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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-20

Thermal and Electronic Properties of Nanotubes (TEPON)


The thermal and electrical properties of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) will be investigated in this project. Several aspects of the electronic properties will be studied using multiple techniques. The electronic structure of SWNT will be modified by donor or acceptor doping and changes will be followed using optical spectroscopy, static magnetization and electron spin resonance. These techniques will be combined to extract the shift of the Fermi-level and the electronic density of states, thus providing methods to address otherwise intractable, but fundamental electronic properties. The momentum and spin relaxation times will be compared as a function of charge-transfer to identify the transition from 1D Tomonaga-Luttinger to 3D Fermi-liquid behaviour.

Thermal properties, in particular the high temperature thermal conductivity will be studied and novel techniques developed. The methods can then be used for other nanotube-based novel materials and composites. The long-standing, fundamental issue of UmKl app phonon scattering in this one-dimensional (1D) system will be addressed. The project will foster collaboration between several research groups from the US and the EU and will help in the lasting reintegration of the researcher.

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