To motivate incubators apply for EUCIST, we guarantee a faster access to venture capital for their start-ups. At the end of the project, EIF guidelines for financing innovation in the FP7 will be validated, including a mechanism for financing incubators.

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