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Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Network of Mobility Centres

Final Report Summary - BAMONET (Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina's network of mobility centres)

Executive summary:

The aim of this project is to establish network of mobility centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with EURAXESS efforts. This project should streamline existing efforts in research mobility and provide institutional infrastructure for encouraging and facilitation of mobility of researchers in all directions and at all levels through Bosnia and Herzegovina mobility network. The main project objectives are:

(a) to establish structured network of service and information providers, enabling practical assistance to researchers in all issues related to their experience of mobility;
(b) to develop organisational framework, comprised of organisational structure, communication strategies, data requirements and procedures for providing of best performance in information and services delivery; and
(c) to promote EURAXESS values through the awareness campaign, including promotional events, dissemination of printed material with valuable information and delivery of information and services through the national researchers' mobility portal, linked to pan-European mobility portal.

The fulfilment of the above objectives, in accordance with European standards and values, is ensured by a four-level organisational structure of the network, consisting of the steering, coordination, operational and beneficiary (contact points) layer. As such, B&H mobility network will provide a backbone for involvement and concentration of all relevant actors - policy stakeholders, industry, public and private university representatives and researchers' community. The network is guided by the steering committee, providing high-level support and concentration of all relevant actors - policy stakeholders, industry, public and private university representatives and researchers' community. Project context and objectives:

BAMONET project officialy started at May 1st 2010 by signing the contract between project coordinator (Ministry of Civil Affairs) and European Commission (EC).

A bridge-head organisation (BHO) is established and hosted by University of Banja Luka and located at the premises of University Enterperenious Centre at addresse Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A, Banja Luka. The University Enterperenious Centre offered initial office equipment in accordance with their capabilities.

BHO establishment is conducted through a several steps: the first was the signing of the Annex IV of Grant Agreement by rectors of both universities participating in the project. The second step was the approval for the formation of EURAXESS Centre BIH by the Rector of the University of Banja Luka. The third step was to engage staff for EURAXESS Centre BIH.

University of Banja Luka nominated Miss Marina Radun, MSc in agricultural sciences, as office manager (instead of Miss Dragojla Vukovic, as previously planned in project application). As technical assistent is engaged Mrs Dijana Bilanovic. Both persons started with work at July 2010.

By Rector's decision, University of Banja Luka has established BIH EURAXESS Centre at 1st of July 2010 and nominated office manager.

University of Sarajevo signed consent for participation and nominated persons from Office for research to work on project.

Ministry of Civil Affairs transferred the first tranche of funds on 6 July 2010 and conditions for starting with realisation of project activities were achieved.

BAMONET project consists of five working packages. The following objectives are taken out of the Annex I of BAMONET project. The work performed in this 36 project months is mirrored against these objectives. More details concerning the work can be found in section 3.2.2: 'Work progress and achievements during the period'.

Main objective of this project is to develop quality and consistent services and proximity assistance to mobile researchers in the broadest sense of information dissemination, as well as personal assistance offered by the mobility centre personnel and to establish a national network including all relevant players (universities, research institutes, companies and national authorities) to facilitate and connect researchers mobility through the mobility centre and in connection with European Research Area (ERA).

In order to meet main objective it is expected to fulfil specific project objectives:

Objective 1

To set up sustainable organisational structure of BIH national network of service centres, including establishment of high-level support and consultative body for steering the project activities in feasible and sustainable direction, BHO, service centres and network of local contact points (LCPs).
- Proposed organisational structure of national network of service centres is characterised by four layers of performance: steering, coordination, operation and beneficiary. Ministry of Civil Affairs BH will formally appoint high-level body a Steering group that will ensure strategic direction of the project.

In order to establish high-level support of the project and national visibility of its deliverables, a steering group will be established composed of government representatives (3, of which MCA representative is chair), industry (2) and academia representatives (2) and representative of BHO. Assembly of the steering group will appoint MCA immediately upon project approval by EC. During the project, six meetings of the steering group will be organised, scheduled on basis of concentration of deliverables and milestones in a timeline. Overall responsibility of Steering Group will be strategic support in planning and evaluation of project activities and results.

Call objectives met: Organisational structure of BIH Network of mobility centres is established.

- Established organisational structure of BIH Network of mobility centres is characterised by four layers of performance. Steering level is composed of steering group that is providing all strategic support in project realisation. Coordination level is recognised by BHO establishment, while operational level is recognised by establishment of two service centres at the UNIBL and UNSA. By SC officers appointing at other institutions and by making reference list of LCPs, a beneficiary level is created.

The steering group is composed of 4 government representatives, 2 university representatives, 2 representatives of chambers of commerce and 2 representatives of BHO. BHO is established at University of Banja Luka by decision of Rector. Two Service centres are established and situated at University of Banja Luka and University of Sarajevo. At other research institutions in BIH six service centres officers is appointed by Ministry of Civil Affairs and reference list of LCPs is made.

Two additional Service centres were established by signing the declaration of Commitment - service centre at International University of Sarajevo and service centre at EUROPROJEKT Centar Banja Luka.

