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A multi-technological approach for Dematerialising the production systems within a view of productive, reliable and eco-efficient machining processes

Final Report Summary - DEMAT (A multi-technological approach for Dematerialising the production systems within a view of productive, reliable and eco-efficient machining processes)

Executive Summary:

European machine builders produce and sell high-performance and highly productive machines. Although these machines are very sophisticated and technologically advanced, producing and using them consumes large amounts of material resources and energy. The aim of the DEMAT project is to dematerialize the machine tools and manufacturing systems that are designed and produced in Europe. The majority of machine tool producers in the European region are small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). In the course of the project, technologies and tools are being developed to support these SMEs in becoming providers of holistic manufacturing solutions which consist of:

• Ultra-light, adaptive and 100-percent recyclable skeletal structures.
• Complementary services.

The approach chosen to tackle this task is two fold:

a) Mechanics: controls and machining dynamics are integrated so that the amount of material needed for manufacturing systems is reduced while assuring productivity, accuracy and reliability.
b) These lightweight manufacturing systems will be complemented with value-adding lifecycle services and service-based business models.

The overall aim is to provide a maximum of added value with a minimum of used energy and material resources. In this regards, developing innovative solutions such as design software tools, machine-process interaction simulation models, design methodologies, new machine concepts, modular passive and active building blocks, together with the associated services and business concepts that are based on immaterial elements is the aim of the project, and the aim of Task 7.2 is to define an appropriate Exploitation Strategy for the results that have been developed in the project. To do so, the Task has been split into several basic subtasks:

• Deep market analysis for the application of the technological developments along the DEMAT project
• Assessment of the expected impact of the knowledge and technology generated and the factors that would influence their exploitation
• Identification of possible technical and non-technical barriers to the exploitation of project results such as standardisation, regulatory aspects, etc
• A methodology and strategy for an appropriated management of the knowledge generated in the project and IPR protection.
• IPR strategy and protection according to the interest of the partners and the Consortium Agreement.
• Individual exploitation plans.

Finally, it can be mentioned that this is the first version of the Exploitation Plan, that will continue being updated over the course of the project.

Project Context and Objectives:

European machine builders produce and sell high-performance and highly productive machines. Although these machines are very sophisticated and technologically advanced, producing and using them consumes large amounts of material resources and energy. The aim of the DEMAT project is to reduce the material amount of these machines that are designed and produced in Europe as basis for a posterior reduction of the energy that is consumed during their use stage. This material reduction in machines while maintaining their associated functionalities is the conceptual cornerstone of the DEMAT project, which leads to the concept of Dematerialized machines. Within this view, the DEMAT Project aims to develop technologies and tools form making European machine tool builders become providers of dematerialised manufacturing solutions which consist of light, adaptive and 100-percent recyclable structures that are combined with complementary services and innovative business models. Thus, the DEMAT research approach for tackling this dematerialization concept is twofold:

a) To integrate mechanics, control and machining dynamics for reducing as much as possible the amount of material that is required for assuring productive, accurate and reliable machining operations.
b) To complement these machines of minimum material amount with value-adding lifecycle services and service-based business models.

Indeed, machine tools and production systems are in general a combined system of product and associated services, also known as a Product Service System or as Extended Product, that offer an added value to their users during their lifecycle. For the specific case of machine tools, their added value focuses on satisfying the manufacturing needs of the manufacturers by means of productive processes that integrate the functionalities of productivity, accuracy and reliability.

Currently the majority of those functionalities lie on the mechanical structure of the machines, so that these functionalities are achieved through robust, stiff and heavy structures. Therefore, the added value of current productive systems is based on an intensive use of resources and materials, what affects both to the economic and environmental costs associated to the lifecycle of said productive systems.

DEMAT Project proposes a radically new approach for conceiving production equipment that is based on maximizing the added value that that equipment provides whilst minimizing at the same time its material amount. With this aim, the DEMAT project proposes to tackle an integral approach mechanics+ process+ control for conceiving production equipment that ensures previously defined threshold values of dynamic accuracy, productivity and reliability with a minimum of mass amount in their structural components, and then to integrate those machines of minimum mass with value adding services such as new business models, lifecycle warranties, ensured production capabilities, etc.

The overall aim is to provide a maximum of added value with a minimum of used energy and material resources. In this regard, the aim of the project lies in developing innovative solutions such as design software tools, machine-process interaction simulation models, design methodologies, new machine concepts, modular passive and active building blocks, together with the associated services and business concepts that are based on immaterial elements.
Within this view, the DEMAT Consortium has identified and planned the following Scientific and Technological Objectives:

I. To define the Functional Architecture of the DEMAT holistic solution with respect to Machine and System technologies, Services, Processes and Business Models and applied to the real-life case studies that the project will cover.

II. To develop methodologies and design tools for designing and producing Dematerialised Machines that will provide an increase in robust performance for specific machining processes by combining appropriate active skeletal modules

III. To develop methodologies, digital designs, and manufacturing tools for designing cooperatively, and in less time, Dematerialised Manufacturing Systems that will feature the appropriate degree of flexibility and associated lifecycle services for fulfilling users’ demands in a competitive and sustainable way.

IV. To define win-win, competitive and sustainable Business Models for optimising total lifecycle value and revenues associated with DEMAT machines and systems in reconfigurable value chains and dynamic networks by sharing benefits, costs, risks and responsibilities among the involved stakeholders and thus open new markets to the machine tool sector.

V. To develop an Information Sharing Platform for Dematerialised Manufacturing Systems that will integrate local data, tools and procedures existing at SMEs with the global methodologies of the DEMAT approach for reducing the effort for sharing model data and co-design.

VI. To construct Demonstrators of Dematerialised machines with greater than 60% less material content integrated with DEMAT lifecycle services and business models for demonstrating in reallife Cases Studies the applicability of the DEMAT approach in terms of cost, productivity and reliability.

Project Results:

1. Active skeletal building blocks that include actuators, sensors and local control.

Machines are considered as combinations of blocks, in which the functionality aimed for each block is achieved with the minimum possible of mass, substituting mechanical robustness by active robustness provided by active elements and actuators

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Reduction of exploitation costs in manufacturing operations: lower energy consumption, lower consumption of consumables (tool, etc.)
• Reduced assembly/disassembly costs
• Higher reliability of machines along their lifecycle: lower vibration rate, monitorization of state of components etc.
• Higher safety for workers during manufacturing operations: lower moving mass and inertia, lower vibration rate during operations, etc
• Lower consumption of energy resources during operations

In terms of acquisition price, it is estimated that it may be 15-20% higher. Anyway, that difference may be paid off within five years by a reduction in the energy consumption in a 10-15% and an increase in productivity of 40-50%

2. In-life refurbishing and end-of-life re-cycling strategies for skeletal building blocks

Nowadays the milling machines are only very limited refurbishing during their life (changes in CNC model and partly the cinematic chains of their orthogonal axis) and the re-cycling strategy do not allow the re-use of any component. The DEMAT modular conception of skeletal building blocks will make possible the in-life refurbishing of more than 70% or the materials used in the construction of the machine for retrofitted machines and more than 20% of material used in the construction of the machine for end-of-life re-use directly in new machines.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Improvement of dynamic performance in refurbished machines and higher incomes from end-of-life re-cycle of the machine.

It will take a long period of time (around 10 years) to have a respond from competitors because when the new strategies begins to be clearly identified by the competitors, the company would have included them in all the families of milling machines from Correa and Anayak. They will need to directly decrease the selling price of new milling machines as the fast and best strategy, something not always possible

3. Predictive models of skeletal building blocks:

Dematerialized machine tools will consist of building blocks. To configure such machine tools knowledge about the dynamic behaviour has to be evaluated. Therefore a model based on the predictive models of the building blocks will be provided. The predictive mechanical models in combination with electrical and signal information (Virtuos-models) can be used for:

- Initiation of a machine before its physical existence
- Control parameters could be optimised before its physical existence
- Design of SPS-Programs
- Collision tests, etc.
- Saving of time and money

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Brought to the customers is shorter lead times for machine tool products.

The product is a novelty. The main reason for its exploitation will be the reduction in the machine lead times.

4. Innovative adaptive materials such as PCMs for reacting to environmental conditions

The innovation consists in embedding phase change materials (PCM) in polymeric concrete or aluminium foam used in the manufacturing of Machine Tools building blocks.

The adoption of phase change materials (PCM) can lead to a relevant thermal stabilization of the machine, highly reducing the need for active compensation of the thermal errors with a cost effective, robust and long lasting solution.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Increase of accuracy and precision reducing thermal errors.
• Reduction of non recurrent costs ( reduction or elimination of cooling system )
• Reduction of recurrent costs ( energy consumption )

The technological readiness levels by the end of the project are:

• The PCM’s technology is proven and successfully employed in several fields, from aerospace to consumer goods.
• The adoption in Machine Tools sector is a novelty (patented by CeSI) that can be exploited only combining proper knowledge of the physics governing PCMs, experience in machine tools design, deep understanding of the causes of thermal errors.
• The readiness level will surely be high because the advantages of the solution can immediately reduce the LCC of the machine in a relevant way. Further great improvements are expected later accordingly to the evolution towards full technology maturity.
• Fine tuning and continuous design improvements will be possible thanks to growing know-how and feedback from the field.

5. Models and methods for optimising the interactions between the Dematerialised Machines, the Control and the Machining Processes

Simulation models will be developed for the functional simulation of DEMAT machine tools while machining (milling and turning) and used to optimise control system layout (sensors performance, control gains, etc …) and process (i.e. feed direction and cutting parameters) by means of innovative methodologies.

The benefit for the customers will be:

• The methodologies, supported by proper simulation models, will allow machine tools builders to increase the machine performance by means of a parametric optimization of control and cutting process.

6. Global CNC control of dematerialised machines including feed drives and actuators for building blocks

Capability of inserting proprietary control algorithms developed by third parties (Universities or Research Institutes or industries) completely integrated in the D.Electron control (means direct access to internal real-time data like acceleration, currents, velocities, … and direct output management like drive current). In addition, the real-time management of accelerometric signals to reduce axis oscillations caused by inertial forces at medium-low frequencies

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Improvement of control algorithms and the possibility of develop proprietary extensions to the standard CNC specially suited for their machines.

This result will rank against competing products in terms of price / performance:

• Price (20% less)
• Performances: better movement control especially in finishing operations
• Time reduction for finishing machining (15% improvement)

7. Networked MIMO control and monitoring for dynamic stiffness, damping and active robustness of components, machine and process

The innovation content of results are:

• Better dynamic machine behavior will be get due to better control algorithms
• Possibility of reducing the mass of material for a stiff machine tool
• Creation and optimisation of controls considering the interactions between the Dematerialised Machines and the Machining Processes
• Possibility to adapt machining conditions on the present process conditions -> better machining results

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Better machines, more precision, better machining results perhaps for less money
• Shorter breakdown times, better timed maintenance
• Less risk for unstable machining conditions

8. Design Environment for configuring Dematerialised Machines with Skeletal Building Blocks

The developed environment supports the conceptual design of a new generation of machine tools (based on skeletal building blocks) starting from cutting and tracking specifications. A methodology will be established for the conception and selection of the building blocks; specific SW tools will be developed for the generation of dynamic specifications

The benefit for the customers will be:

• The design environment will allow machine tools builders to avoid the costs due to over-sizing and to decrease the risk of requirements mismatching (above all when the prototype cost is unaffordable)

This result can be seen as a smart tool to decrease machine tool over-sizing without increasing design risk. All CAE software provide analysis aimed at this goal, but they do not usually exploit the knowledge of the requirements related to machining operations, leaving a gap that must be filled with the designer experience.

Competitors will spend several years to acquire the knowledge necessary to develop alternative approaches for “design for productivity” of machine tools. It is worth to be noted that, even if the machine tool dynamics is a very old research topic, the identification of the most convenient dynamic performance, given machining specifications, is not clearly outlined.

9. Holistic Process Planning Based on Current and Forecasted Technological and Production requirements for Dematerialised Manufacturing Systems (DMSs)

The developed process planning methodology suggests criteria for machine tool selection and takes into account energetic consumption and other machining performance indicators. It focuses on the definition of alternative setup planning and pallet configurations for the machining of a workpiece. The developed tool is integrated with a tool for the system configuration and production planning.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• For the end user, a reduction of time (for machining cycle definition and execution) and costs (in terms of energetic consumption) could be reached. An easier reprocessing of existing cycles due to modification of part design is allowed.
• Machine builders and system integrators could employ the software in order to characterize and design machine tool according to specific products or product family. Their service offer will be enriched.

10. Holistic Digital Tools for the Design of DMSs

A set of methods and tool to address the design of a dematerialized manufacturing system (DMS) starting from the products to manufacture and the specific business strategy.

The tools will be able to provide a system tailored to the specific needs and aiming at exploiting the characteristics of dematerialized machine tools to optimize the cost and to address reconfiguration capability.

Starting form the characteristics of the products to machine, the machining process and the available machine tools, the tool provides a set of near optimal solutions aiming at exploiting the advantage of dematerialized machine tools, considering the defined constraints and in line with the selected business strategy.

The provided solutions take into consideration not only the current production problem but also its future evolution defining possible reconfiguration actions to be taken.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• The main benefit of the result is the capability of providing a much more tailored configuration of the manufacturing system to acquire (machine tools users) or to provide (machine tools builder or system provider).
• This manufacturing system configuration will be optimized either in terms of the present conditions, or in terms of possible reconfigurations to react to future changes affecting the manufacturing problem to address
• This will certainly provide a cost advantage for the customer and the capability of matching the customer needs for the machine tool builder or system provider.
• In addition, an integrated configuration toll will entail a dramatic reduction of the time needed to provide a tailored configuration. According to how often a configuration activity is carried out, machine tool builders or system providers are the most benefited users. In addition, also the machine tool user will benefit from the result since they will be able to be given a tailored solution in a more efficient and fast way.

At present, no existing complete and integrated solution exists. Different software packages providing technologies for performance evaluation, mostly discrete event simulation. However, the use of these software packages requires a preliminary modelling phase that the user must provide. Hence, the result aims at providing a set of functionalities assisting the user throughout the configuration phase.

11. Holistic Digital Tools for the Production Planning of Alternative DMSs

The innovation content of result are:

• Production plan to consider multi objective functions, minimum energy consumption and maximum throughput
• Production plan to evaluate environmental performance and energy consumption
• Preprocessing procedure for energy calculation
• Remaining capacity for each resource (i.e. machine tool, tool, pallet and auxiliary system) after finding the optimal production plan
• Alarming the lack of capacity when the customer’s demands might not be satisfied due to lack or insufficient amounts of a specific resource
• to consider the objective with minimizing total energy consumption to produce all parts

The benefit for the customers will be:

• Lower cost, lower energy consumption, improved system performance such as throughput

12. Integrated Elstr portal approach for DMSs

This portal approach gives different user groups (customers) the unique opportunity to perform the following core functionalities based on a common and integrated platform/ database:

• Plant production planning
• Machine reconfiguration
• Plant reconfiguration

The benefit for the customers will be:

• The customer can translate his only production knowledge into a concrete plant configuration that can be build thanks to the DMS concept

Currently there is no tool on the market offering a production planning and plant reconfiguration as foreseen within this project. So the concept uniqueness is the main USP combined with the flexible portal concept to integrate other 3rd party components. The planning accuracy for the whole system will be competing criteria over all.

13. DEMAT value propositions and business models (value chain architectures, revenue models)

Exploration of new value proposition based on the new value-added through integrating services as well as of value propositions based on the full exploitation of material and energy savings of dematerialized machinery. Consecutively proposing guidelines for the business model design according to the new value proposition.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• MTB: consultancy for identification of new value propositions and support in establishing a business model logic in line with the new VP
• EU: consultancy for business model innovation from the acquiring party point of view.
• Suppliers: Consultancy for business model innovation from the supplying party point of view.

14. DEMAT Business Model Assessment Software prototype

The software will be based on a new methodology that will be developed for the specific needs of evaluating production investments with a high content of flexibility for turbulent demand. In general, life cycle methods for investment sustainability decisions are not common in industrial practice and the ones for business model sustainability evaluation are even less common. They are debated by researchers and, among them, NPV methods are currently the state of the art. However, they present several limits when dealing with flexible contexts, which risk to seriously limit the robustness of the analysis and to vanish the efforts for performing it. Other methods are presented in scientific literature –mainly derived from finance-, but there is big concern about their applicability when risks due to uncertainty need to be taken into account precisely. Based on this state of the art, the most appropriated method for business model evaluation in flexible contexts will be developed within the project and implemented in a prototype software.

Besides for the type of calculation methods that will be used, the result will be also innovative because it will take into account the perspective of customer and supplier at the same time with the intent of verifying the existence of win-win situation. This concept was introduced in recent research projects, but it is still far from the industrial practice.

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Industrial users (machine builders and their customers) will be able to forecast and simulate the benefits and risks of the investments and of the business relationship they will decide. This will allow companies to engage in business relationships with awareness of the consequences and to consciously set up the contractual variables (prices, durations, penalties, etc.) in order to share benefits and risks among parties.
• The software will be an instrument at disposal of machine tool builders, system integrators and consultants to promote the diffusion of advanced service relationships, which until now was limited due to the incapacity to prove their convenience). Finally, it will contribute to establish partnership relationships by sharing data and information with the intent to build win-win situations.

The service offered through the software will be very valuable to customers compared to the competitor’s one, due to the detailed quantitative approach that it will enable, based on a new methodology specifically developed for similar cases. In addition, being the supplier a research institution, the offering price will be very competitive with respect to the one generally practiced by consulting companies.

15. Information Model Representation for DEMAT Machines covering elements such as building blocks, interfaces, control strategies, energy consumption, performance and lifecycle services

A model to represent building blocks of DEMAT machines, including skeletal blocks, interfaces, control strategies, energy consumption, performance, and life-cycle services.

The benefit for the customers will be:

• Reduced time and cost of development of ISP based solutions. Seamless export of machine models between ISP solutions from different software providers

16. Information Sharing Platform for the manufacturing system, encompassing an information meta-model connecting the machine design, use, servicing and business aspects, as well as lifecycle aspects

A universal platform for sharing information holistically between the different work packages not just for the design, manufacture and implementation stage but also for the full life cycles of the machine tool. The ISP will have the capability to store and provide various different types of information formats required for the DEMAT machines and systems. This provides a new way in which to manage data and information throughout the life cycle of the machine, making it much more inherently sustainable

The benefit for the customers will be:

• The capability to transfer and store all the required information required for a DEMAT machine and system.

17. Prototype of a structural component for a dematerialised machining centre for medium-size components in the renewable energies sector

The prototype of the lightweight structural component will be integrated in a machining centre of minimum mass and focused on achieving high productivity rates of cylindrical parts of windmills (flanges, bearings, etc.)

The benefits for the customers will be:

• Reduction of exploitation costs in manufacturing operations: lower energy consumption, lower consumption of consumables (tool, etc.)
• Higher reliability of machines along their lifecycle: lower vibration rate, monitorization of state of components etc.
• Higher safety for workers during manufacturing operations: lower moving mass and inertia, lower vibration rate during operations, etc.

In terms of acquisition price, it is estimated that it may be 15-20% higher. Anyway, that difference may be paid off within five years by a reduction in the energy consumption in a 10-15% and an increase in productivity of 40-50%.

18. Prototype of a structural component for a dematerialised bridge-type large milling machine aimed at conducting high-energy consuming rough milling operations of large-size parts for the railway sector

The prototype of the lightweight structural component will be integrated in a milling machine of minimum mass and high productivity, aimed at machining parts of up 5-meter high.

The benefit for the customers will be:

• Reduction of exploitation costs in manufacturing operations: lower energy consumption, lower consumption of consumables (tool, etc.)
• Higher reliability of machines along their lifecycle: lower vibration rate, monitorization of state of components etc.
• Higher safety for workers during manufacturing operations: lower moving mass and inertia, lower vibration rate during operations, etc.

In terms of acquisition price, it is estimated that it may be 15-20% higher. Anyway, that difference may be paid off within five years by a reduction in the energy consumption in a 10-15% and an increase in

Potential Impact:

DEMAT Final Result and Expected Impact and Use

Result 1: Passive Skeletal Building Blocks integrating new materials

- Reductions in structural masses above 50%
- Optimised mass to stiffness ratio
- 100% reuse of machine modules and components in other Machines

Result 2: Process Planning Generator tool

- Optimised process transparency thanks to a hard-real time monitoring of productivity, tool wear, energy consumption and environmental impacts.
- Extended human machine interfaces integrating in-process data analysis

Result 3: Active Skeletal Building Block

- Increase of modal damping beyond 60% at resonant frequencies of machines
- Increase in the critical depth of cut of stability lobe diagrams, with its subsequent increase in productivity
- Increased active robustness at Tool Centre Point

Result 4: MIMO Control

- Detection of imminent process instability (self-excited vibrations or chatter) and real time adaption of process parameters by modifying damping properties: Increased reliability of machining operations

Result 5: DMS design software tool

- Adaptation of machine functionalities to variable customer demands

Result 6: DEMAT value propositions and DEMAT business models

- Agile networks of companies that share risks, benefits and costs

Result 7: Smart Design Environment for DEMAT machines

- Reduction by 60% of the lead time of new machines thanks to a modular conception of machines

Result 8: Holistic Production Planner

- Continuous monitoring of correlations among productivity, reliability, energy consumption, environmental impacts and machining strategies, which will support decision-making strategies for an optimized sustainability of the production processes

Result 9: DEMAT Business Model Assessment Software

- Assessment of economical feasibility of business models for different stakeholders

Result 10: DEMAT Information Sharing Platform

- Ubiquitous access to machine lifecycle information from different stakeholders

Result 11: DEMAT structural components made of Skeletal Building Blocks

- Reductions in structural masses above 50%
- 100% reuse of machine modules in other machines


The following dissemination activities presented have been organized by DEMAT partners throughout the project. Dissemination activities cover articles in scientific journals and academic publications, information booths and presentations at trade shows, presentations at academic and scientific conferences and seminars and articles in technical magazines as well as online and general media

1. The creation of the DEMAT project website

Year (and) place: 2010

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia

Explanations: The DEMAT web site ( consists of two parts: a public part, that shows information that is public for everyone, and a private part, that includes a file store for exchanging documents among partners and for uploading official documents such as deliverables and reports.

2. Project description (in English and German) on the website of Fraunhofer ISI

Year (and) place: 2010

Responsible partner(s): Fraunhofer ISI

Explanations: Description of the project and especially the tasks borne by Fraunhofer ISI, linkage to the project homepage:

3. Information booth at EMO Hannover 2011

Year (and) place: Hannover, Germany, 19–24 September 2011

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO, Tecnalia

Explanations: Posters and leaflets about the project were produced by Tecnalia. These materials were presented to public at the CECIMO booth at EMO 2011. The event was announced to public on DEMAT website and to CECIMO member associations and companies through the CECIMO website. This was the first time appearance of the project at a trade show with the aim of presenting the general scope and objectives of DEMAT. Leaflets were distributed to visitors and CECIMO staff was available at the booth to provide information about the project.

4. Redaction of a paper for a Journal including state of the art of NC Service knowledge in the DEMAT project Article on International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Volume 51, Issues 7–8, July–August 2011, Pages 591-604, ISSN 0890-6955

Year (and) place: 2011

Responsible partner(s): NC Service

Explanations: Paper: Surface roughness prediction, monitoring and controlling in high torque milling machine operations" submitted to International Journal Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

5. Article on International Journal of Machine Tools and ManufactureVolume 51, Issues 7–8, July–August 2011, Pages 591-604, ISSN 0890-6955

Year (and) place: 2011

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia

Explanations: Article: An integrated process–machine approach for designing productive and lightweight milling machines.

6. Article for the 19th CIRP Int. Conf. on Life Cycle Engineering, Berkeley CA, May 23-25 2012

Year (and) place: 2012

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia , CNR-ITIA

Explanations: Holistic approach for jointly designing dematerialized machine tools and production systems enabling flexibility-oriented business models

7. DEMAT Special issue on the International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Release: Jan/Feb’14

Year (and) place: 2014

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia

Explanations: Five articles on DEMAT in the context of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

8. Article for the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

Year (and) place: 2013

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia

Explanations: Towards higher machine-tool eco-efficiency with an Information Sharing Platform, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna Austria, November 10-13 2013

9. METAV Project Booth and Mini Conference, 28 March – 3 February 2012

Year (and) place: 2012 Dusseldorf

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO, Tecnalia

Explanations: DEMAT Project has been presented in a mini- Conference that has been held at CECIMO’s booth within the METAV 2012 Fair (Düsseldorf) Besides the mini-Conference, CECIMO and Tecnalia have prepared leaflets, posters and roll-up banners about DEMAT project that have been available at CECIMO’s booth

10. BI-MU Milano2-6/10/2012

Year (and) place: 2012 Milan

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO, Tecnalia

Explanations: DEMAT Project has been at CECIMO’s booth within the BIMU2012 Fair (Milano, october’12). In that conference, CECIMO and Tecnalia showed leaflets, posters and roll-up banners about DEMAT project

11. Industrial Technologies 2012

Year (and) place: 2012 Aarhus

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia

Explanations: DEMAT Project has been selected as finalist for the Best Project Award Gala that was held in Aarhus (Denmark) on June 20, within the Industrial Technologies 2012 NMP Event 19-21 June 2012. Gala on 20/06/2012

12. EPHJ Trade Fair, 11-14 June 2013

Year (and) place: 2013 Geneva

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia


13. EMO Hannover 2013 Fair, September 2013

Year (and) place: 2013, EMO Hannover

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO (organizer)

Tecnalia, ITIA and Univ. of Bath (contributors)

Explanations: DEMAT Project has been selected together with other 10 NMP projects of 7th FP for a cross-dissemination event that was held in Geneva, during the EPHJ Trade Fair, 11-14 June Presentation on 13/06/2013, 10:30 AM

14. DEMAT Blog,

Year (and) place: Online

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO, Tecnalia and other project partners

Explanations: Online blog to communicate project developments. Project partners contributed with their articles and contents

15. DEMAT website,

Year (and) place: Online

Responsible partner(s): Tecnalia, CECIMO and other project partners

Explanations: Project website to communicate project developments

16. DEMAT conference report,

Year (and) place: Hard copy and online version

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO (designer, coordinator and distributor) Tecnalia, ITIA and Univ. of Bath (contributors)

Explanations: A report has been published on the EMO conferences speeches. 300 copies have been sent to relevant stakeholders (research institutes, associations, companies and European policy-makers)

17. DEMAT survey report,

Year (and) place: Hard copy and online version

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO (designer, publisher and distributor) Fraunhofer (study)

Explanations: 50 copies were distributed at the CECIMO GA meeting in Vienna in November 2013. Online version has been communicated to relevant stakeholders via CECIMO website and social media channels

18. CECIMO online dissemination activities through CECIMO website and CECIMO social media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter)

Year (and) place: Online

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO

Explanations: CECIMO communicated actively all the project developments and news via its online resources

19. Congress FtK 2012 – Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium 2012, 25 – 26 September 2012

Year (and) place: Stuttgart, September 2012

Responsible partner(s): Congress Dissemination

Explanations: A congress on production topics in Stuttgart. The German name is “FtK 2012 – Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium 2012”. The DEMAT project was presented with communication materials..

20. CECIMO magazine

Year (and) place: Hard copy and online

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO

Explanations: CECIMO communicated the project news via its magazine which was sent to 500 machine tool companies across Europe through 15 CECIMO national associations. Tecnalia contributed with the content

21. CECIMO General Assembly Meetings

Year (and) place: 9-12 June 2012, Ghent; 23-24 November 2012, Izmir; 1-4 June 2013 Sardinia

Responsible partner(s): CECIMO

Explanations: CECIMO communicated project goals, aims and developments to its National Associations and Delegates (CEOs of machine tool companies) making an audience of 50 high-level people from the European machine tool industry.

List of Websites:

The URL direction of the DEMAT Project website is:

By means of this direction, any person can access to the main page of the website, where it is possible to navigate by the menu throughout the public area of the Project. Additionally, it gives the possibility to log in to the private area to those authorized by the website administrator (Tecnalia).

Relevant contact details:

PhD. Juan José Zulaika