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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-18

Novel miniature machine tool design and realization for next generation high performance micro-components: A coupled-dynamic modelling and simulation approach

Final Report Summary - SIM-MMT (Novel miniature machine tool design and realization for next generation high performance micro-components: A coupled-dynamic modelling and simulation approach)

The aim of the project was to propose and demonstrate a generic framework for high performance machine tool design with energy and resource conservation as their integral part. In this perspective, manufacturing processes, equipment and resources were considered in an integrated machine tool and life cycle perspective. The Sim-MMT concept considered the optimal design of individual elements of machine tools, integrated design of these machine tools to realize the target high performance machine tool structure for the intended application, without building the prototype. Furthermore, the conservation of energy and resources through improvement of material processing technologies and waste reduction were also considered. The system parameters were determined at the design stage in terms of the outcomes, quantified with process performance, machine tool performance and sustainability performance measures. The scope of Sim-MMT was ultimately broadened from manufacturing systems to manufacture products. A new paradigm of optimized and sustainable manufacturing of machine tool and component production was proposed, which considers the conservation of energy, material resources and environment protection as integrated components of the product development.

Research work was focused on the CAD model development, analysis and optimization of individual components of machine tools along with designing sustainable, environmentally-conscious manufacturing processes and systems (WP1). The coupled modelling of machine tool by inclusion of individual components models and their analysis, was performed and validated (WP2). A model of the machine tool is developed by including the model of proposed novel dampers and the performance is improved by coupled dynamics simulations. From the gained knowledge, a generic framework is developed for building of MMT. Extensive experimental and validation work on various machining processes and machine tools and damping concepts were performed to validate and demonstrate the concepts proposed and developed in WP2. A comprehensive work on the strategic and paradigm specific issues will follow in the future. Material processing technology was positioned in the Sim-MMT context through the industry driven demand for the elimination of mineral oil based metalworking fluids and the implementation of dust and fumes free methods. The project focused on exploring the performance of waterjet machining and related machine tool structure.

Extensive experimental work carried out in WP3 for evaluation of the proposed manufacturing process for machining of advanced composite materials, such s hollow core honeycomb structures, Ni-Ti alloys, Ti-6Al-4V and Advanced engineering ceramic materials, met all planned objectives. Machining evaluation revealed that the proposed framework with the support of modelling, simulation and optimization activities improves the machining performance. Furthermore, it results in production of parts with reduced deviation from the target dimensions in comparison to conventional alternative machining operations with conventional machine tools. The results were published in a CIRP January General Assembly Meeting, Paris, France, Jan. 2012 (on geometrical accuracy and integrity of surfaces in multi-mode abrasive waterjet machining of NiTi shape memory alloys); CIRP Sponsored Conference on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, Karpacz, Poland, 2013 (Issues in the machining of hollow core honeycomb sandwich structures by abrasive waterjet machining); ASME ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 14-20, 2014 (An approach for tailored design of a novel damping system for machine tool joints for high performance machining); Swedish production symposium, Katrinaholm, Sweden, 2012 (maskless milling of SiC ceramics by advanced machining operations). In the WP4, based on the experience of the previous work and the knowledge from the extensive literature survey, and identifying the limitations of the existing model, simulations ad optimization studies along with the existing thumb rules of machine tool design, a standardised framework that also considers the limitations of various machine tools was proposed.

The socio-economic impacts of considered technologies were evaluated in terms of machine-tool usage costs, dust produced during machining, noise production, abrasive recycling, abrasive disposal, toxic fume formation during machining of advanced composites, cost of cooling lubricants, energy expenditure and waste management. The impacts of technologies on energy use, global warming potential, water consumption and solid waste were assessed and compared in a lifecycle perspective. The impacts are foreseen in economical benefits from reduction in time for design, reduction of destructive testing of components, better work environment, lower ecological burden, higher technological edge, and new business opportunities, clean environments, avoidance of carcinogenic wastage from advanced engineering composite materials. The dynamics in a machining system are governed by stiffness and damping in both the machining process and the machine tool structure. The concept of an integrated simulation of a manufacturing system included analysing the intensity of interaction between the process and the machine tool structure. Identification of this interaction was not separated from the closed loop strategy. It was shown that the process-machine interaction could be quantified by the operational damping ratio, which captures real operating conditions of machining and the environment. The investigation was based upon measuring vibrations and sound pressure emitted by the machining process and the machine tool structure along with the nature of the surroundings. This identification scheme will be used to control the dynamic behavior of a machine tool during its interaction with the machining process by adjusting the dynamic stiffness of the machine tool at structural joints. Similar joints concept is currently being developed within NMP 2010-1 Plug and Produce for Adaptive Control, ensuring tangible impacts in the period of three years.

In addition, the researcher took an active part in a project development, titled MAC3ET - " Manufacturing in Advanced engineering Composite materials with Coherent, Clean abrasive waterJET " under the supervision of scientist in charge. The project was applied under the FP7 call: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FoF , with a consortium of 10 international members. Apart from this, the researcher also involved in wroting a national project on “A Novel Surgical Theatre - Holistic Concept of Patient Specific Implant Manufacturing”, under Göran Gustafsson Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research, Sweden. Furthermore, the researcher participated in applying an initial project funding for research (for Ph.D studentship) from Västra Götaland Region (VGR) - Aero turbine blade machining by abrasive waterjet machining.

The training activities include development of technical (multibody dynamics, machine tool design, related softwares) and complementary skills (project management, networking skills). The researcher has also undergone standard training courses ((1)Introduction to COMSOL Finite element course, Stockholm, Sweden; (2) Advanced course on FEA analysis, Stockholm, Sweden; (3) Introduction to solvers in Finite element analysis, Netherlands; (4) Basic course on ModeFrontier, Lund, Sweden; (5) Advanced course on ModeFrontier, Italy; (6) Advanced training on FEM Tools, Belgium) that helped him to pursue this present modelling and simulation activities and also laid foundation for his future research.

The results of Sim-MMT project were published in a CIRP January General Assembly Meeting, Paris, France, Jan. 2012 (On geometrical accuracy and integrity of surfaces in multi-mode abrasive waterjet machining of NiTi shape memory alloys); CIRP Sponsored Conference on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, Karpacz, Poland, 2013 (Issues in the machining of hollow core honeycomb sandwich structures by abrasive waterjet machining); ASME ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 14-20, 2014 (An approach for tailored design of a novel damping system for machine tool joints for high performance machining); Swedish production symposium, Katrinaholm, Sweden, 2012 (maskless milling of Sic ceramics by advanced machiing operations). In the WP4, based n the experience from the previous work and the knowledge from the extensive literature survey, and identifying the limitations of the existing modelling, simulations ad optimisations studies along with the existing thumb rules of machine tool design, a standardised frame work that also considers the limitations of various machine tools was proposed.