Final Report Summary - SOFC-LIFE (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – Integrating Degradation Effects into Lifetime Prediction Models)
The SOFC-Life project concentrated on identifying, understanding and quantifying degradation effects occurring in high temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) devices. It followed a systematic approach to analyse a selected number of the most important degradation mechanisms: 1) Morphological change in the anode cermet (impacting on anode activity and electrical continuity), 2) Nickel-steel corrosion (impacting on electrical continuity and conductivity), 3) The stability (chemical, kinetic and morphological) of state of the art cathode materials (impacting the cathode activity), and 4) Processes at the cathode-interconnect interface (impacting electrical continuity and chemical composition of components, thus their electrochemical performance). The work concentrated on the 'continuous' (baseline) degradation phenomena determining stack behaviour in the long term.
From the selected four themes (degradation mechanisms), all contributing to the overall ohmic part of the SRU impedance, three could be identified as having only minor or even no influence on the degradation behaviour observed in SOFC stacks. Only the contact resistance between the metal interconnect and the cathode (contact layer) showed substantial increases over time and can be considered to be a major contribution to the overall degradation observed in SRUs and stacks.
Continuum composite electrode models were developed. Three semi-empirical degradation laws as obtained from the materials exposure tests could be implemented. These electrode models including degradation were then implemented in stack models for lifetime prediction under practical operating condition.
Implementation of the results from the model development was performed within the scope of the model validation with real stack testing. Due to the participation of major European SOFC manufacturers this process resulted in direct industrial implementation of results.
Project Context and Objectives:
see attached document Final Publishable Summary Report
Project Results:
see attached document Final Publishable Summary Report
Potential Impact:
see attached document Final Publishable Summary Report
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