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Methodologies and Tools Advancing the DesiGN and Validation of EGNOS/GALILEO Aware Applications

Final ReportSummary - MAGNA (Methodologies and Tools Advancing the DesiGN and Validation of EGNOS/GALILEO Aware Applications)

EGNOS correction algorithms for accurate GNSS positioning as well as algorithms for integrity monitoring are already available but only for landing applications in civil aviation. There are neither integrity algorithms nor algorithms optimisation (corrections applications and integrity) for application areas with different requirements like maritime, fleet management in urban transport, assisted living, telecoms LBS, tracking and tracing, air-quality and traffic monitoring etc. EGNOS technology could seem hard to integrate in existing applications (lack of knowledge, retro-engineering).

Towards this direction, the main objectives of the MAGNA project included:

- to analyse the diverse application areas requirements and to propose the adaptations required to the algorithms currently in use (civil air aviation);
- to define the integrity concept for other application domains;
- to develop the rationale for EGNOS algorithms (corrections applications and integrity) fine-tuning in the different application areas;
- to design and develop a tool allowing the implementation of the rationale towards algorithms fine tuning by defining the three-tier system parameters:

i. terminal tier (receiver)
ii. local elements tier (telecoms, environment)
iii. regional elements tier (EGNOS, EDAS).

MAGNA delivered a simulation / emulation framework, enabling SMEs to experiment and perform operational analysis based on their application requirements and constraints, in order to be able to decide if they will integrate the EGNOS functionality in their applications. Main advantage of this simulation / emulation framework is to enable SMEs to adapt the configuration parameters of the MAGNA SW libraries according to their applications requirements.

A specific configuration of the MAGNA SW libraries has been delivered to each SME in order to stick with the specificities of each application and a simulation / emulation framework, which will allow SMEs to extensively experiment with in order to decide if they will integrate the libraries in their applications. Furthermore, the guidelines and training of how to integrate MAGNA SW libraries in the SMEs applications were also provided.

The MAGNA simulation / emulation platform allows to:

- experiment and analyse the operational behaviour of positioning applications based on EGNOS belonging to different application areas (transport, navigation, fleet management, maritime, animal tracking, telecoms location-based services etc.) having different requirements and constraints for position accuracy and integrity;
- experiment and analyse the operational behaviour of positioning applications based on EGNOS in different operational environments (high density urban, urban, rural areas etc.);
- experiment and analyse the operational behaviour of positioning applications based on EGNOS using GPS/EGNOS receivers or the ?DAS server and different EGNOS satellites;
- configure the MAGNA SW libraries with fine tuning capability in order to stick with different application specificities.

Project context and objectives:

The MAGNA project aimed to supply the software libraries and tools required for the design and validation of EGNOS / GALILEO aware positioning applications, targeting SMEs who are seeking to improve their existing positioning applications, and launch new applications making full utilisation of the EGNOS / GALILEO technologies.

The project started on 1 May 2009, and its duration was 24 months. The partners involved in this project are Solinet, Navocap, Miltech, Tracker, Teletel, M3Systems, TESA and Alcatel-Lucent.

The main project objectives were:

- to develop GNSS correction and integrity algorithms for diverse application areas;
- to develop communication and data interfaces for the providing EGNOS aware positioning applications;
- to provide SW libraries and simulation / emulation framework for GNSS positioning applications with higher accuracy and integrity;
- to adapt the SMEs applications towards making them EGNOS aware;
- to assess and evaluate the MAGNA SW libraries and simulation / emulation framework;
- to establish, operate and maintain the MAGNA special interest group (SIG) and to provide the MAGNA White Paper.

The main result of the MAGNA project was a simulation / emulation framework, enabling GNSS positioning application development companies to experiment and perform operational analysis based on their application requirements and constraints. The resulted simulation / emulation framework can be used for the experimentation and fine-tuning of EGNOS correction and integrity algorithms in positioning applications from diverse application areas including telecoms, assistive living, animal and person tracking, monitoring of traffic and air quality, maritime and transport.

The solution that the MAGNA offered is mainly targeting SMEs or other organisations that are seeking cost-effective and easy to use solutions allowing for rapid development of positioning applications with higher accuracy and integrity by exploiting the full potential of EGNOS (and GALILEO in the future). The benefits for the SMEs include but are not limited to:

- rapid implementation of positioning applications based on EGNOS;
- no retro-engineering needed for existing products / systems based on GPS-only receivers;
- enhance existing navigation and location based services with accuracy and integrity provided by EGNOS;
- reduce time to market and development costs;
- gain the know-how in providing position accuracy and integrity in their applications;
- be prepared to provide GNSS applications at the time that GALILEO will be operational.

The MAGNA simulation / emulation framework consists of the GPS / EGNOS processing module that is the core module implementing the EGNOS correction and integrity algorithms, the GPS / EGNOS receiver interfaces, the EDAS interface module, the A-GPS interface module, the application interface module and the human machine interfaces (HMI).

The modules' main functionality includes:

- the GPS / EGNOS processing module consists of a set of software libraries and modules for accurate position and integrity computation;
- the EDAS interface module allows for retrieving the EGNOS raw data through GSA EDAS server;
- the A-GPS interface module is an aiding module allowing for fast TTFF computation;
- the application interface module provides the position and integrity information to the applications;
- the HMIs, mainly consisting of:

i. the configuration panel allowing for performances configuration support, integrity configuration support as well as environmental conditions configuration support;
ii. the administration panel allowing for the configuration of connectivity and data logging aspects;
iii. the results panel including details about the trajectory, variables and statistical data.

