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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

UNIVERsal open platform and reference Specification for Ambient Assisted Living

Descrizione del progetto

ICT ICT & Ageing

The main goal of the universAAL project is to make it easier for the ICT industry in Europe to develop and successfully deploy AAL solutions. To achieve this, the project is developing an open standardized platform/specification on which the AAL service providers can quickly and cheaply build AAL services. The project also assists the developers by providing development tools to further decrease the development costs. Moreover, universAAL helps to further expand the AAL market by providing an application store, called uStore, through which developers, service providers and end users can offer and obtain AAL applications.

As the European population ages, more support is needed with fewer hands to cater for their needs. There is a huge market potential for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions, but adoption is limited because they require significant resources for implementation.To address this, universAAL will produce an open platform that provides a standardised approach making it technically feasible and economically viable to develop AAL solutions.The platform will be produced by a mixture of new development and consolidation of state-of-the-art results from existing initiatives. We recognise that this not only poses technical challenges but also raises issues of adoption and uptake. So work on establishing and running a sustainable community will achieve attention right from the start, with promotion of existing results gradually evolving into promotion of the universAAL platform, as it develops into one consolidated, validated and standardised European open AAL platform.The platform will provide runtime support for the execution of AAL applications in accordance with a reference architecture, development support through core AAL services and an online developer depot of various development resources. It will provide community support, including an online uStore providing a one-stop-shop for AAL services and other resources. The general public will browse the uStore to find what they need; developers will use it as the one marketplace where they make their services available.The consortium is built of major industrial and research players in the field, including key participants from earlier projects.universAAL results will be standardised in European (CEN) and international (OMG, Continua) standardisation bodies. We will work to build a community of European industry interested in keeping the universAAL platform alive after project completion.The project duration will be 48 months with an overall budget of 13.9 M euro and a requested grant of 10.5 M euro.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CP - Collaborative project (generic)


Contributo UE
€ 2 307 700,00
7034 Trondheim

Mostra sulla mappa

Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Contatto amministrativo
Joe Gorman (Mr.)
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (20)