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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

New Automotive components Designed for and manufactured by Intelligent processing of light Alloys


NADIA is co-ordinated by EnginSoft, Hi Tech SME, and addresses multi-level S&T objectives:
1. Engineering & Production: Proof-of-concept light alloy multifunctional components for the transport industry
2. Applied RTD: Multi-scale design & simultaneous engineering tools; Processing solutions; Procedure & standards for components
3. Basic Research: models of nano-scale phenomena in alloys & nano/micro structure effects on properties; Alloying elements effects on components behaviour; Optimised nano-size powders for coatings NADIA is fully integrated: Vertically (over entire value-chain), Horizontally (S&T multi-disciplinary nature), on Activities & Partnership, European, Financial. Materials, processes, new simultaneous engineering tools will lead to production of transport demonstrators.

The work-plan has 8 WPs:
- WP1 Multi-scale tools for design and processing
- WP2 Nano- & micro-scale phenomena
- WP3 Nano- & micro-scale properties
- WP4 Knowledge-based component demonstrators
- WP5 Component behaviour
- WP6 Training for Design & Production
- WP7 Innovation, Exploitation & Dissemination
- WP8 Integration & Management.

The 12 SMEs are alloy producers (Metalli Capra, MBN), equipment suppliers (LPM), engineering & design companies (Enginsoft, Magma, Foundrysoft, Matfem), foundries (Asmet, Tenhults), coating suppliers (Thermico), components assemblers (Abamotor). RTD centers (Sintef, CRF, IPPT, Tekniker) and Universities (Trondheim, Padova, Helsinki, Joenkoeping) will focus on materials, processes & engineering. Large industries are those strictly needed: primary alloys producers (Hydro), car manufacturers (DaimlerChrysler, Ford), special technology foundry for transport components (TeksidAluminum).

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IP - Integrated Project


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Beteiligte (27)