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Facilitate IT-providing SMEs by Operation-related Models and Methods

Final Report Summary - FACIT-SME (Facilitate IT-providing SMEs by Operation-related Models and Methods)

Executive Summary:
The FACIT-SME project addresses SMEs and SME associations (SME-AG) operating in the ICT domain. The FACIT-SME portal supports 4 different types of work areas:
• ORM, IT knowledge provided by a SME network or AG (Methods, Tools, Quality Models, Enterprise Model Fragments),
• Enterprise area, each enterprise can receive its own area to manage enterprise models, project models, tools and quality models, In the enterprise area the enterprise administrator can add members and change rights.
• Project area, each enterprise can establish a number of projects. A project is based on a project model of the enterprise area which can be instantiated from the ORM but also be created independently. If a project was successful a template of the project can be generated to be used for future similar projects.
• Execution, a project can be executed in a workflow engine and also managed via a common interface provided by the FACIT portal.
The FACIT-SME solutions, especially OSES (see public deliverable D3.1) are prepared for open source because no additional licence is required to establish an open source project. Also the source is available via a well-known source code administration tool “Subversion”. The management functionalities for a distributed work via intranet are established and intensively used in the project. Joinet, IPK, Tecnalia and UNIMORE are able to work at their location but together via “Subversion” and the tracking system “Trac”.
At the interim review in July 2011 a recommendation was that not all parts need to be open source. Therefore, the AGs leading the project decided to keep the IPRs of the main components. This has been documented in the exploitation plan of the project. However, the web service interface of the FACIT-SME Box as well as the interface description for connecting modelling services and workflow services will stay open source. The content of the deliverable D2.1 was already published and is therefore also open.
The main targets for the RTD providers in the second project period were the improvement of the FACIT prototype along requirements defined by end users. The end users were SMEs running application scenarios and providing suggestions for improvements to the developer team of the platform. The work was documented within two deliverables: D5.1 “Evaluation Scenario definition” and D5.2 “ORM and OSES evaluation”. An overview of the software improvements and results is available in the document D4.2 “FACIT-SME final prototype”.
Régens coordinated work package 5 and supported the execution of user scenarios by SME partners. The work done in the scenarios was technically and methodologically supported by all RTD partners. IPK supported the enterprise and project modelling especially at Qonsult and TSW. Tecnalia performed assessment and certification scenarios with ABARTIA and SAREIN in the scope of work package 5. These application scenarios have been supplemented by an assessment and certification approach in Spain with ABARTIA and SAREIN. It has been supported by Tecnalia in the scope of work package 6 and is documented in D6.2: “Certification”.
Régens supported the scenarios at Calculus. Calculus tested the FACIT-SME solution according structured systems analysis and design method (SSADM). The method has been added additionally to the methods described within D2.1. It illustrates the extendibility of the FACIT-SME content within the FACIT-SME portal.
Joinet took over the main part of the development. Joinet run the FACIT-SME portal on their servers and provided continually updates related to end user demands and findings. The FACIT-SME portal was accessible by all FACIT-SME partners via internet. Therefore, the partners could easily follow the development of the FACIT-SME solution. Each partner who runs a scenario got their own enterprise area to define models and to conduct tests such as assessments between the enterprise models and quality models.
Joinet provided also updates of the database and web services to extend the functionality of the FACIT portal. IPK provided improvements of the modelling services and followed database and user interface updates.
To simplify the use of an enterprise modelling tool with the FACIT-SME solution, IPK improved the integration of the FACIT-SME modelling services into MO²GO. Tecnalia and Unimore worked on the performance of the assessment functionality of the FACIT-SME solution. This functionality has used an ontology approach to compare different models. Joinet also further developed the web service interface to workflow engines and connected Bonita.
Régens supported the development by providing usability analyses and the developing of a Moodle-based platform for eLearning. This platform was filled by content from the training sessions:
• The training sessions starting during the GA September 2011 in Budapest and further developed in several events with end users.
• A specific course for trainers has been developed and tested in the scope of the general assembly February 2012 in Madrid.
• The courses were translated in Spanish language and performed in Spain in March 2012.
The sessions were developed and tested in the scope of work package 6. The training material and training concept were documented in D6.1: Report of the SME training.
The project achieved a number of technical results according to the description of work and described above. The main technical results of FACIT-SME are summarized below:
• The FACIT-SME portal running in the internet including maintenance services for the FACIT-SME content,
• The eLearning platform accessible via internet,
• Modelling services to access the FACIT-SME database directly via the MO²GO system,
• Workflow interface services for connecting workflow systems with the FACIT-SME database represented by a Bonita interface.
The public deliverables are available via “”.
In parallel to the technical development of the project, the AGs disseminated the FACIT-SME results within events, newspapers and web pages in Hungary, Italy, and Spain. Details of the dissemination activities are described in D7.5 Dissemination materials period 2 and D7.6 Dissemination Report. Also the RTD partners created papers and presented them in related conferences such as 2011 EuroSPI, European SEPG, IESA 2010, SPICE days, IESA 2012 and Interop-Vlab general assembly. The impact of the dissemination has been measured by the number of conference participants and hits on the web pages.
The dissemination has been also supplemented by the following activities:
• Public web site (
• FACIT-SME newsletter (the issue 5 provides an overview of the FACIT-SME results)
• Information on the local web pages of the AGs
• FACIT-SME brochure
• FACIT-SME presentations at related organisations such as INTEROP-VLAB and IFIP
• Papers and workshops
• Bulletins of the AGs
Project Context and Objectives:
The goals of the FACIT-SME project are:
a) to facilitate the use of Software Engineering (SE) methods and to systematize their application integrated with the business processes,
b) to provide efficient and affordable certification of these processes according to internationally accepted standards, and
c) to securely share best practices, tools and experiences with development partners and customers.
The project targets are:
1. to develop a novel Open Reference Model (ORM) for ICT SMEs, serving as knowledge backbone in terms of procedures, documents, tools and deployment methods,
2. to develop a customisable Open Source Enactment System (OSES) that provides IT support for the project-specific application of the ORM, and
3. to evaluate these developments with 5 ICT SMEs by establishing the ORM, the OSES and preparing the certifications. The approach combines and amends achievements from Model Generated Workplaces, certification of SE for SMEs, and model-based document management.
The consortium is shaped by four significant SME associations as well as a European association exclusively focused on the SME community in the ICT sector. Five R&D partners provide the required competences. Five SMEs operating in the ICT domain will evaluate the results in daily-life application.
The major impact is expected for ICT SMEs by
a) optimising their processes based on best practise,
b) achieving internationally accepted certification, and
c) gaining access to structured reference knowledge.
ICT SME enterprises will improve implementation projects and make their solutions more appealing to SMEs. ICT SME communities (organized by associations) will experience significant benefit through exchange of recent knowledge and best practises. By providing clear assets (ORM and OSES), the associations shape the service offering to their members and strengthen their community. The use of Open Source will further facilitate the spread of the results across European SMEs.
Project Results:
IPK organised continually telephone conferences and meetings between the FACIT-SME RTD partners. IPK managed the TC agenda in Budapest, which included the preparation of the review agenda. Preparation work of the review of FACIT-SME in July 2011 has been performed by IPK, as well as the management of the FACIT-SME review follow-up. Furthermore, IPK has managed the preparation of the GA in September 2011 in Budapest. IPK created and discussed the GA minutes of the Budapest meeting including the minutes of the training session. The minutes were distributed and changes were integrated. IPK managed coordination telephone conferences between WP4 and WP5 as well as according the finalisation of D5.1. IPK performed several readings of the document to improve its quality. IPK prepared the FACIT-SME review and did the management report especially the deliverable 1.2.
GAIA was occupied with the preparation of the bimonthly reports and cost statements, as well as the preparation of the contents and materials for the review meeting in Brussels. GAIA participated as well in the GA Meeting in Budapest. CONETIC participated in the GA meeting in Budapest, Bologna, as well as Madrid. Sarein, as well as Tecnalia participated in the GA meeting in Budapest. Tecnalia, Unimore, TSW and PIN-SME were also occupied with the preparation of bimonthly reports and cost statements.
Furthermore, the IPK worked on the enterprise model reference structure and on the method models related to the ORM structure with the target to support the interviews related to WP5. A workshop was performed with German industry regarding the implementation of IT systems into manufacturing industry. This related to the issue how to manage and fulfil the requirements in this process. IPK further analysed the first tests of the reference model concerning the feasibility of starting from this reference and created a structuring of the model concerning the different domains of application such as user requirement analysis and software implementation process. The software implementation process was derived from the experiences of implementing manufacturing execution systems in industry.
The feasibility and potential of creating instances from the reference model has been tested in Italy (Bologna) with TSW and in cooperation with WP5. IPK created a schema of model fragments already described in deliverable D2.1. The structure is named “ORM Fragments” and covered the different aspects of the reference model. The idea of an area for enterprise models and project models was further elaborated. IPK contributed the T4.2 results to the presentation of WP4 in the first FACIT-SME review. IPK inserted the ORM fragments into the FACIT-SME Portal by using the modelling interface. Because of the further development of the platform, it was necessary to repeat this work related to updates. A concept of different levels for models such as enterprise models covering all enterprise processes and used for assessment and certification and project models used for project execution was further introduced and detailed. IPK finalised the work on the Filtering/Specialization system and provided related input to the tutorials in WP6 which was prepared by WP6 at the GA in Budapest in September 2011.
Joinet conducted a deep refinement of the software related to test results and first applications within the application scenarios in WP5. The main effort was oriented to the platform administration, the harmonisation functionality for models and the context element mechanism. Especially the maintenance of context elements has been simplified. Joinet did a deep refinement after testing of the filtering component as well as of the context element user and administrator definition. After implementation of the harmonization feature, tests were done. Areas where to show such feature have been defined. Joinet was also occupied with testing and improving the administrator access for managing filtering options onORM-side (both graphical and functional).In task 4.4 IPK worked on the interface for the project adapted models together with Joinet to create a process for instantiating and adapting models within the FACIT-SME platform. This included the development of a web service interface for the modelling tool MO²GO. IPK worked on fixes of data transfer problems in the web interface of MO²GO and further developed the operations for the model synchronisation to allow the instantiation of models within the FACIT-SME platform. The FACIT-SME approach was presented to the enterprise interoperability community in Brussels by IPK. IPK followed the development of the web service connector and FACIT-SME database by testing and providing information on its improvement.
Furthermore, IPK prepared related presentations for the first FACIT-SME review. After the review, IPK implemented required functionalities and MO²GO class structures following the enrichment of the FACIT-SME platform. IPK provided a version of the modelling services for the usage by end users within training courses. A related MO²GO package was designed and distributed.
Joinet improved the visualization and features of the basic ORM structure as well as the functionalities for the models. This was done by adding administrative functionalities for managing ORM enterprise models. Joinet also performed improvements to reduce the time required for the similarity helper by introduction of limits in the terms. Following the integration of the semantic helper with the Unimore implementation of the semantic search, Joinet worked on a definition of the testing component for the semantic helper.
Tecnalia coded a library to compute the similarity-based mechanism on the text in order to filter the projects’ methodologies based on quality aspects, as well as the integration of mechanisms to gather information from neighbours of text, requirements for quality models, inputs, outputs, etc. for processes. This followed the performance of improvements to reduce the time required for the similarity helper by introduction of a limit in the depth of the recursion of neighbours. Afterwards, the Integration of the semantic helper with the Unimore implementation of the semantic search was established. This was followed by the definition of the testing component for the semantic helper.
The IPK worked on the Integration into first Integrated System which was later continued in relation with task 4.6. IPK checked effects of changes of the FACIT-SME database and web service interface on the modelling services. After the FACIT-SME review and based on the lessons learnt from the review preparation, further requirements about the robustness of the web services and the data base arose which required further integration activities by IPK. A FACIT-SME-related MO²GO tutorial was prepared. It was provided to WP6 for the FACIT-SME tutorial performed in Budapest. Related to the experiences with the FACIT-SME tutorial organised by WP6, further requirements arose and also aspects already discussed such as the multi-language opportunity of FACIT-SME went into the focus. IPK prepared a demonstration of the multi-language features of MO²GO and provided this concept to the RTD partners. IPK also worked on further integration with database and web service updates initiated by requirements from the training sessions and WP5. Furthermore, IPK provided input related to enterprise modelling and modelling services developed for FACIT-SME to the finalisation of D5.1 especially in terms of procedures for the modelling approach.
Joinet worked on the definition and development of a refinement of the Project Area, which included monitoring implementation and test, as well as parsing results and extended basic features (such as documents link and process information). A monitoring section was added. Joinet implemented and evaluated the first integration with the Operation Engine.
Régens was involved into the FACIT-SME software developers test. The feedback for bug fixing and request for modifications was issued via Trac.
Tecnalia worked on the integration of the semantic helper similarity in python with the portal on c# through the usage of iron python and the integration of the necessary libraries. Furthermore, Tecnalia worked on the preparation of the Budapest work meeting and established the link of the similarity computation with the database. Tecnalia prepared the demo of the first OSES version.
The IPK checked the user requirements mostly initiated from WP5 about the modelling services of FACIT-SME and analysed potential solutions such as a more integrated approach for the modelling in the FACIT-SME platform without losing the opportunity to substitute modelling tools or using them together in a federated environment. IPK performed tests of the FACIT-SME platform and improved the integration of the modelling services according to feedback from the application in WP5 scenarios. IPK performed modelling and process analysis support for Qonsult in Modena. IPK tested the update of the reference model at Qonsult and provided an as-is enterprise model and to-be project models. These models were created within the Qonsult enterprise area by IPK and tested by Qonsult and Joinet to check their correlation to IT-Mark and ISO9000. Furthermore, IPK performed a detailed tutorial for IEM and MO²GO in Bologna. IPK worked together with Joinet and Tecnalia in fixing findings discovered by WP5. A new set of models and tools was included into the FACIT-SME portal. IPK and Joinet created a table for further improvements on the basis of a common test during the Bologna meeting. IPK provided a feasibility study for workflow execution using XPDL, which was sent to the WP4 partners. Related aspects of modelling projects were sent to WP5 partners. IPK investigated in the improvements of the usability of the modelling service connected to the FACIT-SME platform related to the feedback from the end-users, improved the user interface of the modelling services in relation to end user tests, and provided developer tests of the platform to all RTD providers. IPK participated in the developer meeting and the general assembly in Madrid. During this session, interface problems were solved and bugs were fixed. IPK provided a package for the modelling services in a way that it can be uploaded from registered users of the FACIT-SME platform. IPK prepared presentations of FACIT-SME which were presented during the IESA in Madrid. IPK sent a final adaptation of the modelling services to Joinet and provided content for the description part of deliverable D4.2. IPK supported the final distribution of the FACIT-SME solution to the AGs especially by providing the final versions of the modelling services and web service interfaces. Additionally, IPK supported the preparation of the review version of the prototype for the end users. IPK also participated in the FACIT-SME review and provided inputs for the final deliverables especially exploitation and dissemination as well as to the management reports.
The results of FACIT-SME were presented by IPK during the INTEROP-VLAB general assembly and discussed in terms of potential standards.
Joinet revisited the definition of main involved roles to define and implement the first implementation. Joinet worked on the architecture definition for an improved version of the workflow engine integration and database refinement. This was followed by improvements of the integration with the execution engine. This included applying graphics and functional improvements to the portal, as well as fixing bugs. Joinet also completed the integration with the Wrapper application (Model Loader). Joinet improved the integration with operation, testing data storage on operation side (the FACIT-SME box has to collect information about the external/uploaded documentation). Joinet created the FACIT-SME help service on the web site in order to provide information to the end-user about how to use the portal, added Information, and improved the operation. The main task was to make the platform more stable. The load balancing controller has been completely rewritten in order to queue cumbersome operations. The login page was completely changed the possibility to register automatically has been developed. A recommendation system for tools has been implemented. New functionalities were developed in order to improve the integration with the Modeller. Joinet worked on restyling the website, such as improving the performance, changing to a new operating system and hardware configuration, documenting the code, as well as an improved FBDK version. Joinet worked on the common GUI for the workflow engine. Joinet also created the virtual machine for the distribution package.
Régens was involved in the FACIT-SME portal tests during the period and gave feedback for bug fixing and functional development according to the test results. The feedback for bug fixing and request for modifications was issued via Trac. Furthermore, Régens was involved in the OSES testing and provided feedback for bug fixing and functional development according to the test results and created recommendations to optimize the user interface in several areas of the FACIT-SME portal functionality. Régens also prepared skins for the GUI to be implemented by Joinet. Régens tested the integration features of the portal to MO²GO and to Bonita. The interface testing was reported in Trac. Régens also contributed to the description of FDBK requested by Joinet, tested the portal’s interoperability, and sent feedback to Joinet via Trac.
Tecnalia worked on the development of new features towards the final version of the OSES and the preparation of the review. Tecnalia improved the performance and reworked some previous components in line with changes on the data base. Furthermore, Tecnalia developed comparisons between enterprise models and quality models. Updates and improvements of the functionality and features of the prototype were made as well as changes on the semantic helper based on the testing module. The changes were based on the concurrency problems. Tecnalia also prepared the platform for the training in Madrid, as well as in Bilbao. Tecnalia also held dissemination actions at the IESA, as well as participated and prepared TC meeting in Berlin in May 2012.
Joinet evaluated scenarios, including the deadline fulfilment with the prototype status. Feasibility and improvement of the measurable goals definition and measure were done. This was followed by an evaluation and test of the new features and their capability with a first scenario definition, as well as evaluating impressions of the execution of enterprise models. Feedback and future improvement definition were done by Joinet.
Régens prepared detailed test scenario descriptions for the work meeting held in Budapest. During the meeting, Régens led the session in order to agree on the business process model creation process which was organized in Italy, Hungary and Spain during the following month. Régens also worked on the D5.1 scenario description focusing on measurable indicators and functional test definition. Régens continued to finalise the scenario descriptions.
Tecnalia prepared the definition and tracking of use-case preliminary analysis with Sarein.
An early topic in the work of WP5 was the performance of the FACIT-SME functionalities especially the quality model assessment required a lot of time. Therefore, Unimore studied possible ways of making the semantic similarity algorithms even more efficient, by means of additional filtering phases and by exploiting additional indexes and data structures. Unimore also continued the efficiency study on the semantic similarity algorithms. A preliminary new version of the algorithm, showing significant performance enhancements, has been sent to Joinet for possible future inclusion in the FACIT-SME solution prototype.
Joinet created a basic deployment package with the initial ORM version to be evaluated by the AGs, followed by applying and evaluating individual models after first scenarios experience. Joinet was also responsible for updating the ORM definition and packaging depending on first feedback. In the following time Joinet worked on the initialisation of customized enterprise models deployment: Analysis, design and technical support.
Régens managed three rounds of interviews with Calculus, in order to define their as-is process model, which was concluded in MO²GO models and interview protocols. The outcome was intended to define the Calculus test scenarios and their individual indicators for measuring benefits of FACIT-SME. Régens continued the to-be specific project-adopted model for Calculus. It was presented to Calculus in detail. Régens coordinated the contributions of partners to WP5 and coached the SMEs and RTD partners during the project-specific model definition. Régens collected all project-adapted models, accompanied by interview protocols and quality checks. Régens prepared a presentation of WP5 for the July review meeting. Régens finalised the scenario descriptions, defined the methodology of the end-user testing, prepared the measurement methods for indicators, and coordinated and harmonized all contributions of partners to D5.1 and 5.2. Régens tested the application of new versions and recorded bugs and improvement proposals using the Trac system. The main features have been tested in order to ensure to have a good version for the Budapest GA. Régens presented the results on the work meeting and GA meeting in Budapest. Régens refined the process models of each evaluation scenario. Régens also coached Calculus before the GA meeting and held a follow-up meeting after the training session on how to use OSES in an enterprise environment. Régens presented in detail the evaluation scenarios and roadmaps for GA participants. Régens prepared a workshop in cooperation with IVSZ to demonstrate the FACIT-SME project results. The portal was presented via a video format, which has also been created during this period. The first version of bi-monthly feedback on the evaluation has been issued. Régens attended all Telco meetings in order to follow up the development process, and provide feedback from on-going testing experience and collected feedback from Calculus and DOT IT. Régens continued the evaluation work in WP5 by creating process models and defining the way how to deploy FACIT-SME in different scenarios. Régens presented the evaluation scenarios’ status to IVSZ. Régens organised the project-oriented evaluation with Qonsult, TSW, DOT IT and Calculus. Régens presented the project at a workshop organized in cooperation with IVSZ and other experts. Régens also presented the evaluation scenarios for the audience at the workshop. Régens collected feedback for potential roll-out of the project from the participants. Related to the Italian evaluation scenario of Qonsult, Régens supported the presentation of this evaluation scenario at a workshop in Italy. Régens was involved in on-going testing activity, therefore reported feedback as bugs, errors, technical problems, and improvement proposals for functions to the developers. Régens’ main focus during this phase of testing was on critical bug fixing and the evaluation of usability aspects. Régens attended the Telco meetings to share the experience on first real-life testing and followed up bug fixing and improvement procedures. Régens created the first draft of the project brochure. Régens created the second modified version of the bi-monthly feedback questionnaire. Additionally, Régens collected feedback from Calculus via face-to-face meetings related to the functionality. Régens constantly worked on testing the FACIT-SME portal and reported bugs and errors in Trac. Régens prepared the bi-monthly feedback form for feedback collection as well as the structure of D5.2 and distributed them among the partners. Régens prepared the Madrid GA presentations related to a WP5 status update and attended the GA. Régens finalised the structure of D5.2 which was presented at the GA. Régens also prepared the scenario closing feedback form, and circulated it among the members in advance, in order to receive feedback from the RTD partners and end users. Régens went on with the very intensive testing activity and reported bugs before the train-the-trainer session in Madrid. Régens also trained Calculus’’ developers about the portal functionality before their technology screening session at Joinet in Bologna. The technology screening session was executed by Calculus’ technology experts successfully. Régens organised a meeting after the session in order to get direct feedback about its result.
Tecnalia worked on the identification of the first process models of the use cases and defined and tracked the preliminary analysis with Sarein and gathering of the project workflow and identification of the measurement objectives. Additionally, Tecnalia worked on the definition of the use case and arranged the analysis meeting with Sarein. This was followed by the first use case definition meeting with Sarein, including its preparation and report. gathered information about the internal enterprise processes, as well as on a documentation analysis, which was followed by the definition and comprehension of the basic elements that could be gathered in a general model of the enterprise (Reference Model). Additionally, checked and gathered first feedback from specialists with respect to IT-Mark compliance and the enterprise reference model. This was followed by a comparison between real process and defined process in the meeting with the experts. Afterwards, the acceptance of the as-is scenario and together with partners an evaluation of the to-be reference model was done.
TSW did the application of ORM to create individual models.
Calculus was involved in discussions with Régens about individual projects and models used at Calculus. In these discussions, Calculus described how their document and project management works and adapted the task management with the Open Source Enactment System. Furthermore, Calculus continued the discussions with Régens about OSES, task management, and software development methodologies used at Calculus Ltd. Additionally, Calculus analysed and approved the OSES architecture and component specification and the first version of the OSES platform. Interviews with Régens were conducted about the PRINCE2 project management method used at Calculus in some of its projects. The document management from the Open Source Enactment System into the company’s workflow was applied. Interviews with Régens about OSES and software development methodology used at Calculus Ltd were conducted. Calculus participated in modelling sessions in order to fine-tune the individual as-is process model of Calculus using the SSADM and PRINCE2 rules. For this purpose, Calculus reviewed the given model in MO²GO. Calculus received training of MO²GO and IEM before the Budapest GA meeting. Calculus assessed with Régens before this GA meeting how to use OSES in the enterprise environment. Calculus also had an access to the portal and executed preliminary tests on main functionalities. Additionally, Calculus constantly provided feedback to Régens, in order to support the TelCo meetings of RTD Partners by end user feedback.
Unimore continued to study the effectiveness and efficiency of the similarity algorithms in this task. Unimore prepared a revised, simpler and more efficient version of the similarity functions to be included in the FACIT prototype (integrating with the parts by Joinet and ESI). Unimore participated to the meeting in Bologna, discussing the possible implementations with the partners. Unimore continued to study the effectiveness and efficiency of the similarity algorithms, discussing possible optimizations with the partners. Unimore also participated to the review meeting in Brussels, as well as participated to the GA and technical meetings in Madrid, clarifying some technical aspects of the similarity computation. Unimore participated in the final discussions of the GA meeting (including the one on exploitation) and in the review meeting.
The IPK supported the scenarios according to the ORM/OSES modelling functionalities. not only to create individual models but also to apply these models. IPK provided input to the deliverable D5.2 related to structuring and ORM/OSES modelling functionalities and supported the structuring of indicators in D5.2. IPK also provided an intensive quality check of D5.2 before sending it to the internal quality control of the project.
Joinet conducted an enactment analysis tiding up the requirement definition, improving the graphical interface, and defining a list with required functionalities to be provided in the final version. Joinet also tested the strategy for deploying models of a real enterprise. Joinet worked on collecting monitored data from deployed models. The RTD partners tested the deployment of individual selected models for the experiment on the operation, collected information, fixed issues (technical and semantic) and improved deployment. Joinet provided technical support to the SMEs in order to help them while working with the new version of the modelling tools. Joinet worked on the configuration of the tools’ private area in order to define a set of usable tools while modelling the enterprise process. Joinet furthermore declared restrictions in terms of acceptable processes within the workflow engine and made adaptations of the existing models. Joinet provided information about the usage of the work flow engine, supporting the definition and the modelling of custom procedures. Joinet also performed interviews about the evaluation, including the gathering and assessing of the results. All the information was collected and sent to the RTD partners in order to be attached to the related deliverable.
Régens organised a face-to-face evaluation session with Calculus in order to collect initial feedback of the recent portal functionality. During the evaluation session, the portal functions were presented. The result of the meeting was a list of questions and recommendations related to the Portal functions which was sent to Joinet, ESI and IPK. Régens organised a second evaluation meeting with Calculus directly before the Madrid GA in order to demonstrate the last version functions of the Portal, and prepare the participants for the train-the-trainer (3T) session. Régens also demonstrated how to use individual models, using SSADM and PRINCE2 in the case of Calculus. Furthermore, Régens actively contributed to the co-creation of the Madrid 3T session’s final test report where 70 items were recorded as bugs, malfunctions and also recommendations for further improvements. Régens executed interviews with Calculus and led two meetings for detailed evaluation of the portal features in order to collect feedback to support the creation of a well-structured scenario closing feedback form. Régens also discussed the potential further use of the portal with Calculus. Régens provided content to D5.2 for the scenario overview section according to the Calculus interview. Régens harmonized the contributions to D5.2 coming from IPK, ESI and Joinet. New versions were issued during the period by Régens. Régens also executed the final interview with Calculus related to their scenario closing feedback form. Régens finalized and submitted the D 5.2 for the final review. Régens also created the presentations for the GA and review meeting related to WP5 overall activities and reports. Further, Régens also provided overview on estimated impact of the project, as well as created a short report on WP5 main findings to the last issues of the newsletter. An article to the newsletter about the Hungarian success story of the exploitation of FACIT results was also written by Régens. In the same task Régens set up the statistical evaluation schema for the scenario closing form, and processed data to excel sheets. Régens also delivered the Chapter 5 with conclusions and recommendation based on the statistical evaluation of FACIT-SME portal. Régens presented the main findings to the RTD group at the Berlin work meeting. Régens submitted D 5.2 for internal quality check, as well as fine-tuned D5.2 content according to feedback from the coordinator. Version has been issued during this period from v14-v19. developed the definition and first implementation of the model to be used in the project (execution environment) depending on the defined scenarios. They also checked the consistency between the reference model and the defined project model for the adaptation of the project models. finalized project models, including the installation of the OSES. executed the project model in the as-is scenarios without the support of FACIT-SME and concluded a gathering and monitoring execution (Assessment only/Execution engine only) of the as-is models with the support of FACIT-SME.
TSW did the application of individual models by using OSES and finalized the project with the support of FACIT-SME. TSW gathered information for instantiating indicators described in D5.1 and D5.2. TSW also performed a comparison based on the indicator between the same project with and without the support of FACIT-SME.
Calculus applied individual models for document and project management, and also software development methodology by using OSES. A living project was prepared. Calculus participated in meetings with Régens to define the application of the uploaded process models in the Calculus environment. Afterwards, the model was fine-tuned. Calculus continued the internal testing of the platform by uploading its model and using the model editor and up loader applications of MO²GO. Calculus recorded recommendations and bugs in the Trac system. Calculus participated in a face-to-face evaluation session organised by Régens in order to collect initial feedback of the recent portal functionality. Calculus tested the portal functions and provided overall feedback on the FACIT-SME portal. The result of the meeting was a list of questions and recommendations related to the portal functions. Calculus applied PRINCE2 and SSADM models during the testing. Calculus participated in the second evaluation meeting organised by Régens right before the GA meeting in Madrid. During the evaluation Calculus tested the final functionality of the FACIT-SME portal and got prepared for the train-the-trainer session. Calculus contributed feedback for Régens by participating in evaluation sessions in order to support creating a well-structured scenario closing feedback form. Calculus also recommended new possible ways for utilizing the FACIT-SME portal after the project. Furthermore, Calculus compiled the FACIT scenario closing feedback form in order to provide the final feedback for the FACIT-SME portal’s features.
CONFAPI worked on the definition of questionnaires and improvements of the materials depending on feedback of the evaluators. This concluded a first version of questionnaires being circulated to the RTD providers for feedback and improvement. Materials were defined and the first draft was circulated among the RTD providers. After first improvements, the updated materials were published in a restricted way for the partners. Furthermore, CONFAPI worked on the first implementation of the FACIT-SME help service, in adding training materials. Afterwards, CONFAPI let the end user test the page and collected feedback, leading to the release of a new version.
GAIA organised the creation of the training material based on the input arriving from the RTD providers. GAIA prepared together with the Spanish partners the quality model part of the training material which includes a general part about quality models and the specific realisation of the quality assessment in FACIT-SME. The development of training concept and training material based on the needs of the trainers and SMEs was also done by GAIA, as well as on the SME feedback. TSW provided input related to the FACIT-SME modelling approach and the assessment related to the quality models. The end users ABARTIA, Calculus, Sarein, TSW and reviewed the training material and provided proposals for improvement. CONFAPI supported the preparation of the training material especially related to the FACIT-SME portal functionalities.
Tecnalia established the definition of the training concept, and contributed to the preparation of the review. Additionally, Tecnalia worked on the development of the training templates. accessed information about the prototype by evaluation and usage of main functionalities provided by the portal. made a definition and first draft for the training material, depending on the platform availability. Furthermore, made improvements and translations of the existing questionnaire.
Calculus held a meeting about the training concept at Calculus. Calculus also pre-evaluated the eLearning platform (FACIT-SME eLearning center) created in Moodle LCMS. Calculus uploaded content for demonstration of the FACIT-SME eLearning center. Calculus tested the eLearning framework, mainly the content upload, user management, task management, registration for trainings, and other related training administration processes. Calculus also participated in the set-up and customization of the Moodle LCMS for FACIT-SME.
CONFAPI worked on the configuration, followed by an installation test. CONFAPI installed a local version of the FACIT-SME platform in order not to effect security rules. This local version was filled with data from CONFAPI and tested. The content for the local installation of the FACIT-SME platform was created using the maintenance and functionality of the FACIT-SME portal. By this way also the administration of the FACIT-SME portal was tested. Afterwards, feedback was sent to the developers.
Conetic did the installation of the OSES training system. Conetic tested the OSES System, checked the requirements of the installation of the system, tested the integration with different browsers, identified and report bugs. CONETIC tested the installation and tested the configuration of MO²GO. worked on the first access and evaluation of the training system of FACIT-SME. made a definition of tutorials depending on user needs, checking the existing materials uploaded by partners. cross-checked, adapted the local materials and installed the training system.
TSW developed a training concept and training material.
Calculus tested and finalized the OSES training system. Calculus also participated in the preparation of setting up the OSES training package for the Budapest GA. Furthermore, Calculus tested the application before the meeting, availability, user access and administration. Calculus defined the users and their roles used for the demonstration session. Calculus created the first schema (proposal for content) of training material. This preliminary proposal has been integrated into the tutorial schema of the platform. Calculus also tested the MO²GO modeller and integrator part of OSES and sent feedback to IPK.
Sarein studied the FACIT Portal available via internet and also the modelling services in order to provide feedback concerning required training topics such as the maintenance of the quality assessment parameters. Sarein worked closely together with GAIA in the preparation of the training system in Spain.
ABARTIA was involved in the initial definition of the installation requirements of the training system, covering the FACIT-SME platform and the eLearning platform. The requirements of the training system were defined based on the inputs from the technical partners and the needs of the association and the SMEs. On this base, different alternatives were evaluated, and finally an online solution was chosen based on Moodle. Final adjustments on the training system were conducted.
CONFAPI gathered and added new information to the methodologies that may be more helpful for SMEs of CONFAPI. Deep investigations in updates of the portal were done. CONFAPI prepared the training environment and tested its usage. The user guide for the installation of the platform has been completely rewritten by CONFAPI. New users tested the new version and installing from scratch again. CONFAPI trained people to use the FACIT-SME platform, explain and train other users. CONFAPI gathered information on the new end users’ feedback, definition of possible improvements for a new training session trial. CONFAPI also improved materials of the training session depending on the feedback, adding and distributing materials from other AGs. The train-the-trainer consultant has been pushed on the base of the learning. Experimental sessions have been defined in order to select interested members and evaluate how they learn from the trained tutors.
GAIA together with Sarein prepared and organised the train-the-trainer and train-the-consultant sessions.
Régens attended the Madrid 3T session and recommended improvement proposals for the training materials. Régens provided the technology environment of the FACIT e-learning centre for ESI. Régens developed training materials for local use in order to explain the usage of the FACIT-SME portal. It was presented to quality experts and IVSZ consultants. Régens also supported the final upload of all training materials for trainers and end users to the learning portal. created information concerning different roles in the portal, following the start of the train-the-trainer session with interested users. also provided documentation to the users (members of the same association) in order to test the platform and gathered feedback depending on the evaluation of the members. A definition of a list of improvement of the materials was made.
TSW was involved in the train-the-trainer and train-the-consultant sessions. TSW also worked on completing the documentation to test the platform as Visitor, getting feedback of the testing session and sharing information with other AGs and SMEs. A training session with examples in different internal sessions with feedback from experts and facilitators was done.
Calculus prepared a proposal how to manage train-the-trainer sessions in Hungary, which has been communicated during the dissemination event held in Budapest on November 23rd. Calculus sent recommendations to ESI according to the train-the trainer materials developed by ESI. Calculus was prepared for the train-the-trainer session by Régens’ experts. Additionally, Calculus participated in the train-the-trainer session organised in Madrid and contributed to the provision of a bug-fixing report and a recommendation list for the FACIT-SME portal. Calculus evaluated the training materials that were prepared for and presented at the Madrid train-the-trainer session. A part of the material was translated to Hungarian.
Furthermore, CONFAPI checked and interviewed users while understanding information coming from the web site (assessment) together with experts, as well as gathering feedback for further improvements. Deep analysis of all models and quality models was done in order to evaluate and apply changes (to be proposed to the customers) depending on territorial convenience. CONFAPI was also occupied with the modification and upgrade of the models depending on the national laws and local government. A first official training of SMEs’ members was following. Additionally, the trained trainers did show the whole platform to the selected SMEs. The first overview, description of features and support was held on the first five days after the meeting. CONFAPI also did running example sessions on a local machine in order to check the learning quality of the previous session, which made the end users able to use the main functionalities of the platform in a proper way.
GAIA coordinated and supported the SMEs and consultants which were testing the training materials. GAIA also collected and analysed the consultants´ and SMEs´ improvement suggestions and established the feed-back information based on this information.
Conetic did pilot runs of training. Conetic configured enterprise area, checked the models, and tested MO²GO in different sceneries. did first training related to the usage of the creation and editing of a model. This was followed evaluating a compliance status concerning a specific quality model.
TSW did the training with the modeller. IEM explanation, updating models and uploading custom models from scratch was included in this task, which also included improving and adapting existing organization description depending on the feedback and requirements coming from an internal meeting. This procedure was followed by an update of the new versions of the models. TSW was also occupied with checking if the daily execution of the new organization fits and helps the internal processes. At the ORM level, harmonization was performed in terms of acquiring best practices from other models in the ORM. The final feedback from experts was finally integrated in the enterprise area. TSW developed new procedures, which are now usable in order to keep on improving the internal models autonomously.
Calculus did trainings, based on the train-the-trainer session, for two technical experts at Calculus in order to have insight into the functionality of the FACIT-SME portal and to understand its features, how the portal works from the technical point of view. Two technical experts visited Joinet in order to identify the components of the FACIT-SME portal that can be used in Hungary, also for further projects. A special workshop was organised for graduating students about the FACIT-SME knowledge base during which Calculus application development method, SSADM was presented. The training materials were submitted to a focus group including university students taught by Jozsef Csicsman from Calculus in order to train them in quality models and SE methods and to get feedback on the quality of the training materials. Calculus also contributed to the establishment of a special workshop planned in the running Hungarian project, SDQ. The workshop was organised for companies interested in SDQ certification in order to help them understand quality criteria and SE methods. In parallel, Calculus tested the FACIT-SME eLearning platform as well and provided feedback. Calculus also recommended IVSZ how to use the FACIT-SME eLearning platform for supporting the SDQ project. The portal was used for the training of the companies interested in SDQ certification in order to teach them how to use the SDQ portal for the certification procedure. Additionally, Calculus contributed to the final presentation prepared for the GA. Jozsef Csicsman, as the representative of Calculus, participated in the final GA. Calculus continued testing the FACIT-SME e-Learning platform and provided a feedback. Calculus also recommended IVSZ how to use the FACIT-SME e-Learning platform for supporting the SDQ project. The portal will be used for the training of the companies interested in SDQ certification in order to teach them how to use the SDQ portal for the certification procedure. Calculus contributed to the final presentation prepared for the GA. Jozsef Csicsman, representative of Calculus participated in the final GA meeting.
Sarein participated in the pilot runs of the trainings and prepared feedback. Together with GAIA and CONETIC, Sarein hosted the train-the-trainer session in Madrid and supported the related training session in Spain with the Spanish partners.
ABARTIA made the preparation of the train-the-trainers testing in the Bilbao meetings, as well as train-the-trainer first release discussions in Madrid and preparation of the following Bilbao session. ABARTIA was also involved in the preparation, performance and follow up of the training session in Bilbao\ Zamudio.
CONFAPI established a definition of the OSES features to be included for the SMEs’ certification. A first release of the document containing all the OSES features to be included for the SME certification and a definition of the scenario was made. Starting tests in order to gather feedback followed. CONFAPI did experiment improvement scenarios and evaluated with interviews whenever the limitation of the OSES features on the SMEs provided any issue. CONFAPI also gathered all the information translating some of the results. CONFAPI collaborated with other AGs in order to define possible common issues and a way for improving materials and concept of the materials together. CONFAPI showed the OSES main features to the end users, defining new information to be provided for end users. CONFAPI further tested and monitored the usage of the platform of the trained users while working with certification (especially IT-Mark). Teleconferences with experts in order to evaluate the reliability of the declared information concerning the documentation of the SMEs were held. This was followed by an understanding of the common procedures to facilitate and help SMEs while gaining benefits from experts. CONFAPI was also dedicated to the evaluation of results from the analysis, focusing on the harmonization among experts, SMEs and external actors. CONFAPI conducted an analysis in terms of human resources and time constraints while working on the received feedback. CONFAPI also gathered final information combining different impressions (experts, facilitators, SMEs) in order to delimitate the functionalities of the OSES that may be concretely important for the Quality Assessment and a consequent certification. Finally, an evaluation of the results in order to compile internal materials (consultancy-oriented) to show to the end-users while fully exploiting the platform was done.
Conetic conducted pilot runs of the assessments (from prototype to product, as well as the exploitation model) and observed and monitored the process of certification of SAREIN and ABARTIA.
Tecnalia held a second meeting with Sarein for the detailed definition of the scope of the scenario. Tecnalia tested the platform for the application of the scenarios and defined a plan for the evaluation of the scenarios with the quality models. Tecnalia was in contact with ABARTIA for the planning of the following meetings. A meeting was planned for December but it was finally moved to January. Tecnalia further prepared the training material for the evaluation of the quality model and provision of the training for the evaluation of the quality models. Tecnalia was also occupied with writing the deliverable and support in the certification, the preparation of the GA and review meeting in Bologna. Tecnalia also gave support in the certification efforts to Sarein and Abartia in their definition of their processes. started the assessment project with the usage of the to-be model draft, checking possible new models, harmonizing the project model and checking which best fits the expectation. defined the models to be applied depending on the test and evaluation done with experts and did improvement, depending on the feedback of the first assessment. New models were uploaded together with RTD partners. with the help of the RTD partners, evaluated and supported SME representatives while applying the quality assessment. Further monitoring was done for analysing and understanding the required values such as (a) knows if a good value is blocked by a requirement that is not satisfied (b) avoiding and define wrong usage of the harmonization.
TSW made further pilot runs of the assessments, as well as working together with the other partners, who supported the quality assessment procedure performed by interested audience within the association. TSW also took all the information coming from the previous step and evaluated all the results depending on the enterprise context, with the support of experts. The first refinement of the quality assessment procedure was also run by TSW. A second refinement and run of the quality assessment procedure was done later. This was followed by a gathering of the status, which was sent to the experts. TSW was further committed to evaluating if further improvements may be possible, as well as quality assessment: running the redefined procedures in the enterprise area.
Calculus assessed if the company can be interested in certification against any suggested quality model applied in FACIT-SME. Calculus got insight into the structure of QA models via FACIT-SME. Calculus continued the evaluation of quality models in FACIT in order to define its role in the assessment pilot. Calculus also started the evaluation of ISO 9001 by using the semantic synchronization function of the FACIT Portal. The compliance check was run using the individual as-is model of Calculus against the ISO 9001 quality model. Because of the Hungarian running project SDQ (individual software quality assessment model for Hungary) Calculus evaluated the quality model criteria and the compliance checking mechanism of the FACIT-SME portal in order to define the applicable set of criteria for the Hungarian project.
Sarein conducted pilot runs of the assessments and provided feedback related to the results of the pilot runs such as potential extensions of the FACIT-SME content related to further quality models.
Abartia did an initial study of the capabilities of the platform. Several meetings have been held in Bilbao to be introduced in the prototype FACIT-SME platform and its changes as well as in the processes and the quality models. Abartia also did a check of the existing process models, and their suitability for Abartia. Abartia used the FACIT-SME platform for process model exploration together with the MO²GO process viewer. Abartia also checked the quality models, and conducted an initial definition of the as-is process using the FACIT-SME platform. First tests of synchronisation with draft processes were done. An implementation of additional changes of the as-is process in the FACIT-SME platform was made, as well as checking the definition of the process using the platform. Furthermore, Abartia did an evaluation of the process with the quality model and analysed the GAP between the process and the requirements of the quality model. Abartia tested the synchronisation features of the FACIT-SME platform. An implementation of modifications over the as-is process was done to define a new process that better fulfils the IT-Mark requirements. An analysis of the result with the experts in the Bilbao meeting was conducted, as well as a summary of the results provided for an annex to deliverable D6.2. Abartia presented the results during the GA.

Potential Impact:
The goal of the project’s dissemination is to give to the project a wide spectrum of visibility and to prepare the potential market for its exploitation. The main target is on manufacturing companies of medium and small size on a European level as well as on logistic and financial service providers.
The Dissemination Report based on all dissemination activities documented in D7.5 by kind of dissemination, by the content to disseminate, related deliverables, target groups, time, place and responsibility.
The Dissemination Report took into account the research results achieved along the time line of the project, the IPR and thus non-disclosure needs of the SME AGs, the needs to prepare SMEs for the use of the new knowledge, and suitable support for marketing activities of the AGs.
Dissemination material has been prepared for presenting the project results both to SMEs operating in ICT and for further SME associations. It consists of a project website that includes information about the project, the com¬plete set of resulting software tools as open source software, and a brochure that is realised in Italian, Spanish, English, German and Hungarian.
The complete set of resulting software tools could be not provided as open source software because the AGs as IPR owners decided not to open the whole software suite. The software was distributed to each AG at the end of the project by Joinet.
The dissemination activities consist of two major parts.
SME-AGs conduct dissemination activities at three levels towards potential users: towards their members, towards associations of their country, and towards associations of other countries. SME-AGs provided event calendars where information was positioned.
Further dissemination activities are conducted at scientific level, consisting of the presentation of significant publications at international conferences. For example the following topics have been addressed:
• “Facit-SME: A Semantic Recommendation System for enterprise knowledge Interoperability” related to the ontology area,
• “Method Knowledge Support for SME: Combining Development Good Practices with Quality Models” related to the enterprise interoperability, ontology and quality management areas,
• “Towards MDA best practices; from UML to Code and session-less connection support. An innovative Interpreter for SME” related to the interoperability area.
Further areas which have been addressed by publication are IT quality and software engineering. The related conferences and workshops are documented in D7.5.
The consortium developed and maintained a database with contact points from interested end users and other parties. These include
• The members of the involved associations,
• Further IT SMEs that are not (yet) members of these associations,
• Media and other multipliers,
• Educational institutions and potentially further interested governmental institutions.
The results of the RTD activities were presented to WG24 of SC7 of ISO (for the draft ISO 29110 as explained in section 3.1) as well as to the informal Latin American effort in RELAIS; timing is right for both proposals. Even if not as directly applicable, they were introduced into ISO TC184 SC5 (the MEPI activities around interoperability is a candidate) and OMG. These activities were reported in the separate deliverable D7.7 Contribution to standardisation.
Each dissemination activity is listed with respect to its type, WP reference, target group, language, responsible actors, country, expected time and status.
We distinguish the following main types of activities.
• Events comprise the organization of a conference or significant parts of a conference, the organisation of a workshop or seminar, presentations to a target group, fairs, promotion at related research groups, university lectures and presentations at related conferences.
• Publications are classified into research papers in scientific journals, chapters in a monograph or text book, papers in other journals and contributions to conference proceedings, abstracts and brochures or CD-ROMs.
• Information in Media includes project dissemination in newspapers, electronic media and broadcasting institutions.
• The main Internet activity was the FACIT-SME public web page. Further activities are classified as contributions to other web pages, online courses (e. g. the FACIT-SME eLearning platform as well as public reports that are published throughout the web.
The content was related to the work conducted in the project's work packages:
• Content and management of the ORM (Open Reference Model),
• OSES architecture and design principles such as MDA,
• OSES software and ASP solution,
• Evaluation scenarios allying the FACIT-SME results such as ORM, OSES and eLearning platform.
• FACIT-SME training system.
Publications covered specific aspects of these work, but the project took care to publish the relevant and not IPR-protected results from all project results.
Dissemination was performed towards well-defined target groups, with respect to the purpose of the dissemination. In general, dissemination purposes were
• to identify the needs and constraints of related distinct groups of potential users of the FACIT-SME tool
• to make the public aware of the project activities and to prepare the potential market
• to enable future use and research of the scientific results of the FACIT-SME project
Thus, the following target groups are distinguished:
• Research community (RC), including universities and research institutions.
• SME-AGs (AG), to inform the community of software-developing SMEs about the potential of the project results.
• Members of these SME-AGs, which are IT-SMEs that are potential future users of the project results.
• IT-providing SMEs in general (SME), including companies that are not members of the involved AGs, in order to broaden the base for exploitation of the results.
• General audience (GA), making the public aware of the new activities and also of the contributions of the European Community to innovative research work. Each AG performed at least one national event regarding FACIT-SME or covering FACIT-SME.
The Impact of conferences, events and publications has been measured by the size of the audience as well as by their origin (research, industry/SME, industry/large, government). However, the dissemination table in D7.5 considered especially the Number of participants. The average number of direct participants in the FACIT-SME related research workshops was about 20.
General publications of AGs were measured by the numbers of persons or organisations receiving information. This was around 1000 to 3000 entities sometimes even more.
In the FACIT-SME project an official website was created in order to have a public informative platform dedicated to the project information and have a restricted communication channel for each partner to share information and discuss project issues after logging in. The website can be accessed via
Beside the official FACIT-SME website, partners also provided project oriented articles, news and current project-related information on independent sites, mostly on the organization’s official websites. These subpages targeted to inform potentially interested companies about the FACIT-SME project and its achievements.
The visitor statistics of the official FACIT-SME website and the project-related subpages published on partner websites are important aspects to consider when measuring the impact of the dissemination activities, at least the on-line channel’s effectiveness. During the measured period which is between July 2011 and June 2012 the official FACIT-SME webpage provided 6.800 unique visits. The summary of the monthly statistics of the official website are shown in table 1 of the D7.6.
Other project oriented pages operated by mostly AGs, provided lower but still significant visitor statistics. In Hungary 445, in Spain 1200 and in Italy 757 unique users visited the FACIT-SME project-related articles published in the project period.
Therefore the total number of visits on FACIT-SME oriented websites is 9.202 which refers to the conclusion, that the FACIT-SME project has reached a wide range of potentially interested target groups.
In order to have a summary of the achievements sent out every time the project has reached a milestone, FACIT-SME partners agreed to publish regular project newsletters and to circulate them among the project partners. In the project period five issues were sent out in the form of newsletters to a list of 41 subscribers:
• 13.09.2010 - FACIT-SME newsletter issue 1
• 23.02.2011 - FACIT-SME newsletter issue 2
• 14.09.2011 - FACIT-SME newsletter issue 3
• 14.12.2011 - FACIT-SME newsletter issue 4
• 08.06.2012 - FACIT-SME newsletter issue 5
All newsletters can be accessed by any visitor with the main topics highlighted via the official FACIT-SME project website.
Régens was responsible for the submission of the newsletters and managed the contribution from FACIT-SME partners to the newsletter. Régens used a solution which monitors the communication channels and measures the unique opens, clicks on links by every single subscriber. Based on this solutions’ statistics Régens provided a reliable measurement of the effectiveness of this communication channel.
The statistics of the newsletter activity of the FACIT-SME partners show that approximately 45% of the recipients opened and read the articles, or forwarded them to potentially interested partners. Therefore in the project period 92 unique readers were gained for the FACIT-SME newsletters. These readers generated a total of 286 reaches by sharing the newsletters with partners. The overall statistics of the unique opens and ignored newsletters are shown in figure 1 of the D7.6.
RTD dissemination events cover five events organized by the RTD partners in order to increase the awareness of the FACIT-SME project, thus, the FACIT-SME idea and the portal among the research community (RC). During the RC oriented events 750 contacts were achieved that provides a significant achievement of raising awareness of the research results at European level.
In the project period AGs and SMEs also organized events in order to inform the targeted audience (mainly ICT SMEs) about the project details, especially achievements. In Hungary one workshop was organized. In Spain three events provided the opportunity to reach potentially interested companies with the FACIT-SME idea. In Italy five events made it possible for the Italian partners to present the FACIT-SME solution. These nine events were attended by 430 participants from the 1770 invitees. Overall 40 feedbacks were generated in the form of comments and requests for information, which represents the actual impact of the events organized by AGs and SMEs.
During the FACIT-SME project the publicity of the FACIT-SME idea and portal was supported by different media activities such as published articles in both printed and on-line media, appearances in local and regional TV and radio, official publications, internal newsletters, printed project booklets etc. These activities provided information about the FACIT-SME project in a way that is able to reach a wider audience thus helping partners creating an exploitation strategy approaching the project closure.
Media activities mostly dominated in the Hungarian and Italian regions and resulted in a total of 20 media publications during the project. Spain contributed with two internal newsletters to the final media activities statistics.
The overall impact of the dissemination activities described in detail via six impact indicators are shown in D7.6.

List of Websites: