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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Smart sensor systems design

Final Activity Report Summary - SMARTSES (Smart sensor systems design)

The results obtained during the project have an exceptional importance for industry because of at the first time, new measurement technologies and electronics components - novel integrated circuits of high precision, 2-channel Universal Sensors and Transducers Interface (USTI), which has not any analogs in the World - are ready for technology transfer to industry.

The USTI is intending for any frequency, period, duty-cycle, phase-shift and pulse width modulated output sensors and transducers. It has 3 popular interfaces: RS232, SPI and I2C. Taking into account that a frequency (period) as informative parameter of sensor's output signal has much more advantages in comparison with traditional analog sensor's output signals, it means the beginning of revolution reorientation from analog signal domain to frequency-time signal domain in metrology.

The USTI is based on 4 patented methods for frequency (period), its ratio, duty-cycle and phase-shift measurements. It has 26 measuring and one generated (10 MHz) modes; programmable relative error from 1 to 0.0005 %, broad frequency range from 0.05 Hz to 9 MHz (144 MHz), scalable resolution and non-redundant conversion time.

The USTI available in 28-laed PDIP, 32-lead TQFP and 32-pad MLF (5x5x1 mm) and can be embedded into any desktop, hand-held or pen-size measuring instruments or miniature sensors package.

Applications. Due to high metrological performances and wide functionality the USTI has numerous applications:
* Automobile Industry
* Instrumentation
* Smart and Digital Sensors and Transducers
* Interfacing and Signal Conditioning
* Analog-to-Digital Converters
* Chemistry and Biochemistry
* Communication applications

Each of the possible applications can reap a great benefit for appropriate industry sectors in Europe in the whole, thus improving their market position in the world. Smart sensors and systems are strongly relevant to European interests. According to analytics from the Global Industry Analysts Inc., Europe represents the largest and fastest growing smart sensors market and is projected to reach USD 2.1 billion by 2010, while the global smart sensors market will reach USD 7.8 billion by 2015.

Industry preparation for new technology. During the SMARTSES project many appropriate steps have been made in order to prepare the European and World industry for coming proposed advanced technologies. So, a course on 'Smart Sensors Systems Design' has been given for industry at Fundacio UPC in 2007 and 2008.

The lecture about these modern technologies have been given also in the frame of Tecnologia Motociclicta, Electricidad y Electr?nica course at Fundaci? UPC (2009), Sensors and Signal Conditioning courses (2008, 2009) at UPC; seminars in University of Applied Science, (Furtwangen, Germany, 2007), Universita di Brescia (Italy, 2008), University of Catania (Italy, 2008), Technical University of Catalonia (Spain 2008) and Centre d'Innovacio Tecnologica en Convertidors Estatics I Accionaments (2006).

Appropriate online courses have been launched at Sensors Web Portal and IEEE Sensors Council web sites.

Related papers have been presented in 25 international conferences and symposiums including two invited presentations at Sensors Expo & Conference 2008, USA and ROSE' 2008, Canada.

During the project, the IEEE 1451 standard extension for frequency-time domain sensors and transducers has been proposed. The European analog of IEEE 1451 standard should include such extension. This will be one of the main European contributions into the standardisation process.

Further steps should include creation of distance learning courses, remote laboratory based on USTI and project-based e-learning course at the UOC.