The simulation / emulation framework allows for logging the GPS / EGNOS data and the measurement data for post processing as well as saving multiple algorithmic and simulation scenario execution configurations, which can be loaded at later stage for post processing. It also includes KML Google Earth files, which can be produced by the measurement log files, in order to be able to display the simulation results in Google Earth.

Project results:

MAGNA SW libraries and modules

This chapter provides the detailed design of the MAGNA SW libraries and modules, which include the GPS / EGNOS processing module that is the core module implementing the EGNOS correction and integrity algorithms, the GPS / EGNOS receiver interfaces, the EDAS interface module, the A-GPS interface module and the application interface module. The following figure depicts an overview of the MAGNA SW libraries and modules.

The modules' main functionality includes:

- the GPS / EGNOS processing module consists of a set of software libraries and modules for accurate position and integrity computation;
- the EDAS interface module allows for retrieving the EGNOS raw data through GSA EDAS server;
- the application interface module provides the position and integrity information to the applications;
- the A-GPS interface module is an aiding module allowing for fast TTFF computation.

The detailed design of each module is provided in the following sections.

GPS / EGNOS processing module

The usual GPS positioning remains too much imprecise to be used for certain applications such the approaches in civil aviation or the positioning of vehicles on airport ground areas. Moreover, the lack of integrity information is a real problem, we don't know if we can trust the GPS system.

The European system EGNOS furnishes some corrections for the pseudorange measurements but also gives the level of trust that we can have in the position, the integrity. The MAGNA libraries developed by RTD performers aim at computing positions from GPS / EGNOS data to obtain more accurate positions than a GPS stand-alone system and also an integrity level regarding the computed position. The system has to be flexible enough to enable post-processing as well as real time processing according to the needs of the applications designers. It also has to be separated in several distinct modules in order to ease implementation and debugging and in order to access easily any required information (received messages, SBAS corrections, position / velocity and integrity information).

Firstly, the GPS / EGNOS processing library begins by picking up the different data coming from the inputs. There are three types of data:

- GPS data which contain the GPS message with the pseudorange measurements, the ephemeris (the satellite position), the ionospheric corrections for each satellite of the constellation;
- SBAS data, which contain all the corrections sent by the EGNOS satellites (pseudorange corrections, accurate ionospheric delays, tropospheric delays) but also, the information allowing to produce the trust level, the integrity message;
- sensor data, which comes from a magnetometer, a gyroscope or an odometer. This data allows making hybridisation between the GPS data and the sensor data. This process increases the accuracy of the treatment.

After the reception, the different data are stored. The software detects the type of the data before the storage.

The reception of the pseudo-range measurements from the GPS data triggers the computation of the accurate position including the processing of the SBAS data. In this part of the software, the first step is the processing of the GPS data on which are applied the corrections from EGNOS. EGNOS corrections improve the GPS positioning by correcting the raw measurements. Moreover, the satellites are selected notably according to their C/N0 level; that enables to get a better positioning.

The corrections sent by the EGNOS satellites allow computing a level of trust on the computed position; it is the computation of the integrity message which is an output of the software. In fact, for all the corrections, the EGNOS message contains the residual errors which will allow providing the general protection level.

The software produces some results which are the accurate position of the user and the integrity message (protection level).

A standard data format has been implemented for the inputs. All the file formats are received by a EGNOS messages pre-processing and data storing module which treat them and sort the data in three different general types (GNSS, SBAS, and Sensors). Since the format is always the same at the inputs, we can process in two different ways: either post-processing or real time through log file. Whatever the chosen way, log files will be processed and the information they contain will be sorted in the same way since the EGNOS messages pre-processing and data storing module has some standard inputs. The SBAS information come straight from the satellite or can be retrieved through the Internet. The software schedule is based on the receiving time of the frames.

The real time mode is not really in real time since pseudorange corrections need to be processed by some ground stations (MCC) before being broadcasted by the geostationary satellites of EGNOS system. Integrity specifications have been set by EUROCONTROL and specify that to be use in civil aviation, EGNOS must have response time of less than 6 sec. MAGNA is quick enough to give an integrity result into that time and so gives some workable results.

GPS/EGNOS receiver interfaces

The GPS / EGNOS receiver interface includes messages of the following generic classes. These classes correspond to the global classes of the messages the GPS / EGNOS processing module handles:

- GNSS messages: PR, ephemeris, AID_EPH, SUB4_P18, Precise_SVPOS, SV_POS, USER_POS, ALM, SUB5P25, SUB4_P25, NAV_SVINFO, NAV_POSLLH and TIME;
- SBAS messages: MT0, MT1, MT6, MT7, MT10, MT18, MT26, MTFC and MTSC;
- Sensor messages: XSENS, ODO_GYRO and Robucat.

The GPS / EGNOS receiver used is the AEK-4T Antaris 4 precision timing evaluation kit produced by Ublox. The features that make this receiver an essential part of the project and justify its selection are the following:

- Enables instant evaluation of the 16-channel GPS performance of Antaris 4 products.
- Easy to use. The receiver's size is extremely small and also provides a built-in USB interface for both power supply and high-speed data transfer. The receiver can also be used in combination with a PDA or a notebook PC.
- Extensive visualisation and evaluation features using the respective u-center GPS evaluation software.
- Supports AssistNow online and AssistNow offline A-GPS services.

EDAS interface module

The EDAS interface is a module responsible for:

- connecting to the EDAS server via a broadband Internet connection;
- obtaining EDAS data in real-time from the EDAS server;
- processing the data and providing appropriate EDAS messages to other entities via IP or other interfaces.

