The project aims to support and strengthen the different existing collaboration actions between Europe and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MCP) for research and research training in the field of Information and Communication Technologies through the staff exchange opportunities offered by IRSES. The structuring action of the programme consists in co-advising PhD students between the two sides of the Mediterranean Sea. That action is chosen for its ability to give consistency and solidity to international cooperation: when two teams agree to cooperate on a research theme, when they come to agree on the selection of a PhD student who is advised by two of their members, a relation is set for at least three years with a strong commitment for success for the defence of the thesis. The impact of the action is increased by a networking organisation which links several teams on a common topic of research. The objective of the present proposal is therefore to add a high value to the whole activity by the co-advising sponsoring. A side effect of the activity is also to involve European institutions with the French ones in the management of the programme to transform it as true regional programme. Practically, the proposal aims at support: • mutual visits of the advisors • PhD stays • Yearly workshops gathering members of the teams involved in a same thematic network.
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MC-IRSES - International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES)Coordinatore
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex