Final Report Summary - IMPROVING (Improving the Research Capacity of the Institute of Materials Research in Kosice)
- an international independent expert evaluation of the level of the overall research quality and management & research capability of the IMR SAS and;
- definition and preparation of an Action Plan for improving their research and development capacities, based on the results of the evaluation and on discussion with representatives of the centres in Europe, regional research and development authorities and utilising the possibilities of cohesion policy programmes of EU for 2007-2013.
A detailed material describing the activities of the IMR SAS during the last five years from 1.1.2004 to 31.12.2008 has been prepared which served as the basis of the evaluation process. The independent experts visited the IMR SAS, including it's laboratories and attended the workshop during which key persons of the institute informed them concerning the activities of the IMR SAS during the evaluated period. They absolved a meeting with the local authorities during which the contribution of the IMR SAS to the regional economic and social development was discussed. Based on the report on the activities of IMR SAS and discussions experts prepared a report on the quality of management and research capability of the IMR SAS.
Visits of similar institutions in Europe have been realised by the scientists of IMR SAS with the aim of discussion concerning their experiences how to realise the recommendation of experts in creation of Action Plan.
Based on the report of independent experts and discussion by the representants of similar institutions in Europe an Action Plan for the IMR SAS was prepared for the years of 2010 - 2015. This was discussed during the workshop with local authorities, leaders of local universities and industrial partners and taking to the consideration their comments the Action Plan was finalised.
The improved research, education and innovation activities of the IMR SAS as the result of this project will results in the significantly improved transfer of knowledge to industry and in the increased number / quality of the investment in this convergence region. This will results also in the increased regional research capacity which helps to improve the economic and social cohesion and to build up the knowledge-based enterprises / region of knowledge in the East-Slovakia region.
List of beneficiaries
1.(Coordinator) Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Corresponding contact name and address:
Prof. Dr. Jan Dusza
Watsonova 47
040 01 Kosice
Web page:
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