"Main objective of our proposal is contributing to the reinforcement of public recognition of researcher as profession. The proposed events are organized on Friday 23.9.2011 in renewed program that consists of experiments, workshops, research of art in art gallery, researchers’ rock band, different experiments, lectures… All with the sole purpose of promoting importance of researchers as profession for society and with festive and fun character. The target audience of proposed events, foreseen in an informal and attractive way, in which whole families can take part in, is the public at large, from youngest one to elder citizens. Intensive awareness campaign, which embraces each local and EU research of change in public perception after RN, is important tool for strengthening public recognition of researchers and to measure the impact of RN activities. All activities proposed aim at offering the public at large an opportunity to directly meet researchers in a relaxed atmosphere, with »European corner« in the heart of the event's location. Information on EC care for researchers and EU material and information on how young people can become researchers will be provided by Euraxess and European Commission's Europe Direct Maribor. Visitors will participate in interesting experiments, workshops. Also the secondary school pupils that will get highest scores at the regional competition of the research initiative “Youth for Advancement of Maribor” will cooperate as well. The very young researchers and innovators will perform RN11 program, side by side with professional scientists with great opportunity to explore their possibilities of developing the real scientific, researchers’ career with support of European Commission and national funders. In order to illustrate the fact that researchers are ""normal people"", whose unique specificity is their curiosity and passion for research, they will play the concert and keep company with visitors."
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinatore
2000 Maribor