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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Policy, law and organ procurement; can behaviour and mentalities be modified by social engineering?


It is generally agreed in the literature that the social and legal solutions until now put into practice to enhance organ donation and retrieval for transplantation have failed at fulfilling the demand for organs. Against this, some defend new solutions: markets, community ownership of corpses; production of organs in laboratories out of stem-cells or of genetically modified animals.

These solutions are however socially, ethically and legally deeply unconsensual. Besides, they are defended without empirical data backing them. The question to what extent the existing systems are inefficient in themselves or because enough has not been done to develop them remains unanswered. The empirical reason for this is that the legislative/policy/societal factors determining organ procurement are still to be systematically identified.

The theoretical question here is can social behaviours and beliefs be modified through law and/or through policy in the existing socio-political contexts? This project proposes to conduct comparative research between three European regions around three axes: the legislative regulation of systems of donation and retrieval, their structural/organisational functioning, the role played by hospital professionals in charge of taking decisions of do nation and retrieval.

Empirically this project will produce comparable data and comparative analysis allowing a rigorous evaluation of the relative weight of each factor in order to move forward the policy debate, elaborate a model consisting of a coherent and complete set of standardised variables accounting for procurement levels, and applicable to different national cases.

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