Final Report Summary - ACCESSRU (Strengthening EU-Russia sciences and technology cooperation and EU access to Russian national funding programmes)
To complete the mapping of access opportunities for European Union (EU) organisations in Russia done during the first period, existing and future commonalities and differences in S&T policy between Russia and EU have been identified and analysed. The results were discussed with Russian and European S&T policy makers and representatives of research organisations during the second round table.
The Green Paper (a consultative document on EU-Russian collaboration from the point of view of access opportunities), and an opportunities Report for European organisations presenting access channels and opportunities have been diffused to present the EU-RU S&T collaboration opportunities.
To analyse real-case situations, and to develop concrete mechanisms for access to Russian funding, the project team screens case studies and analyses European organisations accessing the Russian research programmes. A second round table has been organised to discuss the access mechanisms and finalise the strategic recommendations on facilitating the European researchers' entry into Russian national programmes.
The project team implemented two interrelated dissemination and awareness raising campaigns: to promote the access to Russian programmes inside the European research community, and to inform Russian research organisations that the involvement of European partners for Russian programmes is possible and welcome. Two communicating ways approach (Europe-to-Russia / Russia-to-Europe) and two interrelated dissemination and awareness raising campaigns were crucial for the project success. The project's EU-Russian S&T collaboration observatory greatly contributed to monitor the participation level of EU research and development (R&D) organisations in the Russian programmes.
By providing support to the EU-Russian working groups, ACCESSRU contributed to their activities tending to enhance the S&T policy dialogue and to formulating the strategic recommendations on S&T collaboration between Europe and Russia.
In essence, the ACCESSRU project brought forward the internalisation of the European Research Area (ERA) via a concrete initiative that was embedded in a policy framework for both the Community and Member States / Associated Countries to foster international science and technology collaboration.
Project context and objectives:
Russia is known for its excellent scientific, technological and educational environment, having produced generations of talented researchers and scientists. Alongside this, EU-Russia S&T cooperation has been developing due to a number of instruments aimed at supporting this work. To improve upon these established programs, initiated ACCESSRU's support was to provide advice to European R&D organisations to facilitate their access to Russian funding opportunities with the help of Russian partners. The upgrading the strategic S&T cooperation between EU and Russia has been performed by implementing support actions on three levels - analytical, research and policy, each corresponding to a specific project objectives:
- to assess access opportunities in Russia for EU organisations, by screening of Russian S&T landscape and identifying common challenges, needs and opportunities in S&T in Europe and Russia;
- to raise awareness on access opportunities in Russia amongst European research organisations and to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of European organisations in the programmes managed by Russia;
- to enhance the S&T policy dialogue and to formulate the strategic recommendations on scientific collaboration between Europe and Russia, ensuring the reciprocity issues.
Specific objectives for the first period specific objectives for the second period The main objectives of the first period of the project were to collect and analyse information about Russian research and innovation programmes, prepare relevant reports, and prepare and starts to implement awareness raising campaign in EU and Russia. This was achieved through the implementation of support activities on three levels, each corresponding a specific objective:
Analytical level:
- deployment a set of supporting activities for accessing the state-of-the-art of the Russian S&T programmes and Russian programmes with S&T components;
- identification of collaboration opportunities, both in quantitative (national S&T and innovation programmes in Russia including bilateral programmes) and qualitative terms (assessment of the Russian S&T programmes openness level, identification of key obstacles for EU researchers).
Awareness raising level:
- deployment a set of supporting activities to dispatch information about possibility of access to the Russian programmes, to analyse experience of other.
The main objective of the second period of the project were to develop implementation mechanism facilitating access of EU organisations to the Russian programmes, and to carry on facilitating policy dialogue between policy makers and other stakeholders from the European and Russian S&T communities, helping develop the reciprocity aspect of the S&T agreement. Support activities have been implemented on three levels, each corresponding to a specific project objective:
Analytical level:
- fostering knowledge on access opportunities based on public consultation results (Green Paper) and open dialogue with European and Russian stakeholders (second round table in Moscow), to summarise project findings in the opportunities Report for European organisations presenting access channels and opportunities and to finalise the strategic recommendations on facilitating the European researchers entry into Russian national programmes.
