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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Institutional Development of Applied Nanoelectromagnetics:<br/>Belarus in ERA Widening


The project aims at reinforcing RTD and cooperation capacities of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University in the area of applied nanoelectromagnetics. This new research discipline comprising the classical electrodynamics of microwaves and present-day concepts of condensed matter physics is covered by the FP7 Theme 4 'Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – NMP'. INP BSU is the founder and leading research center in Belarus in this area. Within the project a set of complementary networking and training activities is foreseen with a strong involvement of already existing and new partners from EU member states and associated countries. Besides, based on research results and their applications in material sciences and medicine, and also taking in consideration the emerging socio-economic needs in Belarus and EU, a strategy of the INP BSU further development will be proposed. All together, the activities will support national RTD in applied nanoelectromagnetics, contribute to young researchers’ career development, intensify information and experience exchange between Belarus and EU teams thus contributing to creation of the European research network in applied nanoelectromagnetics, as far as increase visibility of INP BSU in the European Research Area and its participation in the FP7. Also, the strategy developed for INP BSU will be proposed and disseminated as a model for the integration of the other Belarus teams into European Research Area.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA-SA - Support actions


Contributo UE
€ 183 344,00
220050 Minsk

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Contatto amministrativo
Sergey Maksimenko (Prof.)
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (6)