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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

New Advanced iNsulatiOn Phase Change Materials

Final Report Summary - NANOPCM (New advanced insulation phase-change materials)

Executive summary:

After 3 years of intensive work, the NANOPCM project ends. This project has fulfilled the expectations, extracting several exploitable results depending on the technology developed. The partners in charge of the development have demonstrated their knowledge and have obtained the foreseen results. Because of that, they will have the right of the exploitation of their developed materials.

The technologies have been focused on decreasing the energy consumption in buildings. The results have demonstrated that the thermal comfort in buildings can be maintained without losing energy efficiency and with an acceptable cost.

Because of the economic and environmental crisis, the construction sector needs to be changed to a sustainable model able to integrate advanced materials for smart energy management together with traditional materials already present in the construction sector. In addition, the novel technologies must be competitive with the products available in the market.

From the beginning of the NANOPCM project, the consortium has been concentrated not only in researching but in demonstration of the technologies developed. Then, the technologies have been proved at lab and pilot / building scale. Nevertheless, two different climates were chosen to cover the European weather conditions. The project has developed different kinds of technologies able to be scaled-up and integrated in a production line. Then, the products can be exploited in the current market. Although the NANOPCM products are not present in the market yet, there are potential partnerships with large and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) companies to exploit results by the integration of the NANOPCM products in their products. Additionally, it will be possible the implementation of a new production line in the manufacture plant of one of the partners. On the other hand, several works will continue after the project ends to maximise the impact of the results and make the NANOPCM product more powerful for potential clients.

Project context and objectives:

The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), on with the European Parliament and the Council addressed in the second half of 2012 must change the current energy context. The EED is a compromise deal that is expected to result in 15 % energy savings by 2010. The gap with the 20 % target will be filled partly by additional fuel-efficiency regulations under the Ecodesign Directive, resulting in another 2 % savings. Member States will have two years to implement the EED in their national legislations. In the first half of 2014, the Commission will review progress and assess whether further measures are needed to meet the 20 % savings target. The EED will affect the full energy chain; energy conversion, transmission and distribution, and end use.

In terms of buildings, thermal insulation is one of the keys to reach the minimisation in the energy consumption expected to achieve a sustainable situation. In this context, the NANOPCM project was focused in the application of advanced materials to improve the properties of the traditional ones. Then, the purpose will include the target of getting a product feasible economical and able to me manufactured at industrial scale. The NANOPCM consortium was composed by 8 partners from 5 different European countries, integrating diverse profiles: research centres, SMEs, large companies and public body. The mix of diversified point of views has contributed to the whole vision of the project and objectives.

From the research point of view, the optimisation of the technologies including nano-materials was essential to start the project taking into account the previous knowledge and lab results which were coming along the work. From these issues, the integration in traditional matrixes used currently for buildings insulation was fundamental to open the vision of the market necessities. It was the input to scale-up the technologies and getting the final products.

The demonstration of the products got at lab and building scale will be the result which stakeholders will take into account to evaluate the performance of the NANOPCM products. In the NANOPCM project, the demonstration was developed in two European locations, Poland and Spain, which high difference in terms of weather conditions. The results of demonstration activities will be the basis for a commercial brochure which will integrate the NANOPCM products. It demonstrated that the NANOPCM product can be adapted depending on the climate where the NANOPCM product will be used.

The products got along the project can be divided by two main results:

encapsulated phase change materials (PCMs) including nanomaterials as additives to integrate in different matrixes;
(b) polyurethane (PU) foam containing PCMs together with nanomaterials.

Depending on the sector where the NANOPCM will be applied, one of the results will be chosen as option to improve the thermal performance of the materials. As the NANOPCM product will be integrated in the construction sector as principle segment, the expected traditional matrixes could be insulation foam, concrete, plaster, cement, etc.

For that, a pilot plant for encapsulation of PCMs has been constructed within the NANOPCM project, getting around 8,5 Kg/h additive to add to commercial products. Nevertheless, the pilot plant works with a technique already registered under two patents (EP 2119498 A1; ES 2306624 A1). Some profit can come additionally from them as well as the use of knowledge from the implementation of the pilot plant. This pilot plant encapsulates commercial PCMs, being the production quite close to the current market because it is not depending on the price of small amount of materials or production but industrial production.