Awareness raising level:
- carry on a deployment a set of supporting activities to dispatch information about possibility of access to the Russian programmes, to analyse experience of other projects and to identify success stories or less successful stories that can provide lessons for projects and to identify success stories or less successful stories that can provide lessons for the future.
Policy level:
- deployment of a set of supporting activities to enhance the S&T policy dialogue aiming at reciprocity, more efficiency through increased coherence and coordination.
In addition, the ACCESSRU project teams has been paying particular attention to create synergies with other projects, including those covering different but related topics targeting the same country - Russia, and also those ACCESS4EU projects active in other countries but covering similar topic of access to the third countries' programmes.
Policy level:
- carry on a deployment of a set of supporting activities to enhance the S&T policy dialogue by providing outputs useful inter alia in the context of the EU-Russian joint S&T committee meetings.
ACCESS4EU synergy level:
- carry on an exchange good practices and lessons learnt in the field of development of the reciprocity aspects with other ACCESS4EU projects.
Project results:
The implementation of the ACCESSRU project gave a substantial added value to the activities enhancing the EU-Russian S&T cooperation. This includes many exploitable results, such as the knowledge that has been acquired on the access schemes to Russian R&D and innovation programs and deliverables produced during the project lifetime, ACCESSRU project's materials produced for internal use by the European Commission (EC) officers that included recommendations, feedbacks, and summary of project meetings, events, finding and other elements with potential impact for the further collaboration activities between Russia and Europe in the field of science and technology.
The list bellow highlights the progress towards the key objectives of the ACCESSRU project as defined in the technical Annex 1 of the Description of work (DoW). The progress has been monitored against verifiable indicators given in the DoW.
Key results/ (Indicators expected in the DoW) Progress towards objectives for the whole project period specific objective 1:
To assess access opportunities in Russia for EU organisations, by screening of Russian S&T landscape and identifying common challenges, needs and opportunities in S&T in Europe and Russia mapping and analysis of Russian programmes.
The mapping and analysis of the Russian programmes had been performed during first project period. However, taking into account a rapid change of the Russian S&T and innovation landscape occurred in 2011, the consortium carried on monitoring the Russian programmes and initiatives. The results of monitoring activities have been reflected in the ACCESSRU observatory and in the opportunities Report for the European R&D actors.
- Report on Russian research and innovation programmes
- Mapping of access opportunities to Russian research and innovation programmes for European researchers and organisations.
Open consultation campaign on EU-Russian S&T collaboration:
The open consultation 'Towards reinforcement of S&T cooperation between Russian and EU: facilitation of access of European organisations and researchers to Russian research and innovation programmes' has been launched in June 2011 to urge on a debate at European and Russian level about the opportunities available for European researchers to access the Russian national R&D and innovation programmes. Based on the previous analysis, EU and bilateral collaboration survey and the mapping of access opportunities, the consultation targeted major S&T stakeholders both in Russia and in the EU (in particular, research organisations). The consultation has been supported by the Green Paper on EU-Russian S&T collaboration - a consultation document developed by the consortium - aiming to help with setting out proposals on the mechanisms facilitating European access to Russian programmes.
- Green Paper on EU-Russian S&T collaboration - Additional project deliverable Annex to D2.3a results of the open consultation campaign two round tables in Moscow
- Organisation of two round tables in October 2010 and in May 2011 in Moscow, Russia.
The first round table 'Development of mechanisms facilitating access for EU R&D organisations to Russian S&T programmes' was dedicated to the presentation / discussion of the detailed access opportunities in Russia for the EU organisations mapping (60 participants).
The second round table 'Development of mechanisms facilitating access for EU organisations and researchers to Russina S&T programmes' was a brainstorming event with key Russian S&T policy makers and representatives of research organisations. (72 participants).
- Report about the first round table in Moscow, October 2010
Report about the second round table in Moscow, May 2011.
Case studies:
If the consortium encountered a difficulty during the first project period to identify successful example of the entrance of the EU organisation in RU R&D programme, due to the new dynamic of the Russian S&T landscape which brought a range of changes in respect to European access to the Russian S&T and innovation programs, the consortium has been urged for providing support to the EU R&D organisations and relevant Russian partners interested in collaboration within the framework of the Russian programmes. The report on the case studies BIS has been performed presenting ACCESSSRU 9 relevant experiences. The lessons learnt constituted the key input to the identification of mechanism to be developed in order to facilitate access to the Russian programmes by European scientists.
The report about the case studies BIS (second edition)
Proposal for mechanisms facilitating the access by the EU researchers to RU R&D and innovation programmes:
The team developed a proposal on mechanisms to facilitate the access to Russian R&D and innovation programmes by European researchers and innovative companies. Consortium central recommendation focused on a communication support that is needed to drive the programmes reciprocity openness forward.
- Proposal for mechanisms facilitating the access by the EU researchers to Russian R&D and innovation programmes.
EU-Russia cooperation observatory:
Totally, the information on 32 Russian calls has been presented on the portal. The most relevant were communicated to the editor of the ACCESS4EU common newsletters.
Monitoring report of the EU-Russian S&T collaboration.
Observatory specific objective 2:
To raise awareness on access opportunities in Russia amongst European research organisations and to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of European organisations in the programmes managed by Russia.
Project website:
All relevant project information has been regularly published on the ACCESSRU page. Efficient synergy with the common ACCESS4EU portal.
Awareness raising campaign and dissemination materials:
Since project beginning:
- over 1000 European participants addressed;
- more than 20 presentations made in EU during the second period;
- participation in more than 20 important information events in Russia, including the Forum for leading foreign scientists, Leading technologies of the 21st century - Russia and other countries (see for further details) in Tomsk, Annual conference of the Enterprise Europe Network- Russia Gate2RuBIN project in Obninsk, etc.
Coverage in mass media:
The Modern Russia portal - an online forum examining the economic and social modernisation of Russia (please see and-eu-russia-relationship).
ACCESSRU also provided three success stories on a successful cooperation issued from ACCESSRU. The last one concerned the joint project 'Russian fuel cell' which is carried out by the Russian scientist Yurii Tyruin and Thorsteinn Ingi Sigfusson, Professor from Iceland.
The final project event at the ESOF 2012 (Dublin, 11-15 July 2012). ACCESSRU presented on a common ACCESS4EU projects stand.
- Report about ACCESSRU final event.
Synergies and cooperation with other projects: Effective collaboration, in particularly with the consortium members of the INDIA GATE, ACCESS2CANADA, LINK2US projects impacted on the whole visibility of the initiative. ACCESSRU participated in three common ACCESS4EU events (Roma, Athens, Dublin) and contributed to all common newsletters of ACCESS4EU.
Specific objective 3:
To enhance the S&T policy dialogue and to formulate the strategic recommendations on scientific collaboration between Europe and Russia, ensuring the reciprocity issues.
Support to the EU-RU joint S&T committee:
The project carried on providing hands-on support (e.g. information, analysis, other assistance) to the EU-Russia joint S&T committee and to up to three thematic working groups from the Russian side. Russian representatives welcomed support and explanation of the intellectual property rights (IPR) issues for joint programmes and information on ACCESSRU case-studies about EU participation in Russian programmes. Working groups on health and food and biotechnology have stressed for the ACCESSRU project that one of the crucial issues to be settled is the legal exchange of biomaterials. In spite of new regulations, the institutes participating in joint projects supported by working groups have failed in the exchange of biomaterials and human tissues for research purposes.
- Report about support to the EU-Russia joint S&T committee and working groups' contribution to the new Work Programme 2013 - 2014 of the EU.
In the context of an expected limit of funding for Russia under Horizon 2020, the consortium brainstormed on the issue and prepared a note to the EC 'EU-Russian S&T cooperation under Horizon 2012 (without EU funding)' with recommended courses of actions.
Potential impact:
ACCESSRU support action has significantly contributed to improving European access to Russian research programmes, and the difficulties the project team encountered along the way have only increased the value of the unique experience conducted within the ACCESSRU framework.
The key project outcomes - facilitating policy dialogues, developing proposal for access mechanisms and defining a common vision for the S&T reciprocity approach in short, medium and long perspectives - reaffirmed the interest to explore new collaboration opportunities in order to create a new dynamic for the EU-Russian S&T policies rapprochement. The openness principle that has been pushed forward by ACCESSRU will ensure for European research organisations the access to Russian sources and, per consequences, will increase international collaboration projects rate.
The understanding of importance to extend both the policy dialogue and S&T collaboration between Russia and Europe was broaden and strengthened.
Existing policy frameworks and mechanisms for the cooperation on science, technology and innovation between Europe and Russia were created for different purposes and in different settings in the past; they need to be revised regularly to provide adequate support to their respective research communities at the scale and intensity required by the modern progress of science and technology.
Accessing the research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes of third countries implies not only access to knowledge, but also access to funding when provision is made to that effect in the specific programmes of the partner country. The Russian Federation is one of the 11 countries targeted by ACCESS4EU initiative and a prospective action of the EC is implemented throughout ACCESSRU project.
Funded by the EC, the project requested considerable involvement and participation of Russian S&T stakeholders as far as it had been supported EU-Russia S&T policy dialogue focused not on an entire S&T policy dialogue between Europe and Russia but nevertheless on one of its important concerns: access to R&D opportunities in Russia for the European researchers. Ultimately, concerned with exchanging information, and building consensus recommendations, ACCESSRU reaffirmed the importance to extend the policy dialogue between Europe and Russia, quite simply, because the both regions are very good partners, in that they have been cooperating with one another for centuries and furthermore, because Russia is a very active partner in European programmes. Thus, from the European point of view, it would be extremely beneficial if more European scientists were able to participate in Russian programmes.
The ACCESSRU activities are clearly showed that increased participation in Russian programmes by European scientists will generate what can only be called a win-win situation. This can be highlighted by referring to the European flagship initiative, Innovation Union, which underlines the need for better collaboration with international partners, which, fundamentally, also includes opening access to programmes and ensuring comparable conditions abroad.
This increase in international cooperation is important on many levels. Firstly, the EU would like to have access to Russian research as, although perhaps not in every field, this would allow them to gain improved access to the growing Russian market.
Moreover, some research can only be conducted in certain areas. For instance, the biodiversity in some geographical zones in Russia is absolutely unique (such as at Lake Baikal or in the Arctic zone), and so some research has to be conducted there, thus further highlighting the importance of increased access. In return, of course, there will be a huge benefit for both sides from increased scientific exchange between Europe and Russia. Indeed, aside from the 'classical' benefits that Russia will experience (such as an increase in the number of publications referencing Russian institutions and scientists, or promotion of scientific achievements being made in Russian laboratories), which are almost a given, joining forces and building synergies will ultimately result in stronger international scientific teams existing on both sides, some hopefully leading to the commercialisation of research results or the joint creation of start-ups.
However, while the benefits of increased cooperation are clear for both Europe and Russia, the problem lies in creating feasible implementation mechanisms, as there are a number of different possible answers to the problem, and ACCESSRU contributed to just one of them: access to Russian opportunities. Nevertheless, there is a distinct sense that, since the project's inception in 2009, things have changed positively. For example, in Russia, when we discussed the problem of access at the very beginning of the project, one of the main responses we received concerned attitudes by European researchers who felt that, because they already had access to European programmes, why should they strive to gain access to similar initiatives in Russia, when the access is so complicated?
ACCESSRU has shown that the access to Russian programmes has opened up considerably, and project has contributed to this process that continues to grow.
While project couldn't create opportunities, it facilitated interactions with European researchers, clarified entry channels, and provided information about the programme. There has been a big change. The unique initiative of the EC received a kind of echo with unique and innovative programmes that have been launched in Russia in order to attract more European researchers to the country. For example, the 'Leading scientists' initiative started in 2010 supports leading foreign specialists who create laboratories in Russian universities, with the equivalent of EUR 3 million per project, and two calls have been now been issued.
ASSESSRU difficulties are precious lessons for the future
While identifying access opportunities was relatively easy, the major challenge the project faced involved mapping and analysing them and explaining them to European researchers. This was because, there are huge differences in the Russian system when compared to that which exists in Europe and, it can sometimes be difficult for European researchers who do not understand these differences. As such, the project team firstly needed to explain this to the Europeans, before discussing the results of the analysis in Russia during the round table, and brainstormed how to decrease barriers as to which were the best opportunities to be explored.
That is because while access may be available to all programmes, the level of accessibility varies significantly, making the access process even more complicated.
ACCESSRU introduced a concept of accessibility that will continue to develop beyond the project life-circle
On the basis of the many discussions and workshops that have taken place throughout the project, in addition to the round table meetings, ACCESSRU team prepared proposals on facilitation of access mechanisms for the available Russian programmes and, amongst other things, the need for a support system in Russia that would facilitate access for European researchers into Russian initiatives have been identified.
Within this, a communication support tool could be included, such as an e-helpdesk, for example, to be hosted by the website of the Ministry of Education and Science in Russia, where foreign scientists can consult and where they can access important information. This is something that European researchers would find extremely useful, and, if the Russian side were to implement this, we believe it would be a major step forward. While improvements may not seem to be a dramatic change in practice or procedure, they have to be done step by step, and, as each piece of the puzzle is identified and inserted, the faster the next piece can be added.
The potential impact of ACCESSRU support action in the short and medium term perspectives will be scientifically and technologically substantial, as it will facilitate the access of European researchers and research organisations to Russian research and innovation programmes (reciprocity), will provide a real framework for joint S&T research activities based namely on the win-win collaboration approach, and this will be translated into:
(1) a measurable increase of effective collaborations between European and Russian S&T organisations; and
(2) a less readily measurable improvement of mutual understanding of the respective research systems in EU and Russia.
Appropriate dissemination methodology of the access opportunities across Europe and Russia will ensure the maximum impact and open the largest scope of potential cooperation. The cooperation projects that will be initiated by ACCESSRU will impact on the EU R&D expenses efficiency, upstream global consensus, and - in general way - on strengthening science and technological cooperation between EU and the Russian Federation.
Key dissemination objectives:
- to develop the cooperation project's web portal;
- to produce promotion and dissemination materials;
- to raise awareness on access opportunities in Russia amongst European research organisations and multipliers;
- to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of European organisations in the programmes managed by Russia.
Main activities:
The project dissemination activities are the basis for a sustainable impact, and played a crucial role during the life of ACCESSRU. Moreover, the project's success was mainly based on information flows about collaboration opportunities and on the promotion of cooperation mechanisms and reciprocity of S&T agreements between Russia-EU, which the project was able to identify.
ACCESSRU information, dissemination and awareness raising strategy went beyond simple awareness creation by putting the project activities in several maturity levels:
- Promotion and publicity of project activities and results - publication in press, dissemination of newsletters, website advertisement, etc.
- Stimulatory events using participative approach - consultative events with relevant stakeholders.
- Use of network of European Science Foundation (ESF) and National Contact Points (NCPs) proactive meetings and participation in the events with involvement of local actors / local authorities.
- Final project dissemination conference - a major dissemination activity dedicated to spread knowledge accumulated by ACCESSRU and final outcomes and recommendations which still needs to take place. This event will be held at ESOF 2012, the Euroscience Forum held in Dublin this year in July. This is the largest conference for research and science held in Europe bi-annually.
ACCESS4EU and all its partners, including ACCESSRU, will have a large presence with a stand, reception and speaking engagement.
ACCESSRU paid particular attention to making the information progressively obtained within the project framework available for the large public via the edition of regular newsletters and a project interactive website oriented mainly on the Member States and / or Associated Countries. The consortium partners, using the public relations materials produced at the very beginning of the project disseminated the project at a local level as well, which meant getting in touch with the right decision-makers in their countries. All partners were deeply involved in the dissemination activities, both in the countries where they are operating and on EU level, as each consortium partner is acting as member of different networks and special interest groups. Thus, the efficiency of the dissemination campaign was increased even more.
ACCESSRU also provided the three success stories regarding a successful cooperation issued from ACCESSRU awareness raising campaign. The last one concerned the joint project 'Russian fuel cell' which is carried out by the Russian scientist Yurii Tyruin and Thorsteinn Ingi Sigfusson, Professor from Iceland.
About 100 ACCESSRU communication events promoted access to Russian opportunities and needs, and raised awareness amongst European scientists and their organisations about participation in Russian programmes. As for Russia, the objective was to encourage Russian organisations to set up joint proposals with European partners. We called this approach a two-way communication EU to Russia and Russia to EU. These communication events were also a tool to collect additional data for the project, namely to better understand the concrete needs of the research organisations and on the barriers to partnership establishment.
The targeted public consisted mainly of R&D units as well as the governmental organisations responsible for collaboration research strategy and funding of the R&D programmes. All awareness communication events were programmed in a balanced way in order to ensure maximum visibility of the project throughout its lifecycle and to allow a progressive assessment of the results.
The final dissemination event of the project will take place at ESOF 2012 (see for details) in Dublin. It is the largest bi-annual conference in Europe for science and research with more than 5000 participants. ACCESS4EU will have a stand where ACCESSRU will be largely represented and include marketing materials and a meeting point. ACCESSRU's coordinator will also have a speakers slot in the exhibition space promoting the programs, and in addition a reception will be held at the stand inviting researchers and institutes to join for information and networking. Media will be invited to attend the event as well.
In addition to the specific events for ACCESSRU, we worked closely with the ACCESS4EU members to coordinate our efforts at events that have interest for all of us. This means we informed partners of events that we identify that could be of interest, coordinated promotional materials and followed up with the partners as needed after the event. We also shared tips about interesting conferences to see if other partners were interested in attending or offered to bring their marketing materials for dissemination.
EU-Russian S&T collaboration observatory was designed and became operational in 2010. Totally, the information on 32 calls is presented on the portal. The most relevant are communicated to the editor of the ACCESS4EU common newsletters.
Project publicity material
During the first months of the project, the ACCESSRU branding has been defined (in accordance to common ACCESS4EU dissemination strategy visibility) in order to make the project easily recognisable. It represented the stable visual / textual elements for project presentation and promotion.
Branding pack prepared by RTTN and to be used by the project partners included the following:
- Project logo
The project logo has been designed by a professional designer on the basis of the common ACCESSRU template indicated in the common dissemination strategy of ACCESS4EU projects. The logo brought the message that the project was a key for EU researchers to open the doors of Russian R&D programmes and to work towards the development of strong R&D collaboration.
- Project slogan (Bringing European and Russiona S&T communities closer)
The slogan was used on project publications together with project full title 'Strengthening EU-Russia science and technology cooperation and EU access to Russian national funding programmes'.
- Other branding elements
Based on project logo and slogan other project branding elements have been developed, including:
- leaflet banner
- ACCESSRU project's letterhead business cards to publicise website address
-online banner advertisements to publicise website
List of websites:
The ACCESSRU website available at has been up and running since the beginning of the project. The website follows the common ACCESS4EU dissemination strategy and is a part of joint ACCESS4EU portal (see online).
ACCESSRU project website played an especially important role in dissemination campaign: it actually integrated all dissemination tools, making materials of the project accessible to all target groups. All openly-available materials are accessible through the site. These include: materials with information on the Russian R&D programmes and calls, related documents library, project presentations news from the partners, calendar of project events, links to relevant opportunities, such as the second call for leading scientists to come to Russian universities.
Regular updating of website information was a necessary condition of its effective functioning. Inno worked together with the partners to ensure that the information on the website is kept up-to-date. To publicise the website from other portals additional branding elements have been elaborated such as ACCESSRU business cards and online banner advertisements.
The ACCESSRU project website was linked to and is a part of the ACCESS4EU portal which gathers information from all 11 ACCESS4EU projects. The homepage gives a brief introduction about the ACCESS4EU- instruments and an overview of all 11 ACCESS4EU projects' most recent events and news.
The common web portal included a common intranet linked to the common database, where ACCESS4EU coordinators could deposit and exchange information on their dissemination activities (events, material, agendas etc) that was useful for the coordination of the dissemination. It included also the joint ACCESS4EU newsletter with contribution from ACCESSRU (see for example: