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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations - A European network


The genetic impact of aquaculture activities has aroused a great deal of concern among scientist and the general public. The perceived risks are often associated with detrimental impacts on wild populations and the ecosystem through ecological interactions and interbreeding, posing a threat to biodiversity. Public health issues are also matters of concern. There is a need to strengthen the knowledge base required to assess the genetic impact of aquaculture on the environment, and to improve the dissemination of information to a wider public. Genimpact will integrate current knowledge of the impact of aquaculture on the genetics of wild stocks and identify future research needs. To this end, internationally recognised scientists and European enterprise groupings have linked up to study the genetic impact of aquaculture production on native populations, discuss the results with aquaculture, breeding, environmental and animal welfare organisations, and provide information for policy makers. The scientific information will be used to 1) develop consensus statements on the genetic impact of farming activities and its implications for aquaculture management, stock conservation and environment safety, and 2) integrate the scientific basis for the establishment of preventive measures, for important marine aquaculture species like Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod, European sea bass, gilthead sea bream, turbot, halibut, scallops, mussels, oysters and European lobster. Genimpact will cover 1) Genetic impacts of escapees and restocking and introduction of non-native strains, 2) Genetic impacts of culture practices, 3) Triploids (both fish and shellfish), tetraploid mother oyster strains, 4) Growth enhancement in fish by gene transfer, 5) Recombinant DNA vaccines, 6) Genetic impact evaluation, monitoring tools and modelling, 7) Predictive tools: modeling and assessment of risk. The results will be disseminated to scientists, industry, NGOs, policy makers and the press.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data

Participants (9)