On the other hand, PU foam containing PCMs will be applied on walls and roofs following the standard existing procedure used with standard PU foam. It means than using the NANOPCM product will not compromise the methodology related to the installation of the building insulation system. Then, it could be concluded that not disadvantages come from implanting the smart PU panels. The PU system has been optimised to accept the additive without affecting the mechanical properties, curing and growth.

Moreover, the NANOPCM project has studied further the standardisation of such products. Then, the lifecycle assessment (LCA) and toxicity guidelines will contribute to get the certification of NANOPCM products and traditional components where they will be integrated. The LCA and potential toxicity has been deeply studied along the NANOPCM project as an additional result.

Other ways to integrate the PCM have come from the NANOPCM project such as integration in an organic matrix and vacuum impregnation around solids.

Finally, a software tool developed will simulate the thermal behaviour of products containing the NANOPCM products. It could be integrated in a user interface easily used by architects, designers, engineers and other stakeholders within the construction sector. Then, the simulation model will be established at building scale and will be able to extract conclusions in terms of energy savings and temperature reached in a building where the NANOPCM product will be integrated. It will be useful for initial studied before deciding the most suitable product for buildings insulation.

Project results:

The project was divides by 8 work packages (WPs), where the WP1 was related to management issues and WP8 to dissemination and exploitation. Within the WP6 and WP7 the demonstration with the pilot plant production and the installation at building scale were developed. The other WPs were focused in researching, essential to implement the other WPs and contribute to the optimisation of the technologies developed.

ACCIONA, as large company leader in the construction sector, has coordinated the consortium composed for so mixed European profiles: one university, one research center, four SMEs, one public body and one large enterprise. This diverse group of people has worked together in this ambitious project along 3 years.

In the WP1, the issues related to the project management were carried out. As results:

(a) the risk analysis and contingency plan were established;
(b) the goevernance structure were fixed;
(c) the overall coordination was done along the project;
(d) scientific coordination and monitoring of WPs and tasks were done.

The work started in the WP2 and WP3 with the research in PCMs, studing the diverse range of PCMs and the different methodologies already developed for the encapsulation and optimisation of the thermal performance of the final products. In this point, the matrixes where the PCMs can be integrated were deeply studied too in order to select the best substrate regarding the materials used in the construction sector currently.

In this WPs, the study of nanomaterials to improve the thermal properties of the NANOPCM products as well as the compatibility with the substrate and PCMs. The WP2 and WP3 main results are:

(a) selection of best PCMs to encapsulate and incorporate to traditional matrixes;
(b) selection of porous solids to impregnate with PCMs;
(c) selection of polymric materials to contain high percentage of PCM;
(d) selection of the best matrixes to incorporate the encapsulated and non-encapsulated PCMs;
(e) selection of best materials to use as microcapsules;
(f) evaluation and optimisation of the microencapsulation process;
(g) study of compatibility of nano-materials to incorporate for the improvement of the performance. Selection and optimisation.

In the WP4, the performance of products is estudied from micro to building scale including the component scale. For that, thermal and morphology tests were carried out together with simulation model to estimate the thermal behaviour of the developed materials. Regarding that the traditional components used in the construction sector must survive along the building life, durability tests were carried out The WP4 main results are:

(a) definition of the microstructural and thermodynamic properties;
(b) software and mathematical model for the evaluation of thermal behaviour of PCMs incorporated to PU foam at micro and macro-scale (component and system level);
(c) the products developed in the NANOPCM project can support 1 000 melting and freezing cycles without degradation and without losing the heat storage.

The WP5 was focused in the study of environmental and cost impact of using the developed products in comparison to the traditional ones. For the global environmental impact , ISO ISO14040 were considered and results were used for standardisation issues. Further than that, also local impact parameters have been addressed such as eco-toxicity and human toxicity. The full process and product life cycle have been addressed, including the recyclability issues The nanosafety issues related to potential nano-toxicity and genotoxiity deriving by the use of nanomaterials within the NANOPCM production was investigated. Latent risks were taken into account too, also devising applicable protocol for safe management of nanocomposite PU panels during their life cycle. The LCA was carried out renormalising environmental impact data on the functional unit thus assessing the innovative solution environmental performance based on its functionality. This allowed direct comparison with current products on the market as well as prototypes developed during the project research and technological development (RTD) activities.

From this WP, it was extracted the better environmental behaviour from using the smart insulation foam panels in comparison to the typical ones in terms of CO2 emissions and other factors. In addition, the recyclability is one of the factors which the manufacturer within the NANOPCM project is currently trying including in his production line and there are not extra risks in comparison to the production of PU panels.

In the WP6, the prototypes were designed and constructed. For that, it was necessary the optimisation of the PU foam system to include the microcapsules containing PCMs. This way, the mechanical properties and PU foam growth was studied to extract the best mix of components to use in the PU foam manufacturing to include the microcapsules containing PCM developed in the NANOPCM project.

In this WP, the prototypes were evaluated to take the decisions needed for the pilot plant scale-up. From these decisions, the materials selected were the microcapsules containing PCM instead of the porous solids impregnated with PCMs or PCMs linked chemically to traditional matrixes. The decision was taken into account the feasibility of the production, results from lab tests and current normative within the construction sector. The main WP6 results are:

(a) pilot plant design, construction and start-up;
(b) study of the industrialisation;
(c) optimisation of the operation conditions;
(d) construction of prototypes using the materials developed in wp2;
(e) production of materials for the panels manufacturing to install in the demonstration activities.

In WP7, the innovative materials developed along the RTD WPs where manufactured at batch scale to install the novel panels in two demo-buildings located in Spain and Poland. For that, the production of NANOPCM products was put into practice and coordination between each partner was indispensable. The microcapsules were selected depending on the climate conditions of Spain and Poland and were produced in Spain at lab and pilot plant scale. The panels included these microcapsules and were manufactured in Poland. Then, the products were sent to Warsaw and Madrid to be installed in both facilities. The main WP8 results are:

(a) installation of the NANOPCM products in two demo-buildings placed in two different climates;
(b) monitoring of the performance of the products along the time;
(c) evaluation of the performance in comparison to two demo-buildings insulated with traditional PU panels.

In the case of WP8, the dissemination and exploitation were carried out during the 3 years of NANOPCM project and the consortium will continue working in that. Then, the partners have represented the NANOPCM project along several workshops, congresses and fairs and have written scientific and divulgate articles about the NANOPCM project. Thanks to the NanoE2B cluster initiative, the NANOPCM project will continue working in dissemination through the collaboration with other Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) projects.

In terms of exploitation issues, several companies are currently interested in the NANOPCM products and partners involved in the development of such products will work in the inclusion of them in the market.

The main WP8 results are:

(a) web-site construction, maintenance and update (see online);
(b) dissemination plan;
(c) exploitation plan: here, the consortium has already contacted 3 companies to include the NANOPCM products in the current market;
(d) involvement in the NanoE2B Cluster initiative with other FP7 projects where the nanotechnology is applied.

Potential Impact:

- The potential impact

The NANOPCM project was expected to result in the development of new smart insulation products based on nanotechnology and associated manufacturing techniques with low energy footprint and high added value for the end-users at an acceptable cost for payback period less than 6 years.

From the results and analysis from the project, the added cost associated to the use of the innovative panels developed in the NANOPCM project, the payback period would be around 2 years considering the cost of the novel panels and the energy saves when using the NANOPCM products.

Then, it would be concluded that the impact from the NANOPCM project is even better than expected at first. These smart insulation materials will add an additional thermal storage capacity to insulation systems that will reduce the heat losses through the building envelope in walls and roofs. It will have a significant economic and technological impact in the European Industrial insulation sector and it will affect to the Construction, manufacturing and materials sectors.

Following the action plan for Energy Efficiency purposed by the European Commission, the main environmental objective is the reduction of the energy consumption by 20 % in 2020. With the use of the NANOPCM products, these objectives could be achieved with less effort than previously estimated.

- Socioeconomic Impact

Acciona, UCLM and Tekniker will exploit the products developed by themselves within the NANOPCM project. Then, Acciona and UCLM will exploit the microcapsules manufactured by spray-drying while Tekniker will exploit the capsules manufactured by sol-gel and porous solids by vacuum impregnation. Moreover, Tekniker will use their acquire knowledge in the production of resin containing PCMs (masterbach) to exploit the results.

- Comfort

The importance of comfort in buildings is increasing in the last years due to the description of the thermal comfort itself. It is very difficult to define because it should be taken into account a range of environmental and personal factors when deciding what will make people feel comfortable. These factors make up what is known as the 'human thermal environment':
- Thermal comfort is defined in British Standard BS EN ISO 7730 as 'that condition on mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment'.
- NANOPCM products, thanks to the fact that they can regulate the environmental temperature, contribute to enhance the thermal comfort in buildings where the NANOPCM materials will be installed.

Then, the NANOPCM products will storage the heat from the environment along the day and release the heat accumulated during the night when the temperature is decreased. This behaviour will produce a lower thermal fluctuation which will mean that the indoor temperature will be maintained within a range longer than traditional insulation materials. Then, there will not be big changes in thermal conditions. Additionally, HVAC systems with a set temperature will reduce its energy consumption due to the natural maintenance of the thermal conditions in the building, coming out with a lower necessity of putting on the automatic system.

- Environmental impact

No effective reduction of the world's carbon dioxide emissions can take place without tacking the issue of energy efficiency in buildings. Residential and commercial buildings account for roughly 32 % of global energy use, and over 30 % total end use energy-related CO2 emissions, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The IEA expects energy demand from buildings to more than double by 2050, because of a growing world population and fewer people per household in the developed world.

In 2010, households were responsible for 25 % of Europe's energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, according to UN greenhouse gas inventories collated by the European Environment Agency.

Yet buildings are not covered by European Union (EU)'s emissions trading system (ETS) and, unlike targets for renewable energy and carbon dioxide reductions, the EU's goal of a 20 % increase in energy savings by 2020 is voluntary.

Using the NANOPCM products in buildings for insulation and comfort maintenance, the CO2 emissions from buildings will be cut down. From the research carried out in the NANOPCM project, it is possible to solve up to 17 Kg CO2/ m2 insulated building per year. It means that more than 1ton/year would be solved considering a building with 100 m2 insulated. It means that more than 30% of CO2 emissions from buildings will be avoided.

- Market impact

One of the economic barriers to integrate the PCMs in the market is the high price of the current PCM building products. As seen before, the cost has not been highly affected when using the NANOPCM products in comparison to the traditional PU foam panels.

Additionally, the results of tests related to standardisation issues give an added value to the performance of the NANOPCM products. These standards make easier the inclusion into the current market where nowadays, the energy certification is essential to compete with other insulation products.

For that, the LCA analysis, which shows the better performance of the NANOPCM products, and the simulation models at micro and building scale with which it is possible to extract the energy saves in buildings where the NANOPCM products will be installed in advance, will be the prove of the good performance. For potential clients, these added values will be the justified reason of investing an initial higher amount of money in buildings insulation. Nevertheless, this additional investment will be recovered in two years.

- Educational and training impact

The NANOPCM project has contributed to promote a high level of education in research and development (R&D) and new technologies related to the industrial sector, as well as technical education adapted to the nanotechnology production methods.

In the NANOPCM project, a high percentage of PhD people has been involved in the development of works. Research centres and one University have been partners within the NANOPCM project. In parallel, the research had a strong entrepreneurial mindset. It means that the best practices in both sectors, combining knowledge and financial issues to get the optimum innovative solution.

- Impact on SMEs

Purinova is the SME in charge of manufacturing the PU foam panels containing PCMs. Because of that, Purinova has a high interest in exploiting this new production line.

Purinova will study in the coming months the implementation of this new production line.

On the other hand, DIAD will collaborate in getting the standardisation of the NANOPCM products through applying the LCA developed within the project and further studies in terms of environmental impact and recycling.

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