Objective 2

To design and collect information materials and services for assistance to incoming researchers on opportunities for research in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Call objectives met: Information material in a form of Guide for incoming researchers is designed and disseminated to mobility centres, ministries, embassies, and international cooperation departments at all universities. The guide is developed according to specification that is made by BHO and adopted by steering group. Also National EURAXESS Portal is regularly updated with all information relevant for mobile researchers and on disposal to interested parties, as well as staff of BIH EURAXESS centre. EURAXESS Centre BIH is regularly through e-Newsletters informing scientific community about issues and news important for scientist and researchers. In order to promote network and make it more visible, EURAXESS Centre designed leaflet and network poster and disseminate to all relevant stakeholders (faculties, institutes, embassies, mobility centres)

Objective 3

To enable provision of proximity assistance to incoming researchers, as well as domestic researchers in search of information about opportunities for research and jobs in European Union, according to defined structure and quality levels.

Call objectives met: This objective is fulfilled by establishment of service centres at the University of Banja Luka and University of Sarajevo. Common general task of SC’s is permanent collection and update of relevant information, establishment of LCPs at respective university and other research organisations, and to provide proximity assistance to incoming researchers, as well as local researchers in search of information opportunities in EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Beside two service centres established according to project plans and activities, two more service centres were established during the project period – Service centre at International University of Sarajevo and Service centre at EUROPROJEKT Centar Banja Luka. Those two additional service centres were established by signing Declaration of Commitment.

Objective 4

To set up a Bosnian and Herzegovinian version of the EURAXESS portal for on-line provision of information and services and online interaction of all stakeholders involved in development of national researchers' mobility infrastructure and beneficiaries.

In order to support visibility of network activities and establishment of effective collaboration with all stakeholders in provision of mobility related services and data, information and interaction facility will be developed and installed as a web portal - a National EURAXESS portal. It will be developed and implemented by the BHO, as a single point of access to all information and services, relevant to incoming, outgoing and inter-sector mobility in BIH.

Call objectives met: National EURAXESS Portal is developed on basis of specification proposed by BHO and agreed with project partners. Portal is regularly and continuously updated with information. Visual identity of a BIH EURAXESS portal is designed on basis of The European Researchers' Mobility Portal. For the purpose of more effective and efficient collaboration, BHO implemented online collaboration tools as a facilitator for joint collection of relevant content. The mission of BIH EURAXESS Portal is to be single point of access to all information and services provided to incoming researchers to host institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as for local researchers interested in participating in outgoing mobility schemes. The portal provides information and online tools designed to researchers who have interest to visit one of the scientific and research institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the BIH researchers who plan to develop their career in the heart of the ERA. At the portal is possible to find useful information on arrival and stay in BIH, searchable database of scientific and research organisations in BIH, use the search tools on vacancy for jobs, research grants and scholarships. In addition, the portal is regularly updated with news and press releases, both on general issues of science and research, as well as activities and events related to the work of EURAXESS Network in Bosnia.

Objective 5

To achieve full visibility of information and services developed by national network of service centres and delivered to target groups (incoming and outgoing researchers).

For the purpose of improvement of visibility and dissemination of national network of SCs activities, UNIBL will prepare printed informative material containing representative information about the project and its deliverables.

Call objectives met: Success of the project and possible impact is directly related to viability as well as visibility of its deliverables. For the dissemination of information, all material is prepared by BHO. A BIH mobility guide is designed enclosing all relevant information for incoming researchers. Practical guide for outgoing mobility of BIH researchers is designed and disseminated. For the graphical identification of the BIH mobility network an attractively designed poster is prepared and used in various occasions such as meetings. Also, two project leaflets are designed and delivered to all partners and to other interested organisations for promotion of the network activities.

EURAXESS BIH WebDroid mobile application for cell phones with Android operating system is developed. This application allows to search the full EURAXESS Jobs vacancies database. The results are displayed right away and can be browsed and viewed directly on the cell phone. It also allows users to watch any YouTube video linked on pages within the application in the native YouTube player on every Android mobile phone. This way the user does not have to get used to a new experience and interface, frequently queried information, such as a 'virtual phonebook', Google Maps locations directory and links to our pages and channels on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The application also provides currency exchange rate list and a currency exchange rate converter andprovides an integrated Google Maps location directory.

Objective 6

To promote work of national network of service centres and EURAXESS network activities by engaging promoter, awareness-raising campaign on researchers' mobility and ERA.

Call objectives met: Awareness of the network services has significant impact on sustainability of the project. In order to support cost effective dissemination of network deliverables and marketing of activities, bridgehead organisation is published five e-Newsletters and disseminated it by e mails to all research organisations in BIH. Four press releases are published and disseminate to most important media in country. Additionally four press conferences were organised.

Promotion of EURAXESS network services is also done throught presentations at the 16 faculties at the University of Banja Luka. EURAXESS logo and links to web page are placed at the web pages of the University of Sarajeb, University of Banja Luka, Ministry of Civill Affairs, Ministry of science and technology of Republika Srpska, Federal Ministry of science, Chamber of Commerce RS and Federal Chamber of Commerce. The EURAXESS Centre BIH made promotion of activities and network itself via Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Google +.

Beside the realisation of this regular project activities, BHO created banner of EURAXESS Centre BIH and advertise it on The banner ran for 1 month in the following countries: AL, UK, AT, BY, BE, BA, BV, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FO, FI, FR, TF, DE, GI, GR, GL, HU, IS, IE, IT, LV, LI, LT, LU, MK, MT, MD, MC, NO, PL, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, CH, TR, UA, VA, AD. It was shown 33’000 times and clicked on 47. The click rate was 0.14. The industry standard was 0.1 which was a good result.

Project results:

The main outputs from the project are structured in 49 deliverables from the 5 work packages. 34 of them including interim progress report were done during the first 18 months of project duration. The rest of the deliverables including final report (15) were realised till the end of the project duration. All relevant objectives that apply to final reporting period have been included in this summary and appear below in italics with the associated deliverable code.

Establish high-level support and advisory body for steering the project activities in feasible and sustainable direction.

WP1: 'Project management' had 12 deliverables for final reporting period including the final report, and all of them are finished.

BHO is appointed and located at University of Banja Luka by the decision of Rector. (D1.1) BHO is established with task to be responsible for development of national network of SCs, for all communication with EC and other networks with regard to data exchange. One of the main tasks of BHO is maintenance and updating of national EURAXESS Portal that provide all essential information for researchers regardless their origin.

Kick-off meeting of all project partners was held in Banja Luka on 27 September 2010. A minute from the meeting is available as deliverable D1.2. The main task of kick off meeting was to introduce all project partners with project activities, to present EURAXESS initiative and to set up plan for the first project year.

After the kick off meeting, the formation of steering group started. EURAXESS Centre BIH proposed composition of steering group, but Ministry of Civil affairs refused this proposal. Due to refusal EURAXESS Centre started procedure for steering group nomination by sending the letter to all relevant institution and asking for nomination of member for project's steering group. The steering group is formed at October 2010 (D1.3) and is composed of 2 members from Ministry of Civil Affairs, 1 member from Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska, 1 member from Federal Ministry of Education and Science, 1 member from Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska, 1 member form Federal Chamber of Commerce, 1 member from University of Banja Luka, 1 member from University of Sarajevo and 2 members from BHO. The Steering Group is supposed to provide decisive support to project activities and its future directions beyond project duration. Also, one of the tasks is to promote importance of National Network of SCs to different stakeholder in society and to strengthen motivation of institutions to participate in different mobility programmes.

The Steering Group had 6 meeting till the preparation of this final report (D1.4 D1.5 D1.6 D1.7 D1.8 and D1.9.) Four meetings took place at Banja Luka and two in Sarajevo. The first meeting of Steering group was held on 28 October 2010 and plan of project realisation for the first project year is adopted. Second meeting of the steering group was held in Sarajevo on 6 December 2010 where was discussed about SCs establishment and specification of working documents (BHO protocol and data requirements for mobility guide). Third meeting took place in Banja Luka on 4 March 2011 and during this meeting operational protocol for work of service centres is adopted, content of national EURAXESS portal is shown and supported by steering group members and it is agreed that steering group members from the universities will negotiate with the rectors of respective universities to sign Declaration of Commitment. The fourth meeting was held on 24 October 2011 at the University of Banja Luka. At the meeting were presented results of performed BAMONET activities and manual 'Foreign Researchers' Guide to Bosnia and Herzegovina' which will be distributed as a part of promotional activities aimed towards foreign researcher who come in BIH. The fifth meeting of the steering group of BAMONET project was held on 24 September 2012 at the University of Banja Luka. At the meeting were presented results of performed BAMONET activities as well as further development of the project. Besides that, it was presented a Guide to outgoing researchers which is distributed as a part of promotional activities. The sixth meeting of the Steering group was held in Sarajevo on 15 April 2013. At the last meeting the performed activities were explained and possibilities of finding solution for financing the EURAXESS Centre after completion of the Project were discussed. At this meeting some changes in the steering group were announced such the change in the representatives from University of Sarajevo. Instead of prof Hazim Bašic, new representatives from University of Sarajevo become prof. Faruk Mekic, Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Sarajevo.

Interim progress report (D1.10) was prepared by BHO and submitted at the end of month 18 of project lifetime.

Evaluation report on promotional activities (D1.11) was prepared by BHO at the end of the project. The compilation of all promotional events and dissemination activities is included in this evaluation report.

This final report (D1.12) is prepared by Bridge - head Organisation as well and will be submitted to the project coordinator Ministry of Civill Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. To set up organisational and functional structure of national network of service centres.

WP2: 'National network development' had 8 deliverables for final reporting period and they are all completed. Organisational structure of national network of service centres is characterised by four layers of performance: steering, coordination, operation and beneficiary. As described above steering level is established by steering group formation, while operational level is established by BHO formation. The scope of operation of BHO is specified within the operations protocol of BHO that is created by EURAXESS Centre BIH (D2.13).

In order to set up the operation layer of organisational structure, two service centres were established, one at the University of Banja Luka and another one at the University of Sarajevo. Service Centre at University of Banja Luka is established at November 10th 2010, while Service Centre at University of Sarajevo is established at December 6th 2010 by decision of Steering Committee of the University (D2.14). Basic criteria for nomination of these mobility centres are geographical coverage and concentration of research facilities and human resources. Each of those two universities delegated one person, as service centre coordinator, with part-time involvement with task to run the operational assignments of each SC. In order to set up responsibility specifications and communication strategy with SCs, BHO have developed the 'Operations protocol for national network of SCs' (D2.16).This protocol is adopted on the third meeting of steering group. General responsibility of SCs is to communicate everyday with BHO related to realisation of project activities, to collect and update relevant information as per request from BHO, to act as liaison between BHO and respective institution, to provide reports, to assist BHO staff in organisational and logistical support in organisation seminars and meetings, to establish a network of LCPs, to provide proximity assistance to incoming researchers, as well as to local researchers in search of information about opportunities in EU.

Declaration of commitment is standard document in EURAXESS initiative that is supposed to be signed by institutions that have BHO and SC. At the third meeting of steering group this document is translated and given to all members. Till the end of the project period Declaration is signed by the Rector of the University of Banja Luka, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Rector of International University of Sarajevo and Director of EUROPROJEKT Centar Banja Luka(D2.15). By signing this declaration, the Bosnia and Herzegovina's network of mobility centres officaly established four service centres.

EURAXESS Centre BiH has made proposal for 'Requirements specification of data structure for mobility'. This document is adopted during the third meeting of the steering group (D2.17).

To established fully structured and operational National network of mobility centres, Ministry of Civil Affairs appointed six SC officers at other institutions (D2.18). In order to expand and strengthen National network of mobility centres and create beneficiary level of network structure, each university with established SC also established a network of referent LCPs (LCPs) (D2.20). The LCPs are persons nominated from existing staff by the management of selected institutions and recognised by mobility centres. Their role is to provide all requested information on job posting, special opportunities, etc., to responsible service centre coordinator. Involvement of institutions in activities of national network service centres, as well as efforts of appointed LCPs is on voluntary basis. The LCPs are serving as a first contact point for incoming researcher in field, beside SC for that institution.

During whole project lifetime the portal euraxess. ba is updated on regularly bases and enriched with all relevant information (D2.21).

Ensure that service centres coordinators are fully trained to manage mobility information and services according to defined structure and quality levels and to provide proximity assistance to mobile researchers.

WP3: 'Personal training' has 4 deliverables and 4 of them are completed. In order to build SCs capacities to handle day-to-day activities, the project implementation plan has foreseen two training seminars and two workshops. Implementation of these activities started late because SC officers at other institutions are appointed with delay. Since they are supposed to be present at seminars and workshops it was impossible to organise trainings when was planned by the project application.

First workshop for the LCPs was organised immediately after appointing LCPs, in Banja Luka on 28 May 2011 with the purpose to establish initial communication with LCPs, present national service centres, major issues and opportunities of researchers' mobility, network communication strategy and requirements for the data collection, submission and update (D3.23). For this workshop BHO prepared all documents related to provision of full logistic support.

First training seminar was held on 23 and 24 October 2011 in Banja Luka (D3.21). This seminar gave overview of mobility issues, opportunities and scenarios to service centre coordinators. Seminar presented main legislation and practical issues for incoming researchers' mobility. It also included presentations of EURAXESS principles and guidelines, FP7 People programme etc.

The second workshop for the LCPs was organised in Sarajevo on 8 December 2011 where to LCPs were presented all about EURAXESS initiative, BAMONET project, obligations and responsibilities of LCP's and European Charter for researchers and Code of Conduct for the recruiment of researchers (D3.24).

In the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo on Thursday, on 5 April 2012, the second training EURAXESS seminar for LCPs took place (D3.22). This training was organised in order to further explain the rights and obligations acquired by participation in national EURAXESS network. Within the seminar the signing of the Declaration of Commitment by the Members of the EURAXESS Servises Network was organised. The Declaration was signed by Prof. Dr Özer ?inar, Rector of the International University of Sarajevo and Ms Marina Radun, Manager of the EURAXESS Centre B&H.

Launch national EURAXESS Portal as a single point of access to all information and services provided by national network of SCs to mobile researchers WP4 'Development of a National EURAXESS Portal' has 8 deliverables, and for this reporting period all of them are completed.

In order to support visibility of network activities and establishment of effective collaboration with all stakeholders in provision of mobility related services and data, information and interaction facility is developed and implemented and installed as a web portal - a national EURAXESS Portal. It is developed and implemented by the BHO, as a single point of access to all information and services, relevant to incoming, outgoing and inter-sector mobility in BIH.

National EURAXESS Portal is developed on basis of specification proposed by BHO and agreed with project partners (D4.25)

In order to achieve all technical conditions for hosting and managing a National EURAXESS Portal tender for all necessary equipment is done according to a public procurement procedure. (D4.26). When tender is finished, equipment is purchased (D4.27) and installed at the University of Banja Luka (D4.28).

The first public version of the portal was released in late April 2011 after implemented all corrections requested by members of the Steering Group, the coordinator and the EC (D4.29).

For the purpose of more effective and efficient collaboration, as well as structuring communications, derived from it, BHO is setup and implemented online collaborations tools as a facilitator for joint collection of relevant content, within carefully designed workflow, required for the purpose of achieving a high quality, integrity and technical conformance of collected information (D4.30). The system for broken links checker is installed and available at Tools are on disposal to portal administrator and BHO staff. This module enables necessary options for quality control and functional link checking. User account is not created in order to prevent possible unauthorised content publishing. However, users can individually submit material for publishing via specialised form available at portal. For National EURAXESS web portal is accessible via web browsers IE, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari. User friendly search tool is developed. This tool has integrated possibility for comparison and search within the EU portal (Cross Referencing) Database of industry with R&D capacities is implemented at the portal. The second, public release of the portal with integrated collaboration and interaction tools happened on 27 May 2011 when Minister of Civil Affairs of BIH officially launched EURAXESS web portal (D4.31)

National EURAXESS portal Guide with description of the project, portal's mission, architecture and provided information and online services is developed and printed for dissemination (D4.32).

Design a number of printed materials for dissemination to incoming researchers as well as local researchers' community, promote the activities of National Mobility Network and improve visibility of information and services, delivered to target groups - incoming and outgoing researchers.

WP5 'Preparation of informative material and awareness campaign' has 17 deliverables for this reporting period and all of them are completed.

Informative material and National EURAXESS Portal are primary means for achievement of maximum visibility of service centres network activities. Awareness of the network's services has significant impact on sustainability of the project. For the dissemination of information, all printed material is prepared and disseminated by BHO.

First PRESS release is electronically sent to all electronic and printed media in BIH on November 22nd 2010 with information about the beginning of the realisation of BAMONET project. Press release is prepared by EURAXESS Centre BIH (D5.34).

First PRESS Conference is organised at May 27th 2011 during the official launching of EURAXESS web portal (D5.33). All relevant media from BIH were invited.

The first eNewsletter is prepared and sent via e mail to address of a number of public and private scientific research institutes, organisations, universities and all media (D5.35). Distribution of newsletter was conducted during November and December 2010. This document is presented at a regional workshop held in Zagreb in December 2010 as well.

Project leaflet was prepared in April 2011. It contains information about EURAXESS initiative, BAMONET project, PEOPLE program, as well as contact information (D5.36).

Second Press Conference is organised at 26th October 2011, immediately after first training seminar for LCPs (D5.37). All relevant media from BIH were invited in order to present achievements of EURAXESS Centre BIH, to inform public about portal and equipment installation and about training seminar that was held.

Second press release is electronically sent to all printed media in BIH on 27 May 2011 with information that first workshop for LCPs is organised in Banja Luka and with updated information about BAMONET project and EURAXESS initiative. (D5.38)

Second e-Newsletter is prepared and sent electronically to a number of public and private research institutes, organisations, universities and to all media in BIH (D5.39). Distribution of newsletter was conducted during May and June 2011.

BIH Mobility Guide for incoming researchers, attractively designed brochure, is prepared by EURAXESS Centre BIH and published in 500 units (D5.40). The guide is enclosing all relevant information for incoming researchers and consists of following sections:

(a) brief overview of the country (general and special characteristics);
(b) overview of the education system;
(c) working in BIH;
(d) living conditions;
(e) social issues;
(f) information resources.

The Guide is disseminated by EURAXESS Centre to service centres, ministries, embassies and consulates, international cooperation departments at all universities. At the last stage of project implementation the Guide is reprinted in additional 1000 copies in order to disseminate it to all relevant stakeholders and promote euraxess initiative. The dissemination of this material were done at all events organised during the project duration and at all events where BIH Network participated and present euraxess.

National network of SC's poster (D5.41) were designed and printed by BHO in order to improve graphical identification of Bosnia and Herzegovina's network of mobility centres. The Poster is distributed to the service centres officers and LCP's and uploaded at web page.

Practical guide for outgoing mobility of BIH researchers is designed by BHO, compiling practical information and opportunities for outgoing mobility for European Union countries. (D.42). The guide is disseminated to universities and on all meetings and events organised to promote EURAXESS initiative.

On Thursday 8 December 2011, in the premises of the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, a press conference on the occasion of presenting the EURAXESS Centre B&H took place. This was the third press conference organised during the project duration (D5.43). The press conference was organised during the second workshop for LCPs. The third Press release is electronically sent to all printed media in BIH on 5 April 2012 with information that The EURAXESS seminar for LCPs took place at the University of Sarajevo (D5.44)

The third eNewsletter is prepared and sent electronically to a number of public and private research institutes, organisations, universities and to all media in BIH (D5.45). Distribution of newsletter was conducted during December 2011 and January 2012. In this e newsletter among other information related to project activities, the part of the report of the EC on the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina is published. The most important task of this working package was organisation of dissemination event - Researchers Mobility Day that was organised by the BiH EURAXESS Network, and took place at the University of Sarajevo on 16 April 2013. The organisation activities were coordinated by the Service Centre Sarajevo. (D5.46)

The aim of the conference was to promote EURAXESS initiative in BiH and to raise discussion on issues related to researchers’ mobility in the Western Balkan Countries. Another important aspect of the conference was to present experiences of development and activities within the EURAXESS networks in the region.

The conference gathered representatives of academic community, research institutions, and relevant BiH state/entity institutions, as well as representatives of the EURAXESS centres from the region and Europe. In total, the conference was attended by 64 participants.

The fourth e-Nesletter was prepared by BHO in July 2012. and electronicaly sent to a number of institutions, organisations and to all media in BIH (D5.47).

The fourth press release was prepared and electronically sent to all media in BIH in April 2013, upon finalising of Researchers Mobility Day. (D5.48)

The fifth and the last e-Newsletter planned in project was prepared during the April 2013 and electronically disseminated to universities, research organisations and all media in BIH (D5.49). The information about researchers' mobility day is provided in this e Newsletter.

Summary of progress for each WP

For each work package, except project management, which will be reported in section 3.2.3 a summary of progress towards objectives and details for each task is provided in the following tables. Objectives and tasks of the following table are taken from the Annex I of the grant agreement; the work performed within each work package is mirrored against these objectives and tasks.


Primary objective of this work package is to ensure that all activities within the project are performed according to plan and in consistence with the contractual obligations with the EC. Secondary objective is to establish high-level support and advisory body for steering the project activities in feasible and sustainable direction.

Description of work

Task 1: To ensure that all activities are performed in accordance with the project timeline and proposed deliverables are produced at given deadlines. Statistical data (on performance and visibility of public activities) and deliverables should be collected continuously and used in calculation and reporting.

Task 2: To establish a Steering group that is composed of government representatives (3, of which MCA representative is chair), industry (2) and academia representatives (2) and representative of BHO.

Progress towards objectives
The activities are performed with the project timeline and deliverables are produced at a given deadlines. The Steering Group is established during October 2010.

Progress/details for each task tackled
Task 1: With finalising deliverables D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 D1.5 D1.6 D1.7 D1.8 D1.9 D1.10 D1.11 and D1.12 this task is completed. BHO is established at University of Banja Luka, all planned meetings were organised and all reports submitted.

Task 2: The steering group is composed of government representatives (4, of which MCA representative is chair), industry (2) and academia representatives (2) and representative of BHO.
The steering group is established during October 2010, after each institution sent official nomination for their Steering Group member. Some changes appeared in composition of steering group, the project consultant is changed and representatives from University of Sarajevo and University of Banja Luka are changed. All changes were documented by official nomination.
The steering group had six meetings till the end of project period.

Clearly significant results in this work package
- BHO is established at the University of Banja Luka according to project document and is resulted in deliverable D1.1.
- Kick off meeting is organised where all project partners had opportunity to introduce themselves. Plan for realisation of project activities is done. Realisation of this task is resulted in deliverable D1.2.
- Establishment of steering group is resulted in deliverable D1.3.
- During 36 months steering group had six meetings, four of them in Banja Luka and two in Sarajevo. Realisation of these meetings is resulted in deliverables D1.4 D1.5 D1.6 D1.7 D1.8 D1.9.

The Interim progress report is submitted on time after 18 months of project realisation in deliverable D.1.10. The promotional report and final report are realised in deliverables D.1.11 and D1.12.

If applicable, reasons for not being on schedule/ impacts on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning.

There were small delays in producing results of mainly deliverables since realisation of project activities started with delay of two months due to complicated administrative procedures in country. BHO is established in July of 2010 and persons in charge for project realisation are engaged in July as well. But this delay did not have influence on overall realisation of activities in WP1.

(a) to set up organisational and functional structure of national network of service centres;
(b) to design information and services for assistance to incoming researchers, as well as local researchers in search of information about research opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(c) to enable provision of proximity assistance to incoming researchers, as well as local researchers in search of information about opportunities in EU description of work.

Task 1: Create a four level structure of organisational framework consisting of: Steering level, Coordination level, operational level and beneficiary level.

Task 2: To build network structure and communication framework for operation of mobility centres.

Progress towards objectives
The activities are performed with the project timeline and deliverables are produced at a given deadlines.

Progress / details for each task tackled

Task 1: With finalising deliverables D2.14 D2.18 and D2.20 together with finalising deliverables from work package 1, this task is completed.

Task 2: With finalising deliverables D2.13 D2.15,D 2.16 D2.17 and D2.21this task is finalised and communicational framework for operation is build.

Clearly significant results in this work package

BHO organisation operations protocol and work specifications are created, adopted by the steering group and resulted in deliverable D2.13.

Two service centres are established, one at University of Banja Luka and another one at the University of Sarajevo, which are directly supervised by persons responsible for international cooperation at each university. SCs establishment is resulted in deliverable D2.14. Additionally, two more service centres are established, one at International University of Sarajevo, and second at EUROPROJECT Centre Banja Luka.

EURAXESS Centre BIH drafted Declaration of Commitment and offered for signing to the University of Banja Luka and University of Sarajevo. Signing of this declaration is resulted in deliverable D2.15.

SCs operational protocol, responsibilities and communication strategy is created by EURAXESS Centre BIH which is resulted in deliverable D2.16.

Requirements specification of data structure for Foreigner researchers guide for BIH is made by EURAXES Centre BIH and adopted by steering group. This specification is resulted in deliverable D2.17.

Service centre officers are appointed at other institutions (faculties and institutes) and resulted in deliverable D2.18.

Reference list of local contact persons at the institutions with all contact information is delivered by MCA. This list is resulted in deliverable D2.20.

The portal data are updated on a regularly bases and changes that appeared in contact information are resulted in deliverable D2.21.


Objective of this work package is to ensure that service centres coordinators are fully trained to manage mobility information and services according to defined structure and quality levels and to provide proximity assistance to mobile researchers.

Description of work

Task 1: To organise two training seminars that will give presentation of general overview of major mobility issues, opportunities and scenarios to service centre coordinators.

Task 2: To organise two local workshops for LCPs by each project partner in Banja Luka and in Sarajevo. Purpose of the workshops will be to establish initial communication with LCPs, to present National Network of SCs, to present major issues and opportunities of researchers' mobility, network communication strategy and requirements for the data collection, submission and update.

Progress towards objectives
The activities are performed with the project timeline and deliverables are produced.

Progress / details for each task tackled.

Task 1: With finalising deliverables D 3.21 and D3.22 this task is completed. The seminars were organised in Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

Task 2: Is completed with finalising deliverables D 3.24 and D 3.23.

Clearly significant results in this WP

First two days seminar is held in Banja Luka. List of participants, trainer’s report, evaluation report, follow up notes and discussions are resulted in deliverable D 3.21.

Local workshop for LCPs was held in Banja Luka. Presentations, report, list of participants are resulted in deliverable D3.24.

Lokal workshop for LCPs and seminar were organiyed in Sarajevo but with slight delay due to administrative reasons.Anzwaz those activities were performed as can be seen in deliverables D3.22 and D3.24.

If applicable, reasons for not being on schedule/ impacts on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning.

Due to the delay in appointing of reference list of local contact persons by the MCA, EURAXESS Centre BIH was not able to organise both seminars and workshops according to schedule. Training and workshop were held in Banja Luka, and later one organised in Sarajevo. Another reason why seminar and workshop are organised in Sarajevowith delay is that coordinator of Service centre of University of Sarajevo was on maternity leave and replacement was not found in time. Due to facts mentioned above deliverables D 3.22 and D 3.24 are organised with delay.


Objective of WP4 is to launch national EURAXESS Portal as single point of access to all information and services provided by national network of SCs to mobile researchers (incoming, outgoing, inter-sector). Secondary objective is to provide an open, accessible and interactive platform for collaborative content management and online communication for all stakeholders that are involved in development of national network of SCs.

Description of work

Task 1: Development of National EURAXESS Portal specification. National EURAXESS portal will be developed on basis of specification proposed by UNIBL and agreed with project partners. It is expected that BHO will be assisted by EC related to this issue and supported by provision of portal layouts.

Task 2: Implementation of technical framework for hosting and managing National EURAXESS Portal. For the purpose of managing National EURAXESS Portal's content and interaction in effective and collaborative manner, UNIBL will install and implement a content management framework, in hosted environment, accessible by all project partners, as well as for general community.

Task 3: Development of initial content structure. Based on this project scope and deliverables, a general content hierarchy will be developed and implemented by using content management framework. All relevant static information will be collected and published, announcing a prototype of national EURAXESS Portal, accessible for testing and review of a general public.

Task 4: Development and implementation of collaboration tools. For the purpose of more effective and efficient collaboration, as well as structuring communication, derived from it, UNIBL will setup and implement online collaboration tools as a facilitator for joint collection of relevant content, within carefully designed workflow, required for the purpose of achieving a high quality, integrity and technical conformance of collected information. Design workflow will be compliant to developed mobility network communication strategy.

Task 5: Development of National EURAXESS Portal guide. A number of leaflets with description of the project portal's mission, architecture and provided information and on line services will be printed for dissemination.

Progress towards objectives
The activities are performed with the project timeline and deliverables are produced at a given deadlines.

Progress / details for each task tackled

Task 1: With finalising deliverables D 4.25 this task is completed.

Task 2: With finalising deliverables D 4.26 D4.27 and D 4.28 this task is completed and technical framework for hosting and managing National EURAXESS Portal is implemented.

Task 3: With finalising deliverable D 4.29 this task is completed. The general content hierarchy is developed and implemented.

Task 4: With finalising deliverables D 4.30 and D 4.31 the task is completed and collaboration tools developed and implemented.

Task 6: With finalising deliverable D 4.32 this task is completed and National EURAXESS Portal guide developed.

Clearly significant results in this work package

National EURAXESS Portal specification is developed by EURAXESS Centre BIH as resulted in deliverable D 4.25. On the basis of this specification National EURAXESS portal is developed as a single point of access to all information and services, relevant to incoming and outgoing researcher.

Implementation of technical framework for hosting and managing National EURAXESS Portal is implemented as resulted in deliverables D 4.26 D 4.27 and D 4.28. Tender, purchase and installation of equipment necessary for hosting of National portal is done.

Initial content structure of National EURAXESS Portal is developed and promoted as resulted in deliverable D 4.29. The first public release of the portal is launched enclosing initial information on activities of the network and exiting mobility related information. The fact that portal is public and operational is indicator that verifies achievement of project’s second milestone.

For the purpose of effective and efficient collaboration and communication, on line collaboration tools are setup and implemented as resulted in deliverables D4.30 and D4.31. Those tools enable joint collection of relevant content from all project partners. Separate area with collaboration and publishing tools is opened to service coordinators for provision and management of mobility related information, as well as other interaction tools for communication with community.

National EURAXESS Portal guide is developed as resulted in deliverable D 4.32. The guide is printed and distributed to the coordinators of SCs, LCPs and uploaded on the EURAXESS Portal.


Primary goal is to design a number of printed materials for dissemination to incoming researchers as well as local researchers' community interested to participate in outgoing mobility schemes. Second objective of this work package will be to promote the activities of National Mobility Network and improve visibility of information and services, delivered to target groups - incoming and outgoing researchers.

Description of work

Task 1: Preparation and dissemination of information in order to improve visibility of national network of SCs and for informing wider public on project progress and provision of general information on project.

Task 2: Preparation and publishing brochure “BIH Mobility Guide for incoming researchers” in English language with aim to provide all relevant information for mobile researchers and practical assistance to incoming researchers, regarding relevant contacts to SCs, BHO.

Task 3: Preparation and publishing brochure 'Practical guide for outgoing mobility of BH researchers' compiling practical information on opportunities for outgoing mobility.

Task 4: Organisation of big dissemination event - a Mobility Day. This event will be organised in place that will be located during project implementation on basis of possible impact criteria

Progress towards objectives
The activities are performed with the project timeline and deliverables are produced at a given deadlines.

Progress/details for each task tackled

Task 1: With finalising deliverables D 5.33 D 5.34 D 5.35 D 5.36 D 5.37 D 5.38 D 5.39 D5.41 D5.43 D5.44 D5.45 D5.47 D5.48 and D5.49 this task is completed according to project timeline.

Task 2: With finalising deliverable D 5.40 this task is completed according to project timeline.

Task 3: With finalising deliverable D5.42 this task is completed according to project timeline.

Task 4: With finalising deliverable D5.46 this task is completed according to project timeline.

Clearly significant results in this work package

The four Press conferences are organised during the project lifetime, two press conferences were organised in Banja Luka and two press conferences were organised in Sarajevo. According to project plan it was supposed to organise three conferences and they are resulted in deliverables D 5.33 D 5.37 and D5.43.

The four press releases are published by the BHO and disseminated to most important media in the country by e mail, as resulted in deliverables D 5.34 D 5.38 D5.44 and D5.48.

BHO published fifth e-Newsletter and disseminated by e mail to all research organisations in BIH as resulted in deliverables D 5.35 D 5.39,D5.45 D5.47 and D5.49.

Project leaflet is created by the BHO and disseminated to all relevant institutions and used in order to inform wider public about project activities and opportunities that EURAXESS is offering, as resulted in deliverable D 5.36.

BIH Mobility guide for incoming researchers is designed as brochure by BHO and published, enclosing all relevant information as resulted in deliverable D 5.40. 500 units of BIH Mobility guide is printed and delivered to mobility centres, ministries, embassies and consulates and international cooperation departments at all universities for further dissemination. At the end of the project period since all printed copies have been already distributed, it is decided to reprint additional 1000 copies. The guide is consisting of following sections:

(a) brief overview of the country;
(b) overview of the education system;
(c) working in BIH; (d) living conditions;
(e) social issues;
(f) information resources.

For the graphic identification of the National Mobility Network mission and activities, poster is designed by BHO as resulted in deliverable D 5.41. Poster is used and will be used in various occasions for the promotion of the network such as meetings, conferences and other events.

Practical guide for outgoing mobility of BH researchers is prepared and published by BHO and distributed to all relevant scientific institutions in the country, as well as uploaded on web site, as resulted in deliverable D5.42.

The big dissemination event – ” was organised by the BiH EURAXESS Network, and took place at the University of Sarajevo on April 16th 2013., as resulted in deliverable D5.46.

Potential Impact:

The project has been functioning well, and from the content of the deliverables it can be concluded that all project activities were implemented and aims achieved. The expected final results of the project would be sustainable network of mobility centres in order to promote and support researchers' mobility. The BIH EURAXESS team will continue to work on promotion of EURAXESS initiative upon project finalisation. The main problem we are facing at the moment is financing. Through application on project grants we will try to provide certain financing for future work. Networking structure is necessary for improvement of capacities in international cooperation. There has been a lot of discussion and collectively we are working towards a solution to sustain network after project duration. One of the most important and expected impact is increased number of incoming and outgoing researchers. This will provide stronger visibility of domestic institutions in ERA and will create new and strengthen old links between research institutions from BIH and EU. Expected impact of this project is to raise visibility of BIH research landscape in ERA and in EURAXESS.

List of websites:

Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH - Ammar Mirascija -
University of Banja Luka - Marina Radun -
Univeristy of Sarajevo - Nina Begovic -