Final Report Summary - SIMUSPRAY (Computational simulation to enhance technology development of thermal spray coating)
The work has been carried out in three workpackages: WP 1-Development of computational models; WP 2-Optimization, fabrication and validation; WP3-Knowledge transfer and dissemination. Steady progress has been made according to the objectives. The following tasks have been completed successfully, namely, Modelling of nanoparticle deposition , Modelling of combustion gas flow in HVOF, Modelling of in-flight particles in HVOF, Modelling of droplet/particle deposition from HVOF gun, Establish correlation between operation parameters and coating quality in HVOF spraying, Optimize HVOF gun design using CFD models, Evaluation of HVOF coating samples in comparison with model predictions. The project has made substantial achievement in term of training researchers, producing high quality research outputs with journal papers, knowledge transfer from academia to industry, and supporting SMEs in manufacturing sector at very difficult time to stimulate manufacturing based economy. The industry-academia partnership has gone beyond the existing partners with good interaction with other external bodys to much enlarged technology base. A range of new technologies have been developed including computatoinal models, new thermal spray processes and new coating composites. This will allow the industrial partner to have a pool of technology for future development and commercialization. Some of the technologies, such as, nanostructured coating, warm and cold gas spraying are readily explored with thermal spray system manufacturers with follow-up actions are underway or planned.