CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Quick process and tool design for advanced multi-axis milling of hard-to-machine materials

Final Report Summary - QUICKPRO (Quick process and tool design for advanced multi-axis milling of hard-to-machine materials)

Executive Summary:
European companies in the tool and die making, the tubomachinery and automotive industry are facing a steady loss of competitiveness in their markets. Highly innovative product concepts are introduced into the market to increase efficiency and improve eco-efficiency. These product concepts go in hand with the use of improved high performing materials. The drawback is that these materials are hard to machine and lead to long machining times. Hence, the existing milling technologies cannot fulfil the increasing demands on shorter time-to-market, decreasing manufacturing costs and increasing part quality.
The need of new high performance milling operations to produce these products is of high interest for these companies. The machining processes are directly connected to the use of advanced coated tools and innovative machining strategies. Consequently, the aim of QuickPro is to improve the actual machining processes and bring them to a new high performance level by using standard approaches and systematical analyses.
The focus of the researches was set on the coating, tool and process technology.
a) Tool technology:
Various cutting edge geometries and tool substrates are tested at a specially developed analogy test bench at the Fraunhofer IPT. Based on these analyses a knowledge based decision on the best tool micro geometry for the specific milling application is possible very fast.
b) Coating technology:
The development and qualification of high performing coatings in relation to their subsequent industrial applications is done with innovative testing strategies. Optimum cutting conditions are determined, which lead to increased tool life time and process performance.
c) Process technology
A very narrow process window is effective for these hard to machine materials. Standardized analyses are conducted to identify the optimum process windows and machining strategies.
The developments of each work package are finally used for setting up innovative machining operations for the demonstrator parts. Compared to the conventional processes the productivity was increased by around 15-20 percent, the tool costs decreased by around 20 percent and the ramp up times for future processes will be shorten to half of the actual time.

Project Context and Objectives:
The objective of the QuickPro project is a drastic economical improvement of advanced multi-axis milling processes for the manufacture of high value parts and components made of innovative and extremely hard-to-machine materials. For this, a novel and integrated, knowledge-based development process that provides tailored coated milling tools including optimized parameter sets and strategies within very short time will be established. This new approach will enable the participating companies (tool manufacturer, coating and material specialists, end users) to offer better or even completely new, competitive manufacturing services to a wider range of new products in the field of aircraft, automotive and tool and die making industry.
To reach this aim the setup of standardized approaches with systematical analyses was the aim of QuickPro. In the industry, new machining processes are setup based on the knowledge and experience of the workers themselves. It is not known if the actual process parameters, conditions and tools are ideal for manufacturing the part. Therefore conservative process parameters are used. By doing so, improvements just come up randomly by trial and error tests. Another possibility is to do time consuming DoE test runs. Here various parameter fields and tools are tested. Most companies avoid this, because process ramp up times take a long time and the costs are very high for these investigations.
To be competitive in the world market and to increase productivity a standard way of improving the manufacturing processes is needed. To solve this drawback QuickPro aims to use standardized approaches and systematical investigations, to decrease the time for the design of new processes and increase the process performance (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Aim and motivation of the QuickPro project
To investigate and improve the milling processes the main influences, which come from the tools and the process parameters, are investigated in detail. The main influences at the tools come from the tool substrate, the tool micro geometry (cutting edge) and the coatings on the tools. Hence three technological work packages, which have the focusses on improving tool geometry (WP 3), coating (WP 4) and process conditions (WP 5) are the main element of QuickPro.
The complete project consists of eight work packages to deliver a complete and powerful solution for the partners. Figure 2 shows the interaction of the work packages and gives a good overview of how the goals are achieved during the project time.

Figure 2: Workpackages and concept of QuickPro

The consortium with partners from all over Europe is built so that a group of experts can give information to each relevant technology. For the definition of the tools Klenk and Seco are part of the project. To get also further information about coatings the company Globevnik is taking part. Supported is this field by the materials specialist Boehler. To adapt the new technologies end users from three different industries are partners in the project. The company CP autosport supports the automotive branch, APR is a specialist for complex parts from the aerospace industry and the company Fassnacht is a specialist for the tool and die making industry.
The consortium was led by the two research institutes of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki and the Fraunhofer IPT. With this consortium the complete process chain was covered, which is elementary to support the idea of QuickPro. A consistent solution for the new technology platform with recognizing all circumstances and boundary conditions can be achieved with this project attempt.
Finally all participants will be able to deliver special adapted solutions for their customers. The aim is to improve their competitiveness on the European and world market. Furthermore due to the network activities customers will be directly connected to the companies. This will lead to a constant increase of profits

Project Results:
Within QuickPro many results are gained, which are of high scientific and technological importance. This finally resulted in many publications on fares, conferences and in scientific journals, which will be presented in the tables below. Here the work packages will be shortly described including the work packages and the deliverables and then the main results are explained.
WP1: Specifications and definitions
Work package WP1 is subdivided into the following four tasks:
• Task 1.1: Compilation of a requirement list
• Task 1.2: Definition of characteristic work piece materials, tool substrates and geometries as well as coatings
• Task 1.3: Definition of demonstrator parts
• Task 1.4: Definition of economical targets of the QuickPro approach
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D1.1: Cost analysis for the proposed developments
• D1.2: Report on technological requirements and resulting specifications
During the first months, the consortium have compiled a list of requirements referring to the tool, coating and process technological developments addressed in the QuickPro project (task 1.1). Here, on base of their present manufacturing processes and knowledge, the detailed needs for the further development tasks were defined. On the basis of current problems in line with practical machining tasks of the end users and on the requirement list, demonstrator parts were defined. These demonstrators combine geometrical complexity, high surface demands and technological difficulties.
Based on the demonstrator parts, the basic tool geometries, substrates and coatings for the analyses were defined. Furthermore the economical targets for QuickPro are defined for each project partner. Furthermore a case study is presented for the relevant industries.

WP2: Further development of innovative test benches
Work package WP2 is subdivided into the following three tasks:
• Task 2.1: Analysis and compilation of the specifications of the novel test benches
• Task 2.2: Development and manufacture of specimens for the IPT test bench
• Task 2.3: Setup and testing of the novel test benches
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D2.1 Report on specifications of the novel test benches
• D2.2 Finalized and optimized test benches
The technological challenges are the setup and implementation of the two test benches at the institutes. At partner AUTH the impact tester for the investigations of the coatings is developed and at the Fraunhofer IPT the analogy milling test bench has to be further developed and verified.
Impact Tester at partner AUTH
The impact tester at the partner Auth gives detailed information about the coatings mechanical properties. During machining operations the temperatures in the cutting zone vary extremely depending on the material to be machined and the concerning process parameters. Hence it is useful to know the temperature field, in which the coating performs well and which regions should be avoided for the real milling applications. To get an insight into this process window the temperatures should be adapted in the impact tester. Therefore the test bench had to be enriched with control units to define and measure temperatures and air flow. The control was done via a graphical user interface, which was implemented in special software. Furthermore a housing for the unit had to be designed and manufactured (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Impact tester with temperature regulation units
Some iteration were done to set up stable and constant conditions and to get reproducible results from the test bench.
Analogy test bench at the Fraunhofer IPT
The overall objective of the analogy milling test bench of partner IPT is to analyze the chipping process in detail. Based on this investigation conclusions towards an optimized tool and process design for real milling applications can be derived. The following analyses can be conducted at the test bench:
• Analysis of various materials like nickel- or titanium- based alloys, superalloys or hardened steels
• Influence of tool geometry variations
• Influence of process parameters and conditions
Based on this investigations tool and process parameter selection as well as conclusions towards the machinability of the materials to be machined, can be derived. To evolve key values for real milling processes the modelling of the uncut chip geometry is the basis. This geometry can be placed on specimen, which are machined on the test bench (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Transformation of the uncut chip geometry from the real to the analogy milling process

To get relevant machining data, several measurement devices are implemented into the test bench. Therefore a precise force measurement unit and a high velocity video camera is integrated. Furthermore offline measurements allow measuring the surface topography on the specimen before and after machining. Additionally the chip formation mechanisms are evaluated by analysing the chips.
Summarized, both test benches at the Fraunhofer IPT and Auth could be developed and optimized in the beginning of the project. First test runs are conducted, which show perfect results. This was the basis for further researches on the tools, coatings and milling processes.

WP3: Tool Technology
Work package WP3 is subdivided into the following three tasks:
• Task 3.1: Development and allocation of substrate blanks
• Task 3.2: Development and manufacturing of milling tools
• Task 3.3: Characterization of the manufactured milling tools
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D3.1 Developed optimum milling tools
• D3.2 Report on the characteristics of the uncoated milling tools
The objective of the third work package was the manufacturing and allocation of milling tools for the subsequent coating process.
In the beginning substrate blanks were produced, which are needed for the qualification of the substrate. This is of vital importance because the adhesion characteristics of the coatings of the tool are directly combined with the substrates’ properties.
Afterwards the tools for the test bench and for the real milling application are manufactured by Seco and Klenk. These were finally analysed and measured with the measurement units at the research institutes (Alicona, Taylor Hobson see Figure 5). Herewith the geometrical specifications are clearly and precisely recorded.

Figure 5: Measurement units for the analysis of the tools
When analyzing the tools, it becomes obvious that the production process of the tools is very complex. Especially the micro geometry of the cutting edge is a challenge. Exact geometries just can be achieved with stable and reproducible processes.
Analysis of real milling tools
Based on the analogy milling tools the specification of the real milling tools was done. This was also done with the Alicona Infinite 4G with real 3D unit. It is possible to rotate the tools to get the exact 3D geometry of the tools. The geometry of the real milling tools could be directly compared to the one of the test bench. Therefore a consistent transfer of the results is possible.
All tasks in work package 3 were executed. The main challenge of the tool manufacturers is the tools’ micro geometry (surface topography, cutting edge). Hence they gained important information of how to adapt the manufacturing processes to achieve reproducible results and products.

WP4: Coating Technology
Work package WP4 is subdivided into the following three tasks:
• Task 4.1: Evaluation of appropriate coating parameter
• Task 4.2: Deposition of the coatings on the milling tools
• Task 4.3: Characterization of the coated milling tools
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D4.1: Report on the final coating parameters
• D4.2: Advanced coated tools
• D4.3: Report on the characteristics of the coated milling tools
First of all round specimen of each tool substrate were manufactured and afterwards coated by the partners Globevnik and Klenk. For the tests each of these partners delivers a coating for the machining of the titanium alloy and for the hardened steel. These coatings were combined with the concerning specimen. An overview of these combinations is given in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Overview of tool substrate-coating combinations

The research partner AUTH analyzed the coated specimen on their test benches. Herewith a sophisticated statistic about the coatings’ properties was made. Finally the best performing coatings are applied on the real milling tools. For machining the titanium-alloy the coatings S1 (GLO) and S3 (KLE) and for the hardened steel the coatings S1 (GLO) and S4 (KLE) were chosen.
Finally these tools are analyzed with the same measurement equipment like described above. The focus is set on the variation of the cutting edge at this point. It is of vital importance how the tools are prepared before the coating process and how the grinding is done
It becomes obvious that the coatings, which are applied by partner Globevnik, lead to a bigger cutting edge rounding of around 1-3 µm. When analyzing the tools of Klenk a smaller cutting edge rounding than in the uncoated state is seen. The reason for this is the preparation of the tools before the coating process (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Coated and uncoated end mills

At the end of this work package the new developed tools are measured and analyzed. The influence of the coatings on the tools cutting edge geometry is detected. These tools are tested in real milling applications (WP5 and WP 7) to identify efficient process windows and to evaluate the lifetime of these tools. Finally, the best performing tool substrate-coating combination is used for machining the demonstrator parts.

Work package 5: Process Technology
Work package WP5 is subdivided into the following three tasks:
• Task 5.1: Standardized characterization methodologies
• Task 5.2: Examination of the coatings properties using the AUTH test benches
• Task 5.3: Identification of chip formation process, identification of proper milling process parameters and strategies
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D5.1: Report on the mechanical, thermal and chemical properties of the coatings and coated tools
• D5.2: Report on coatings’ properties versus the temperature and theoretical optimum operating points
• D5.3: Finalized determination and evaluation of tailored coated milling tools
The aim of this work package is to find out the optimum operation points of the tools. This is done on the one hand by systematical evaluation of the coatings on the tools via the Auth test benches and on the other hand by investigating the chip formation processes at the test bench of the Fraunhofer IPT with analogy tools. Furthermore the evaluation of the performance of the end mills in real milling application is done, which is the basis for the decision on the tools for machining the demonstrator parts.
First of all the coatings were investigated in tests at the Auth test benches. The analysis of the coatings thickness was done by using a ball-cratering tests and the imprints were measured with confocal and optical microscopy (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Procedures for the determination of the coatings thickness using optical and confocal microscopy

All coatings show constant and reproducible values for the thickness. The variations are just in a small range, which is a sign for sufficient processes.
With confocal microscopy also the roughness values are determined on the coated specimen. It becomes obvious, that the uncoated tools show better surface qualities than the coated ones. The specimen of HM 4 show significantly higher roughness values.
In order to define the coatings mechanical properties nano-indentations with a Berkovich indenter were conducted. The results show that the hardness of the coatings on the HM 3 are higher than on the other carbides. Furthermore a detailed investigation was made on the coatings to define the yield stresses and the young’s modulus. These give additional input for the design of the coating processes.
To evaluate the performance and mechanical properties of the coatings at various temperatures are analyzed. This is done with nanoindentations at various temperatures between 25°C and 400°C. An augmentation of the S2 film hardness occurs, as the temperature rises up to 400°C. Moreover, the S3 film is slightly affected by temperature increase up to 400°C. Finally, the S4 coating possesses increased hardness compared to S1 film in all examined temperature cases.
Besides, the coatings are investigated concerning their toughness with inclined impact tests. The results are strongly connected with the kind of tool substrate. Here the lowest remaining imprints after 50.000 impacts were seen in the HM 3. The other solid carbides show deeper imprints after the tests.
Finally further tests are done on the coatings. Here the intensity and the duration of the impacts are varied. Herewith it is possible to define the critical impact forces and duration, which leads to the failure of the coating. During the real milling process these parameters have to be avoided, because of damages to the tool tip, which can lead to tool breakages.
To investigate the coatings and their influence on the machining processes, several tests at the test bench and on the real milling machine at the Fraunhofer IPT were made. In the test at the test bench the parameters cutting velocity and uncut chip thickness were varied three times. Furthermore various tool substrates, tool micro geometries and of course coatings were used concerning the definition in WP1. For the evaluation of the processes the cutting forces (Fc and Fcn), high velocity videos and chip formation mechanisms (segmentation, compression, curvature) were analyzed and evaluated. First of all, the uncoated tools were tested at the test bench. Here it becomes obvious that there is no influence of the tool substrate HM 1 and HM 2 on the cutting forces when machining TiAl6V4. They all had the same level. When looking at the tools’ micro geometry a significant increase of the cutting forces occur with tools of a bigger cutting edge roundings. Hence sharp cutting edges are used for the real milling tools within the titanium alloy.
When machining the hardened steel a very effective process enabler was seen. With increasing the cutting velocity the cutting forces tend to decrease significantly. It looks like that a speed cutting strategy is useful for the final machining tasks (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Influence of the variation of the cutting velocity on the average cutting and cutting normal force Fc,med and Fcn,med
These evaluations were also done with the corresponding coated tools at the test bench. Of course, the same effects can be seen when varying the cutting velocity and the uncut chip thickness. Much more important here is the analysis of the different coatings and their influence on the machining process. For example the cutting forces can decrease when the tribological coefficients vary. When analyzing the test bench results, just slight effects were seen between the coatings in machining the titanium alloy. When having a look at the hardened steel, the coating S1 (GLO) shows significantly higher cutting normal forces compared to the S4 coating. Even higher is the effect when using the tools with polished rake faces. Here the lowest forces were seen. Besides this the chip formation mechanisms were investigated. Some effects, which are directly linked with the coating, were detected.
After these evaluations real milling tests were conducted to evaluate the tool life time. Therefore end mills of the solid carbides (HM1, HM2 and HM 4) were used in slot milling operations (roughing) of the TiAl6V4 and ball end mills are used for finishing of the hardened steel. The lifetime criteria was the flank wear width and the cutting edge condition. When reaching a flank wear width of 100µm or cutting edge brakeages appear life time end was reached. All tests were repeated three times to get reproducible and reliable results.
For the titanium alloy the following life times were reached with the different tools (Figure 15). The tools of the material HM 4 are not listed, because they broke under all conditions already after one to three slots.

Figure 15: Lifetime of end mills in slot milling operations
Based on these results the uncoated tools of the substrate HM 2 were chosen for the later application in rough milling. It becomes obvious that coatings in rough milling operations do not perform better than the uncoated ones. When analyzing the tools after one slot, they look shiny and it seems that most of the coating is already removed from the tool. This is due to the high thermal and mechanical loadings when machining TiAl6V4. Hence the cutting edge is solid carbide, which is influenced negatively from the coating preparations processes.
Consequently the performance is lower than pure untreated substrate material. The evaluation of ball end mills for finishing the hardened steel is done on the same machine setup. For the evaluation of the performance the surface roughness was measured as well (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Lifetime of ball end mills for finishing hardened steel

A significant increase of tool lifetime was observed when using the coated tools. Both coatings of the partners Klenk and Globevnik could increase the lifetime of over 200 percent compared to the uncoated tools. The additional tested tools with cutting edge preparation (KP) do not increase tool lifetime.
The technological achievements within WP 5 are of high importance for all the partners. High performing tools were tested and evaluated at the test benches of Auth and Fraunhofer IPT. Furthermore the optimum tool substrate-coating combinations and the optimum geometries were chosen based on fundamental and real milling tests. All deliverables were reached within the project runtime.

WP6: Setup and implementation of the technological data base
Work package WP6 is subdivided into the following three tasks:
• Task 6.1: Installation and standardization of the data base for internal and external use
• Task 6.2: Integration of the information of WP3 - WP5 into the data base
• Task 6.3: Collection of lessons learned
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D6.1: Finalized layout and initial setup of technological data base
• D6.2: Finalized and optimized technological data base
• D6.3: Finalized integration of the attained process knowledge of QuickPro into the data base
One important element for the technology platform of QuickPro is the data base, which stores the data systematically and unambiguously. Furthermore this data base is able to be used by every participant. Hence no data gets lost any more and all the relevant information can be seen directly on the graphical user interface. Therefore the software Matlab was used and a GUI was designed. It is separated in five areas, where the navigation area, the process parameters, the tool parameters, the force evaluations and the chip formation mechanisms are integrated.

Figure 17: Graphical user interface of the data base

This data base can be used intuitively. All partners are enabled to use the data base without any additional software, which is also very important. It is possible to integrate new data easily and also to integrate new materials, process windows and tool data, which is important for using the data base after the project. Herewith each partner is enabled to integrate the own developments and to evaluate and compare them to the state of the art, which is achieved in QuickPro.
The implementation of the data base and the integration of the corresponding data was achieved in due time. It is one of the very important elements for the technology platform achieved in this project.

WP 7: Verification and training
Work package WP7 is subdivided into the following six tasks:
• Milling tests for verification of developed coated tools and identified process windows
• Optimization and refeed of knowledge achieved
• Manufacturing of initial defined demonstrator parts with conventional coated tools and milling processes
• Manufacturing of initial defined demonstrator parts using the developments of QuickPro
• Comparison of technologies and technical evaluation
• Economical evaluation and project review
In this work package the following deliverables had to be reached:
• D7.1: Optimized milling tools and processes
• D7.2: Report on the performance of the technology platform
• D7.3: Manufactured demonstrator parts
• D7.4: Report on technical and economical evaluation of the project results
With the technological results of the work packages 3, 4 and 5 and the data base achieved in work package 6 a new technology platform is achieved. The complete chain from the fundamental knowledge generation on the test benches to the evaluation of tools in real milling tests is shown.

Figure 18: Functionality of the technology platform of QuickPro

Finally the demonstrator parts of all partners were machined with adapted milling strategies and the use of the new innovative tools. Herewith it was possible to decrease the machining times significantly. The material removal rates for the roughing operation at the Blisk of partner APR were increased by a minimum of 15 percent. Nearly the same potentials were reached at the demonstrator of CP autosport. Further improvements on the machining processes will be achieved on this basis, because the technology can be transferred to further products of the portfolio.
One elementary achievement at partner Fassnacht was the shortening of the complete process chain. Due to the new machining strategies, which are possible due to the new tools, the process chain was decreased by a finishing step. Before the two materials had various material offsets and the surface on the laser cused material was rough. Now nearly no differences in quality and offsets appear. Herewith the final polishing process is eliminated. Hence the lead times are decreased and the flexibility is increased significantly.
Potential Impact:
By the developed technology platform of QuickPro the following important achievements are gained. On the one hand the tool and material specialists gained important information on the tool micro geometry, the influence of various tool substrates and the coatings which have to be adapted for the hard to machine materials. On the other hand the end users are enabled to use these high performance tools for their manufacturing processes. The actual process for the demonstrator is significantly improved and furthermore it is possible to adapt the machining strategies for further products of their portfolio.
In detail the tool manufacturers Klenk and Globevnik gained significant knowledge about the manufacturing and coating of milling tools. They were able to adapt their processes, so that they are able to compete with challengers from all over the world.
The end users APR, CP autosport and Fassnacht gained new innovative machining processes. Herewith they are enabled to satisfy customer needs within short times and deliver custom made products. The transfer of technology and the knowledge from the technology platform will enable them to improve machining processes of further products of the product portfolio.
The material specialist Boehler and the tool manufacturer Seco, both support the SMEs within the project with their knowledge, also gained important information. Hence they could improve manufacturing processes for tools (micro geometry, special treatments) and also gained relevant information on new materials. Hence custom made solutions in case of tools and materials can be provided. Boehler furthermore is enabled to qualify new tool substrate materials.
A case study was conducted to evaluate the overall impact of the new machining processes. In the field of aerospace when machining a BLISK, it is expected to decrease the costs of minimum 25 percent. When looking at the tool and die making industry it is expected to decrease costs around 35 percent. The new tools allow high speed cutting processes, which lead to significantly improved material removal rates and improved surface qualities. Additionally the process chain can be shorten by eliminating the final finishing step.

List of Websites:
Public webpage:

Video clip of the project:

Contact details of the participating partners

Fraunhofer IPT
Mr. Michael Ottersbach
Steinbachstraße 17
52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 (0) 241 8904-451

Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki
Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr.h.c. K.-D. Bouzakis
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
+30 (0) 2310 996021, 996079

Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG
Dr. Gerhard Jesner
Mariazeller Straße 25
8605 Kapfenberg, Austria
+43 (0) 3862 2036581

Seco Tools AB
Dr. Rachid M’Saoubi
Björnbacksvägen 2
73782 Fagersta, Sweden
Phone: +46 - (0)223 - 406 - 68

Klenk GmbH & Co KG
Mr. Artur Aschmer
Mühlstraße 17
88481 Balzheim, Germany
+49 (0) 7347 950152

Globevnik d.o.o.
Mr. Iztok Globevnik
Trojarjeva 30
4000 Kranj, Slovenia
+386 (0) 4 2023 372

APR srl
Andrea Romiti
Via R. Incerti 10
10064 Pinerolo, Italy
+39 (0) 121 377515

Faßnacht Werkzeug-Formenbau
Wolfgang Faßnacht
Boschstraße 12 a
86399 Bobingen, Germany
+49 (0) 8234 96540

CP autosport GmbH
Alexandra Oertel
Zeppelinring 1 - 6
33142 Büren, Germany
+49 (0) 2955 7610-535