The overall objective is to organize the third Researchers’ Night in Turkey in order to provide the general public and in particular young people with the opportunity to meet researchers within the context of festive and innovative activities. The ultimate aim is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in society as well as to encourage more young people to embark on careers in science and consequently to increase Europe’s (and Turkey’s) attractiveness for researchers, while providing a wider public awareness about the EU support to science & research. EUREN-TR-3 aims to address the Turkey dimension of this European-wide public awareness campaign. The objectives will be achieved by activities designed to attract and entertain the participants of different age groups and backgrounds and to deliver them the main message that “researchers are normal people, with hobbies complimenting their research-linked personalities. The strategic objectives of will be: 1.to organize the European Researchers’ Night 2008 in Turkey in two separate cities - Izmir and Istanbul, as a third year follow up 2.to address a far larger group (10,000 people) from different age groups and backgrounds 3.to enhance public recognition and respect of researchers and their roles in society, through extensive media coverage and a balanced mixture of research linked festive activities. 4.to increase awareness of the resources European Union devotes to support research and researchers 5.to encourage the young people to embark on scientific careers and to introduce possibilities in new careers 6.to emphasize the importance of science for further development of technology and industry. The project will promote the activity and increase awareness of general objectives prior to the event, organize festive and innovative activities during the event and monitor and disseminate the results during and after the event.
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