A-GPS interface module

The A-GPS interface module is an aiding module allowing for fast TTFF computation. The A-GPS interface module improves performance by providing aiding data to the GPS receiver via the internet.

A world-wide GPS monitoring network collects ephemeris and almanac data from the GPS satellites. This data is aggregated and used to derive aiding data which is then made available via the internet, from the A-GPS (online) server.

This aiding data allows GPS / EGNOS receivers to have a faster time to first fix (TTFF) in situations where the receiver has difficulty collecting required data, and where Internet connectivity is available.

The A-GPS interface module allows authorized users to connect to the A-GPS server, requests the information, evaluates the results and transmits them to the GPS / EGNOS receiver.

To register for the AssistNow online service, the user needs to simply send an e-mail to . An automatic reply will be sent back with the following information:

- user name (same as e-mail address)
- password
- disclaimer / terms of use

Under the course of the MAGNA project, GPS submitter stations as well as the respective AssistNow online server are provided by Ublox. The following figure depicts the architecture of the A-GPS interface module.

Application interface module detailed design

The application interface module is a TCP server that allows connectivity to the GPS / EGNOS processing module (client), receives the respective messages that this module transmits and forwards them to the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework HMI for further processing. In addition, the application interface module is the medium that allows 'real-time' processing of the GPS / EGNOS data by the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework HMI.

The application interface module consists of two sub-modules, the messages retrieval and buffering and the message forwarding. The messages retrieval and buffering module listens to incoming requests from the GPS / EGNOS processing module (client), receives the messages transmitted from this module and stores them in an internal queue (buffer). The message forwarding module is responsible for retrieving these messages from the buffer and sending them to the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework HMI for further processing.

The application interface module listens to IP address and port 8569.

Simulation / emulation framework

This section provides the detailed design of the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework, which constitutes the MAGNA demonstrator. It consists of the MAGNA SW libraries and modules, the log and configuration files of the simulation / emulation framework, as detailed in the previous section, and the human machine interfaces (HMI).

The simulation emulation framework log and configuration file details allow for logging the GPS / EGNOS data and the measurement data for post processing as well as saving multiple algorithmic and simulation scenario execution configurations, which can be loaded at later stage for post processing. They also include KML Google Earth files, which can be produced by the measurement log files, in order to be able to display the simulation results in Google Earth.

In the following section, the simulation / emulation framework HMI design is presented, which allows for the configuration of the MAGNA SW libraries and modules and the control of the simulation execution. The results panel displays and presents the simulation results to the users. The simulation / emulation framework HMI allows for displaying the simulation results in Google Earth.

Configuration panel

Many fields of the 'configuration' panel map to specific parameters of the 'configuration' file sub-component of the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework log and configuration files component. This configuration file is used to configure the GPS / EGNOS processing module of the MAGNA SW libraries and modules component. Additionally, the fields included in the 'operational mode' group of the 'configuration' panel concern the launch script of the GPS / EGNOS processing module.

Upon start-up of the application, the 'configuration' panel window is displayed. Since no corresponding files have been loaded or created, none of the 'configuration' panel fields are available to the user. The same applies to many buttons in the respective toolbar.

The user is able to do the following:

- Press the 'options' button or select 'tools - > options' from the drop-down menu: This action opens the 'administration' panel which allows the user to configure the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework.
- Press the 'new' button or select 'file - > new' from the drop-down menu: This action requires the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework to be firstly configured by the user i.e. open the 'administration' panel and add his preferences. If this is done at least once after the application start-up, the 'new' button press loads the default configuration parameters values on the 'configuration' panel. The 'processing mode' and 'EGNOS input' fields are set to 'real time data' and 'signal in space', respectively. Additionally, no reference positions file is loaded.
- Press the 'load' button or select 'file - > load' from the drop-down menu: This action opens the 'load' panel and the user can select and load a specific configuration file, launch script and optionally a reference positions file. The configuration file and launch script parameters map to specific fields of the 'configuration' panel. Additionally, the reference positions file name appears in the 'reference positions file' field of the 'configuration' panel.
- Press the 'load results' button or select 'file - > load results' from the drop-down menu: This action allows the user to load an existing 'measurements logged data' file and display the respective results in the 'results' panel.
- Press the 'about' button or select 'help - > about' from the drop-down menu: This action opens the 'about' panel that displays the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework logo and license specific information. Additionally, from the 'about' panel the user can register the application.

The 'configuration' panel fields can now be adjusted to user preferences. Depending on whether the user modifies these fields or not, available actions are the following (in addition to the above that are so far available):

- Press the 'update and save' button or select 'file - > update and save' from the drop-down menu: The first time this button is pressed after a 'new' button press the 'save' panel appears to the user in order to select the name and the folder path of the configuration file and launch script to save. The default file names and paths of these files are defined in the 'default paths and file names' field of the 'administration' panel. This way the selected files are generated according to the values of the fields of both the 'configuration' and 'administration' panels. After button is pressed, pressing the 'update and save' button automatically updates these files until the 'new' button is pressed. Note that if the user creates new configuration and launch script files by pressing the 'new' button, the 'start' button is enabled only after these files are saved by pressing the 'update and save' or the 'update and save as' buttons. Additionally, in case the configuration and launch script files are loaded (i.e. 'load' button) the 'update and save' button automatically updates the loaded files.
- Press the 'update and save as' button or select 'file - > update and save as' from the drop-down menu: This action always opens the 'save' panel and allows the user to set the names and the folder paths of the configuration file and launch script to be saved.
- Press the 'start' button or select 'run - > start' from the drop-down menu: This button is used to initiate the GPS / EGNOS data processing using the configuration and administration settings previously saved (or loaded). During this action and until this is completed ('post processing' mode), the user cannot press any button except 'stop', which stops data processing. Additionally, the trajectory resulted from this data processing is displayed in the 'positions' tab of the 'results' panel. The relative variables evolution over time as well as other statistical data are displayed in the 'graph' and 'statistics' tabs respectively.
- Press the 'stop' button or select 'run - > stop' from the drop-down menu: This action is enabled only during GPS / EGNOS data processing. It stops this data processing and allows further process by the application.
- If no reference positions file is selected from the 'load' panel, the user is able to select it by pressing the button located close to the right end of the 'reference positions file' field. This applies only in 'post-processing' mode i.e. only in this case the field is enabled. Additionally, the user may de-select the already selected file by pressing the 'clear' button of this field.
- Select a part of an input file to process indicated by the 'start time' and 'end time' fields of the 'observation period' group of fields. This applies only in 'post-processing' mode i.e. these fields are disabled in 'real-time' mode and the user needs to know the start and end timestamps of the selected input file.

Additionally, the configuration panel includes two status indicators located at the top right of the panel. These fields indicate the statuses of the EDAS and A-GPS interfaces ('EDAS interface' and 'A-GPS interface' fields, respectively). More specific, each value of the status of the EDAS interface corresponds to a specific colour as described in the next list:

- Gray: EDAS interface is not used
- Green: Connected to the EDAS server but not receive data
- Green-yellow: Connected to the EDAS server and receive data
- Red: Failure to connect to the EDAS server.

Finally, each value of the status of the A-GPS interface corresponds to a specific colour as described in the next list:

- Gray: A-GPS interface is not used
- Green-yellow: Connected to the A-GPS server and received data
- Red: Failure to receive A-GPS data.

Configuration parameters

The 'configuration' panel includes the following groups of configuration parameters that are available to user modifications:

- 'EGNOS correction': This group concerns the types of EGNOS corrections to be provided during data processing. Each check box enables / disables the corresponding type. Additionally, any combination of the EGNOS corrections is possible.
- 'SBAS selection': This group concerns the EGNOS geostationary satellites that are used to retrieve EGNOS data. Three of them (120, 124 and 126) designated by the PRN number are available in Europe. Each of them can be set to 'operational', 'test' and 'not used'.
- 'Performance' and 'integrity': This group concerns the performance and integrity parameters selection. The user can configure these parameters by using the following levels of configuration:

i. 'Environmental conditions' level: Upon check of the 'predefined environmental conditions settings' check box the respective environmental conditions list ('aeronautic', 'maritime', 'rural' and 'urban') appears allowing the user to configure the environmental conditions of his position. Each environmental conditions value corresponds to predefined values of the 'performance' and 'integrity' sliders that correspond to predefined values of the 'performance' and 'integrity' parameters respectively.
ii. 'Performance' and 'integrity' sliders level: The 'performance' and 'integrity' sliders are provided for the non-specialist EGNOS users who can give an estimate of their trade-off between precision and availability. Each slider is enabled when the user checks the respective check box. Additionally, each value of the 'performance' and 'integrity' sliders corresponds to predefined values of the 'performance' and 'integrity' parameters respectively.
iii. 'Performance' and 'integrity' parameters level (manual input): These parameters can be manually adjusted when the respective check box is not checked. This level of modification is useful for the experienced users.

Load panel

The 'load' panel appears immediately after each 'load' button press. It includes fields for the loaded configuration and launch script files as well as the optional (indicated by the 'optional' label) reference positions file. When the panel appears these fields are blank. The user must press the buttons located at the right end of each field and select a file using the file dialog that appears. After user selection the files appear in the respective field. The procedure is completed when the 'OK' button is pressed. The 'cancel' button cancels the loading procedure.

Save panel

The 'save' panel appears immediately after each 'update and save as' button press or the first time the 'update and save' button is pressed after the 'new' button is pressed. It includes the current selections of the configuration file and launch script. The user can change the names and the folder paths of the files to be saved by using the buttons located at the right end of the respective fields. The procedure is completed when the 'OK' button is pressed. The 'cancel' button cancels the saving procedure.

Administration panel

The 'administration' panel includes fields that are used to configure the whole MAGNA simulation / emulation framework. More specific, the following settings are included in the 'administration' panel:

1. 'Default paths and file names':
a. 'Configuration file': The 'default path' and 'default name' fields apply in the folder path and file name respectively that are used to save a new (by pressing the 'new' button) configuration file.
b. 'Launch script': The 'default path' and 'default name' fields apply in the folder path and file name respectively that are used to save a new (by pressing the 'new' button) launch script file.

The user can change the 'default path' fields by pressing the button located at the right end of each corresponding field and select a path using the folder browser dialog that appears. Additionally, the user can change manually the 'default name' fields. The format of these fields is and there is no restriction either in the field or in the field.

2. 'Default output file path':
The 'calculated positions' field applies in the folder path where the logged data (.pos and .rng files) will be generated when a new (by pressing the 'new' button) scenario is processed. Additionally, this information is included in the new launch script file. Finally, the user can change the value of this field by pressing the button located at the right end of this field and select a path using the folder browser dialog that appears.

3. 'Positions':
The 'computation interval' field indicates the interval that the position information is computed, for example 5 positions/second. This field does not update any configuration setting of the GPS receiver or the GPS / EGNOS processing module. On the contrary, the user is responsible to set this field according to the system configuration in order to acquire more accurate statistics results.

4. 'GPS interface':
The 'serial port' field indicates the port (e.g. COM3) that the u-blox GPS receiver is plugged in. If more than one receiver is plugged in, this field indicates the list of ports and the user can select the port / receiver to use in (receiver) 'real-time' data processing. Additionally, the receiver port information is included in the launch script file. Finally, the 'administration' panel polls every 1 sec to retrieve the list of ports that the u-blox GPS receivers are plugged in so any change will be indicated by this field.

5. 'EDAS interface':
The 'IP address' and 'port' fields apply in the IP address and port that the EDAS service provider listens for requests. These settings are necessary for the application to retrieve EGNOS corrections from the EDAS server.

6. 'A-GPS interface':
a. 'Enable': This check box allows the user to use or not the A-GPS service when 'real-time' data are retrieved from the u-blox GPS receiver. When this check box is checked the A-GPS service will be used in receiver 'real-time' data processing.
b. 'User name': This field applies in the user name used to register for the AssistNow online service and is mandatory for the A-GPS service.
c. 'Password': This field applies in the password acquired during registration of the AssistNow online service and is mandatory for the A-GPS service.
d. 'Server hostname': The hostname of the A-GPS server to connect. This field is mandatory for the A-GPS service.
e. 'Server port': The port that the A-GPS server listens to requests. This field is mandatory for the A-GPS service.
f. 'Request type': This field applies in the type of request that the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework submits to retrieve A-GPS data. Available commands are the full, aid and eph. Additionally, this field is mandatory for the A-GPS service.
g. 'Accuracy (optional)': This field applies in the accuracy of the submitted position required when sending the request for the A-GPS data. If not provided, the A-GPS server assumes an accuracy of 300 Km. The check box above the respective text box enables / disables the 'accuracy' feature.
h. 'Latency (optional)': This field applies in the time the A-GPS server receives the request for assistance data, and the time when the assistance data arrives at the GPS receiver. The check box above the respective text box enables / disables the 'latency' feature.

The following table includes the default values of all the fields of the 'administration' panel. Note that all of them are configurable by the user. Additionally, these settings are saved by the application each time the 'OK' button is pressed and are then available each time the user opens the application. Finally, the 'cancel' button cancels the saving procedure.

About panel

The 'about' panel is depicted in the following figure. This panel displays the MAGNA simulation / emulation framework logo as well as the license status of both MAGNA simulation / emulation framework HMI and GPS/EGNOS processing module components. The latter is indicated in the text box immediately above the 'license manager' and 'OK' buttons.

The 'license manager' button displays the 'license manager' panel that is used to register the application. Finally, the 'OK' button closes the 'about' panel.

Results panel
The 'results' panel consists of the 'ositions', 'graph' and 'statistics' tabs.

This panel displays the trajectory (in black colour) in latitude and longitude. In addition, HPL (in blue colour) and HAL (in red colour) information are displayed. The trajectory retrieved from a reference positions file may also be displayed (in green colour) in order to compare with the original trajectory. In 'real time' mode, the graph is refreshed at a certain period (200 milliseconds). Additionally, upon mouse over a trajectory point the latitude, longitude and additional information of this point are displayed.

The user is able to perform the following actions:

- press the 'zoom in / out' buttons or select 'view - > zoom in / out' from the drop-down menu: These actions allow the user to focus or not in a specific point(s) of the trajectory. These buttons are related to the ranges of the X (longitude) and Y (latitude) axes of the graph. Additionally, there are one horizontal and one vertical scrollbars that assist the user to scroll to a coordinate(s).
- press the 'Google Earth' button or select 'run - > Google Earth' from the drop-down menu: This action opens Google Earth and displays the trajectory on a satellite picture.

In addition to the zoom in / out feature provided through the 'zoom in / out' buttons, the user is able to use the mouse and keyboard to zoom in / out and scroll in the trajectory. The following list indicates these additional features and the respective mouse and keyboard usage:

- mouse wheel-up: zoom in
- mouse wheel-down: zoom out
- keyboard Ctrl + mouse wheel -up: scroll up
- keyboard Ctrl + mouse wheel -down: scroll down
- keyboard Shift + mouse wheel -up: scroll right
- keyboard Shift + mouse wheel -down: scroll left

Finally, at the bottom of the results panel there are the 'start time' and 'end time' scrollbars and the respective text boxes. These scrollbars are available to the user in all sub-panels of the results panel in 'post-processing' mode or when the 'real-time' mode is complete. The first time a results panel opens these scrollbars indicate the first and last point of the loaded trajectory. The respective text boxes indicate the timestamps of the first and last points. Then the user may perform the following actions:

- Select a part of the points / measurements to display. When the 'start time' scrollbar is moving left or right N positions then the panel is extended or reduced N points in comparison to the first point of the previous set of points. When the 'end time' scrollbar is moving left or right N positions then the panel is reduced or extended N points in comparison to the last point of the previous set of points. The text boxes indicate always the first and end timestamp of the current set of points / measurements.
- Select a time window to scroll to all the available points / measurements. This is achieved by using the 'lock time window' check box. If this is checked both 'start time' and 'end time' scrollbars are moving together displaying the data of only this time window.

This panel displays the evolution of specific variables over time. The user may choose which variable(s) to observe by checking the respective check box(s) and un-checking the others. The 'show all' and 'hide all' buttons assist the user in this selection. The variables values are displayed in the text boxes located immediately right of the respective check boxes.

In 'real time' mode the display is regularly updated indicating only the last twenty values (scrolling window) of the respective variables. In 'post processing' mode, a time line as well as two buttons ('<', '>') allow the user to navigate through the parameters values over time.

