Final Report Summary - SABDII (Staphylococcus aureus biofilm dynamics and innate immunity)
The setup of the biofilm flow cells in combination with the time lapse fluorescent imaging has resulted in a great opportunity for the fellow. He has established himself as an expert in this field and because of this was approached for several collaborations. One of these collaborations on Neisserial biofilms has already lead to a published Molecular Microbiology paper, with a second in manuscript in progress.
The fellow has been able to firmly reintegrate in the Dutch microbiology community. Several collaborations were established with Utrecht University, Leiden UMC, Groningen University, UMCNijmegen. These collaborations resulted in published manuscripts and several more manuscripts in preparation Also a large number of international collaborations was set up, both directly assisting with the research as well as establishing a longer-term professional network essential for successful progression of the fellows career.