When the results panel opens the first time, the time line is located at the right end of the graph and the boxes indicate the values of the variables of the last point of this set of points. The user may click on a point or drag (using the mouse) the time line to indicate the values of the checked variables of a specific point. If the new point is close to a data point the time line will 'snap' to the corresponding timestamp of the point. Otherwise, the time line will stop between data points and the displayed values will be calculated via interpolation. The 'snapped' values are indicated with green colour and the interpolated values with red colour.

Finally, the user may select a part of the points to display using the 'start time' and 'end time' scrollbars and the 'lock time window' check box.

Stattistical data
This panel displays the evolution of system integrity over time. The computation at all time of the actual horizontal position error (HPE) depends on the availability of the reference positions.

At the left side of the panel, the HPE is compared to the horizontal protection level (HPL). Each point corresponds to a computed position. The HPL can be computed at every epoch by the user providing an estimation of the boundary of the current position error.

The applicable horizontal alert limit (HAL) is also displayed in the panel. The horizontal blue line represents HPL = AL, the vertical blue line represents HPE = AL. The red line corresponds to HPE = HPL. Thus, the panel is divided into four areas that correspond to the following cases:

- A - Dark green points: Points above the red line means that MI = HPE/HPL < 1. The system is safe for use, since the estimated error provided to the user is larger than the actual error. Since HPL < HAL, the system is considered available.
- B - Green points: MI = HPE / HPL >1 means that the system is providing misleading information (MI). The system is less safe than the user thinks it to be. However, since points in B section corresponds to HPE < HAL, the user is not in immediate danger.
- C - Orange points: MI = HPE/HPL >1. Moreover, points in C correspond to HPE > HAL. These positions should not be used since they do not meet safety requirements, but they may not be detected (since HPL < HPE). Thus, the user is provided hazardously misleading information (HMI). The system is less safe than the user thinks it to be, which can lead to danger.
- D - Yellow points: MI = HPE/HPL < 1. The information provided to the user is safe. However, the system is unavailable since HPL > HAL.

At the top right of the panel, the amount of time during which the user is in each of the four areas is represented. The colour of each area is set according to the colour of the respective points in the HPE / HPL graph.

At the bottom right of the panel, the amount of time during which the user is in each of the navigation type (PA, NPA, GPS-only) is represented, depending on the information provided by EGNOS.

At the middle right of the panel, the following numerical values are provided:

- mean HPL;
- mean HPE;
- MI > 1: corresponds to the amount of time during which HPE > HPL, meaning that the system is providing misleading information;
- system availability: corresponds to the percentage of time during which HPL - GNSS availability: corresponds to the percentage of the number of the computed positions and the number of the positions that should be computed. The latter is calculated if the user is aware of the computation interval of the positions of the system. This has to be set by the user in the administration panel field 'positions - > computation interval'.

Finally, the user may select a part of the points to display using the 'start time' and 'end time' scrollbars and the 'lock time window' check box.

Google Earth

In addition to the 'results' panel, the user is able to export the trajectory using the Google Earth application. This is achieved by pressing the 'Google Earth' button or selecting the 'run - > Google Earth' from the drop-down menu of the 'results' panel. This button is available in 'post-processing' mode or after the 'real-time' processing is complete.

Then the trajectory is exported on a satellite picture as the following figure depicts. Upon left-click of the mouse on a trajectory point, additional information is displayed such as the speed of the vehicle, HPL, HPE, HDOP and the respective position.

The adapted MAGNA SW libraries

A specific configuration of the MAGNA SW libraries was delivered to each SME in order to stick with the specificities of each application and a simulation / emulation framework, which will allow SMEs to extensively experiment with in order to decide if they will integrate the libraries in their applications.

The MAGNA evaluation results

Measurement collection

The test bench for the measurement collections campaigns consisted of the following:

- A GPS-EGNOS receiver: the model used for the campaigns was a Ublox LEA-4T. It supports DGPS, WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS. The LEA-4T also supports raw data output at an uptake rate of 10 Hz. The UBX-RXM-RAW message includes carrier phase with half-cycle ambiguity resolved, code phase and Doppler measurements, which can be used in external applications that offer precision positioning, real-time kinematics (RTK) and attitude sensing.
- An external antenna: the model used for the campaigns was the one provided by Ublox with the GPS-EGNOS receiver. It is an active GPS antenna with integrated low-noise amplifier (27 dB gain and 1.8 dB noise figure).
- A laptop on which the raw data files were recorded: the software used to control, monitor, and record data output was the SW provided by Ublox. It generates .ubx files, a proprietary but documented binary format.

Potential impact:

Galileo to increase the value of GNSS market

In 2009, GSA developed and implemented a GNSS market monitoring and forecasting process, which includes:

- A GNSS and Galileo market model based on solid underlying data, econometric techniques and key assumptions validated by focus groups of experts. This model allows the GSA to estimate the size of the market and simulate different scenarios for the above-mentioned segments.
- A GNSS and Galileo public benefits model (linked to the former) based on socioeconomic analysis and key assumptions and validated by experts. The model allows the GSA to assess the benefits Galileo will provide to the public sector and to EU citizens by market segment.

Following the GSA market analysis based on the aforementioned models, the global market for satellite-based navigation products and services will continue its strong growth, reaching about EUR 250 billion by 2030. The GSA estimates that Galileo will increase the overall value of the market by about EUR 14 billion over the period 2010 - 2027 in the four assessed segments, which include road, location based services (LBS), aviation and agriculture.

Almost 60 % of the estimated Galileo market-building effect is in the road segment. LBS is the second largest segment, accounting for more than one-third of total revenues.

Within the road segment, the most widespread application is still expected to be car navigation. Other innovative uses of satellite navigation - such as road user charging (RUC), advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), pay per use insurance (PPUI) and the monitoring of livestock and dangerous goods transport - are up-and-coming today and will continue to expand in the coming years. These applications will emerge mainly due to Galileo, which will provide unprecedented accuracy, along with integrity information and an authentication function.

The public benefits to the 27 EU Member States from satellite-based navigation are estimated to be over EUR 800 billion during the period 2010 - 2027. This value does not include some of the major potential benefits, such as employment growth and saved lives, which were estimated on a non-monetary basis.

Meanwhile, the public benefits derived from Galileo are forecast at EUR 58 billion in the 2010 - 2027 period. The benefits include reduced travel time and fuel consumption, and public expenditures savings due to a reduction in road accidents and injuries, for example.

These public benefits are expected to grow rapidly. The road segment has the potential to get the largest public benefits from Galileo, accounting for more than 70 % of the estimated total. The benefits derive mainly from a reduction in travel time (a result of better navigation), the availability of more devices, better congestion management and the development of intelligent services.

The development of LBS, such as GNSS-assisted medical monitoring and other emergency services, will lead to significant benefits due to the reduction of injuries. In agriculture, the use of more accurate positioning technologies enabled by Galileo will allow rationalisation and increased efficiency in the use of fertilisers and pesticides. In aviation, the integrity information provided by Galileo and EGNOS will increase flight safety and reduce fuel consumption.

Innovation and benefits

Many organisations (including a considerable number of European SMEs) are developing and marketing positioning application based on low cost GNSS receivers for different application areas. These applications (especially in Europe) are based on positioning data mainly provided by GPS (and in the medium-term Galileo), which in many cases may become problematic due to the low accuracy provided (thus preventing the take-up of services with high accuracy constraints), the low availability of satellite positioning signals particularly in urban areas and the reliability of the positioning information, the so-called integrity. EGNOS with its offerings addresses exactly these problems and becomes of particular interest to be integrated in the current applications based on low cost GNSS receivers or future positioning applications.

However, still the significant technological know-how of embedding EGNOS (in Europe) functionality in positioning applications, has prevented European SMEs, developing location based applications, from adopting these new technological opportunities, thus not getting them in a position to be able to exploit the accuracy, reliability, and availability offered by EGNOS (and future Galileo) in their applications. This fact also prevents them from presenting new pioneering positioning applications, as it would require a huge EGNOS / Galileo technology investment, which usually is outside of the core business of such companies. The main reasons prohibiting the current use of the EGNOS / Galileo offerings are the following:

- There are available EGNOS receivers, however currently big in size, high-cost, with high power consumption, thus totally preventing their usage in commercial GNSS receivers.
- Although the European Space Agency (ESA) has made available the EGNOS data access server (EDAS) for the access of EGNOS products through the Internet, the integration of such data in SMEs positioning applications requires the development of significant technology expertise in various domains (EDAS communication protocols, correction and integrity algorithms), which is not their business.
- Although EGNOS based correction and integrity monitoring algorithms have been validated and almost certified for air navigation, there is still a long way to go before such methodologies can be really operational for other types of ground applications which have totally different requirements (i.e. the multipath effect in highly urban areas).

Additionally, although GSA and ESA have set a specific plan for using EGNOS and Galileo in GNSS positioning applications by funding the development of low-cost and miniaturised GALILEO and EGNOS receivers, these will not be available until 2015 (given the current plan which is questionable in terms of further delays).

The MAGNA project filled exactly this gap by providing a viable solution to the aforementioned SME problems, by supplying the software libraries and tools required for the design and validation of EGNOS / Galileo aware positioning applications, targeting SMEs who are seeking to improve their existing positioning applications, and launch new applications making full utilisation of the EGNOS / Galileo technologies.
The solution that the MAGNA project offered is mainly targeting SMEs or other organisations that are seeking cost-effective and easy to use solutions allowing for rapid development of positioning applications with higher accuracy and integrity by exploiting the full potential of EGNOS (and Galileo in the future).

The benefits for the SMEs include but are not limited to the following:

- Rapid implementation of positioning applications based on EGNOS. The MAGNA SW libraries and simulation / emulation framework will allow embedding EGNOS (in Europe) functionality in positioning applications without becoming an expert in this domain.
- No retro-engineering needed for existing products / systems based on GPS-only receivers. The MAGNA SW libraries can be rapidly integrated in existing positioning applications and provide higher accuracy compared to the one provided by GPS alone.
- Reduce time to market and development costs. The MAGNA SW libraries and simulation / emulation framework allows for developing GNSS positioning applications or enhancing existing ones without requiring to become an expert in this domain, since significant know-how and effort is required. Thus time to market and development costs of new or upgraded positioning applications is radically reduced.
- Gain the know-how in providing position accuracy and integrity in their applications. The technological know-how in the areas addressed by MAGNA will be also possible to be used for providing solutions in other GNSS application areas.
- Be prepared to provide GNSS applications at the time that Galileo will be operational. SMEs will have significant advantage in responding to the market requirements by the time that Galileo will be operational through this interim EGNOS exploitation in their applications.

Contribution to community social objectives

The MAGNA project is relevant - and in accordance - with a wide variety of European policies, while it also addresses a number of community societal objectives contributing to their solution. More specifically, the MAGNA project addresses the following objectives:

Improving quality of life

MAGNA provides the software libraries and tools required for the design and validation of EGNOS / Galileo aware positioning applications making full utilisation of the EGNOS / Galileo technologies. These technologies revolutionises the transport systems by increasing safety and improving efficiency, which results for better quality of life and less pollution in the cities. They are also bringing benefits in other aspects of everyday life, with precision farming raising yields, improved information for emergency services speeding up response times, and more reliable and accurate time signals underpinning the most vital computer and communications networks.

The applicability of the MAGNA SW tools in other application domains will also have as a result to improve quality of life, which is safeguarded by the EGNOS / Galileo technologies themselves.

Improving working conditions

MAGNA provides the means for EGNOS / Galileo aware positioning applications in diverse application areas including telecoms, assistive living, animal and person tracking, transport, maritime and monitoring of traffic and air quality. Higher accuracy and integrity monitoring in these areas will definitely improve working conditions.

By considering for example maritime, MAGNA will help improve navigation, operations, traffic management, seaport operations, inland waterways, casualty analysis, offshore exploration and exploitation and fisheries, thus improving working conditions.

Additionally in transport, companies that transport goods need to know where their vehicles are at all times, as do public services such as police, ambulance and taxi services. MAGNA will be a key tool for better managing land transport in Europe, increase both capacity and safety, whether by road or rail. Goods managers will be able to know exactly when a consignment has been held up and its exact location. This will also improve customer service, as clients can be notified of delays and the reasons for them. Operators will also be able to dispatch breakdown crews to precisely defined locations at a moment's notice. All of the aforementioned examples rationalise why MAGNA will improve quality of life.

Improving employment prospects and the level of skills in Europe

EGNOS / Galileo is a key element in the European employment strategy and in the recently adopted strategy on the new European labour market. The MAGNA consortium intends to remain closely aligned to contribution to the improvement of employment prospects and utilisation and development of skills in Europe. GNSS industry is a booming market, which has already entered the mass market era and MAGNA will increase the adoption of GNSS and EGNOS, which it is believed that will pave the way for Galileo and generate economic and social benefits and business opportunities improving employment prospects.

The developers of positioning applications using the MAGNA SW libraries and tools will gain the know-how in providing position accuracy and integrity in their applications, without retro-engineering for existing products / systems, and will be prepared to provide GNSS applications at the time that GALILEO will be operational. All these aspects contribute not only to the enhancement of the skills of the workforce, but also to the reduced time to market and development costs of new products as well as to their leverage for optimum performance of the organisation.


The dissemination activities performed during the project course are listed below:

- maintained the MAGNA website, available at and performed continuous updates;
- updated the MAGNA brochure;
- updated the MAGNA project presentation;
- provision of an article abstract to the Institute Of Navigation GNSS 2011;
- planned for technical publications in future scientific conferences and workshops;
- organised the MAGNA first workshop within the Toulouse Space Show 2010;
- organised the MAGNA second workshop on 8 June 2011, at the Institut Aéronautique et Spatial (IAS) in Toulouse;
- prepared the MAGNA White Paper and made it available through the web site;
- establishment and maintenance of the MAGNA SIG;
- liaison with other projects (AMIC-TCP, FIL).


The European GNNS Supervisory Authority, in cooperation with the European Commission, through its programmes and procurements encourages organisations and particularly SMEs to enter the GNSS market, having as an objective to increase the adoption of GNSS, which it is believed that will pave the way for Galileo and generate economic and social benefits. The adoption of the EGNOS benefits in GNSS positioning applications constitutes an intermediate step towards this direction.

The MAGNA project and the time that its results will be available is totally consistent with this plan, allowing for the interim EGNOS exploitation in GNSS positioning application. The results that will be provided by MAGNA will accelerate EGNOS (and future Galileo) adoption in GNSS positioning applications, having a direct impact on improving the competitiveness of the MAGNA SME participants by exploiting the EGNOS benefits in their products / applications, leading to direct economic benefits.

The solution that the MAGNA project offers is mainly targeting SMEs or other organisations that are seeking cost-effective and easy to use solutions allowing for rapid development of positioning applications with higher accuracy and integrity by exploiting the full potential of EGNOS (and Galileo in the future).

The SMEs involved in the project are already active in this booming market, with established product lines and constantly struggling to improve services and products and growing their market shares. As already outlined above to maintain their competitive edge they need to adopt new technologies fast and efficiently, as in the case of augmentation systems such as EGNOS. In a market which is expected to reach EUR 160 billion by 2020, SMEs with a good market standing stand a very fair chance of market success.

Considering the above, the exploitation strategy of the MAGNA results on behalf of the MAGNA SMEs, namely Solinet, Navocap, Miltech and Tracker is twofold:

- Each SME will exploit the specific configurations of the MAGNA SW libraries that will be delivered, which stick with the specificities of each SME application, in their application.
- Each SME will exploit the MAGNA SW libraries and emulation / simulation framework in future experimentation and development of EGNOS aware positioning applications.

Furthermore, the specific configurations of the EGNOS correction and integrity monitoring algorithms for diverse application areas including telecoms, assistive living, animal and person tracking, transport, maritime and monitoring of traffic and air quality, the communication interfaces for receiving the EGNOS products through EDAS and the data interfaces providing the corrected position and the integrity monitoring information to the application are made publicly available through the MAGNA White Paper (D3.3). This allows for their implementation by third-party organisations interested in the MAGNA technology for developing GNSS positioning application with higher accuracy and monitoring of integrity.

The RTD performers, namely Teletel, M3Systems and TESA will provide maintenance services (i.e. support, bug-fixes etc.) of the MAGNA SW libraries and emulation / simulation framework for two years after the end of the project, free of charge. Beyond that period, the RTD performers might be assigned by SMEs for the upgrade and the evolutive maintenance under special financial agreements. Additionally, it is within the RTP Performers corporate strategy to develop technological know-how in the areas addressed by MAGNA so that they can provide solutions in other GNSS application areas.

Project website: