Exploitable results
Result description
The relevance of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) fluxes to the deep sea and the role of deep continental margins and basins as their ultimate sink is assessed.The presence of PFASs in particles sinking to the deep northwestern Mediterranean Sea confirms the role of the latter as ballast for the transfer of pollutants to the deep sea.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Sanchez-Vidal et al. 2015. Delivery of unprecedented amounts of perfluoroalkyl substances towards the deep-sea. Science of The Total Environment Volume 526, 1 September 2015, Pages 41–48 . Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969715300140 Durrieu de Madron et al. 2013. Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40: 1379–1385, doi:10.1002/grl.50331. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/703.pdfResult description
This campaign encourages people sailing in the Mediterranean to adopt an eco-friendly approach during their sailing experience. It has been developed a leaflet of 5 eco-friendly tips for sustainable sailing which is being disseminated in chartered sailboats across the Mediterranean.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
Result description
Guidance for the application of NIS related management in the MSFD. Ten recommendation, including NIS identification, standardization of sampling data, indicators, propagule pressure and management issues are considered.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Ojaveer, H. et al., 2014. Ten recommendations for advancing the assessment and management of non-indigenous species in marine ecosystems, Marine Policy 44: 160-165; link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/PERSEUS%20Publications/3398.pdfResult description
A pilot regulation on the Aristeus antennatus fishery in Catalonia to ban trawling during periods that coincide with the presence of juveniles on the fishing grounds, and to take specific actions during the occurrence of major dense shelf water cascading events that lead to temporary fishery collapses.Result type
* otherLink to result
Result description
Increased biogeochemical monitoring is an identified and pressing current need. Under PERSEUS new sensors were added to moorings and new bio-Argo floats as well as Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) monitoring initiated. This upgrade of the selected observatories in the SES is absolutely essential to improve the estimates of current ocean states and constrain model predictions, thus contributing to the proper implementation of GES as required by the MSFD.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Multi-parametric moorings upgrade with new sensors and expansion. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/5153.2_published.pdf Deliverable 3.5. Operation and data analysis from Argo and expendable systems at basin and sub-basin scale. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/5151.5.v9.pdf Kassis D. et al. 2014. Mooring upgrades with new sensors and expansion under PERSEUS – Building a future strategy towards monitoring the South European Seas. 2nd scientific PERSEUR workshop- Marrakesch (2014).References
Result description
Five months after the formation of a massive dense water on the continental shelf and in the deep basin of the Gulf of Lions the water of coastal origin created a distinct bottom layer up to a few hundreds of meters thick over the central part of the NW Mediterranean basin, which was overlaid by a layer of newly formed deep water produced by open-sea convection. These new observations highlight the role of intense episodes of both dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection to the progressive modification of the NW Mediterranean deep waters.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Durrieu de Madron, X. et al. 2013. Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40: 1379–1385, doi:10.1002/grl.50331, link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/703.pdf Tamburini C et al. (2013) Deep Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface. PLoS ONE 07:2013; 8(7):e67523 link: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0067523 Stabholz, M.et al. 2012. Impact of open-ocean convection on particle fluxes and sediment dynamics in the deep margin of the Gulf of Lions, Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 12845-12894; link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/PERSEUS%20Publications/5126.%202012.pdfResult description
The paths of spreading Levantine Intermediate Waters and Western Mediterranean Deep waters by Submesoscale Coherent vortices in the western Mediterranean Sea are determinated.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Bosse A. et al, 2015. Spreading of Levantine Intermediate Waters by Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea as observed with gliders, Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010263; link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014JC010263/pdf Bosse A. et al 2015. Observations of anticyclonic and cyclonic Submesoscale Coherent Vortices Western Mediterranean Deep Waters in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, In preparation.Result description
A common methodology for the estimation of fishing effort has been developed, based on the VMS, which uses existing and collectable data to deliver estimates of catch, location, fishing pressure, etc.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
http://artemis2.ath.hcmr.gr/ http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/5138.4.pdf (Deliverable 3.4)References
Russo T et al, 2014. VMS base: An R-Package for VMS and Logbook Data Management and Analysis in Fisheries Ecology. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100195 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100195. Link: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0100195Result description
This is an important area that is historically and chronically under-sampled; in conjunction with the JERICO TNA program 2 proto glider endurance lines were undertaken. This knowledge output contributes to the development of a glider network in the Southern European Seas (SES), to assess a wide range of scales of variability in the upper 1000m of the ocean, and allow accurate estimates (without aliasing effects due to mesoscale processes) of water transport and characterisation of the physical and biogeochemical properties of the surface and intermediate water masses.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
This report considers the repeated transect glider missions undertaken in the South European Seas (SES) during the PERSEUS period (2012 – 2015) and by PERSEUS Partners and the contribution of gliders to the multi-platform ocean observing capability in the SES , with some perspectives on future glider endurance line monitoring.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
A Clean Seas and Outreach Best Practice Guide gives policy makers a toolkit for carrying out communication and outreach campaigns to support behavioural changes of citizens which can significantly reduce human pressures on marine waters – e.g. eco-tourism initiatives.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
A new Mean Dynamic Topography was computed for the Mediterranean Sea that is available for calculating absolute dynamic heights and the corresponding geostrophic currents from altimeter sea level anomalies. The new data set consisted of an updated data set of drifter velocities provided by OGS and a data set of hydrological profiles provided by IMEDEA.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Rio, M-H. et al. 2014. Computation of a new mean dynamic topography for the Mediterranean Sea from model outputs, altimeter measurements and oceanographic in situ data. Ocean Sci., 10, 731-744. doi:10.5194/os-10-731-2014; link: http://www.ocean-sci.net/10/731/2014/os-10-731-2014.htmlResult description
A trend in temperature and salinity has been identified in the Levantine Basin. Both temperature and salinity have been shown to increase. The data is not yet currently available to the public.Result type
* exploitable scientific resultLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
A comprehensive analysis of the environmental conditions (biotic and abiotic) associated with the Physalia physalis swarm events in 2010. It has been found that that the summer 2010 P. Physalis swarm was the result of an unusual combination of meteorological and oceanographic conditions during the previous winter and not a permanent invasion favoured by climatic changes.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Prieto., L et al. 2015. Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia physalis) in the Mediterranean: A permanent invasion or a casual appearance? Scientific Reports (Nature) 5, 11545. doi: 10.1038/srep11545; link: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep11545Result description
In the vicinity of large coastal cities the dilution of chemicals from point source inputs occurs on small spatial scales. Modelling shows that in the Marseilles area, a high proportion of contaminants discharged in the bay is exported offshore after a few days, especially those adsorbed on fine and light particles.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Thouvenin B. et al. 2013. Export of chemical contaminants from a big mediterranean city: modelling of dissolved and particulate transport in the bay of Marseille. 40th CIESM congress, Marseille, France, October/November 2013.References
Gonzalez-Fernandez D. et al (2014). Spatial gradients of PCB’s and OCP’s in surface seawater associated with coastal cities “hot-spots”. 2014. Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 76, 1176-1179 . Link: http://www.dioxin20xx.org/pdfs/2014/1083.pdfResult description
A comprehensive review of the existing observing systems in the Mediterranean and Black Seas was undertaken, for key platforms, enabling clear gaps and needs in the system to be identified.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
Compilation and gap analysis (per descriptor) of methodological approaches and assessment elements used by EU countries in the implementation of the MSFD. Identification of common principles and options for the development of environmental assessments in EU and non-EU countries.Result type
* ReportLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/969.1_v4.pdf http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/2840.pdfReferences
Result description
Southern European Seas (SES) are analyzed for gaps on data and knowledge related to a list of key processes, pressures, and impacts. The Mediterranean Sea's hydrometeorological variability is well-described using a combination of existing databases and models; the availability and update of long time-series is stressed. Some of the gaps that have been found are; poor understanding of the Strait of Gibraltar's biogeochemistry, there is a complete lack of information for marine litter and noise there is a clear gap in the estimates of fluxes of N, P, and pollutants to the sea.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Different aspects concerning the thermohaline variability associated with the Adriatic dense waters during and after an extreme meteorological event occurred in the Adriatic Sea in winter 2012 is analysed. It is found a suddenly decrease in salinity which interrupts a positive temperature and salinity bottom trend observed during the previous 5 years and producing a density increase of 0.02 kg.m-3.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Bensi M.et al (2013). Effects of winter convection on the deep layer of the Southern Adriatic Sea in 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Vol. 118, 1-12, doi:10.1002/2013JC009432; link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/wol1/doi/10.1002/2013JC009432/fullResult description
The establishment of new jellyfish polyp populations in the formerly unpopulated coastal and open waters has been attributed to the addition of new artificial substrates in both coastal (ports, marinas, breakwater) and offshore (platforms) locations.Result type
* otherLink to result
Vodopivec M., Peliz A., Malej A. (2015, February). Offshore marine constructions as stepping-stones facilitating dispersal of moon jellyfish polyps. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Granada, Spain http://www.sgmeet.com/ASLO/GRANADA2015/VIEWABSTRACT.ASP?ABSTRACTID=26765References
Result description
Through a methodological process of gap and impact analyses, PERSEUS; has updated an prioritized the main environmental risks in relation to each of the 11 GES descriptors of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. It was found that in both open seas and coastal areas and for the 4 sub-region analysed (Western, Central, Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea) the main and common environmental risks are; chemical pollution, physical damage and habitat loss, Introduction of on-indigenous species, overfishing and marine litter.Result type
* otherLink to result
Result description
The ARGO network in the Southern European Seas (SES) have allowed to upgrade and improve signifincatly the obsering capacity of the SES by means of Argo profiling floats and measurements on ship-of-opportunity. Improvements were twofold: the expansion of geographical coverage and the addition of biogeochemical sensors to measure parameters associated to the MSFD descriptors for Good Environment Status.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
The abundance, spatial distribution and qualitative composition, of benthic marine litter, were investigated in five study areas from the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas. The size distribution of litter items showed that ?50% fall into medium size categories (10x10 cm, 20x20 cm) along with an elevated percentage of small-sized (<5x 5 cm) plastic litter items. The comparative analysis of the data highlighted the dependence of the marine litter problem on many local factors (human sources and oceanographic conditions) and the urgent need for specificactions.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Ioakeimidis, C. et al, 2014. A comparative study of marine litter on the seafloor of coastal areas in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas.2014. Marine Pollution Bulletin Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.09.044Result description
An updated list of alien species (molluscs, crustaceans, fish, polychaetes and macroalgae) in the Mediterranean accommodating recent findings and latest nomenclatural changes.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Zenetos et al., 2012. Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2012. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part 2. Introduction trends and pathways, Medit. Mar. Sci., Vol. 13/2: 328-352; link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/Zenetos%20et%20al_,%202012,%20Alien%20Species%20in%20the%20Mediterranean%20Sea%20by%202012_%20Part%202_%20Medit_%20Mar_%20Sci_%2013_2,%202012,%20328-352.pdfResult description
PERSEUS will give students the chance to learn much more about the marine life of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the marine ecosystems and how they are changing because of human activities impacting on them such as releasing of chemicals, nutrients, wastes and litter in the sea, over-fishing and atmospheric pollution to name some.Result type
* training activity/learning moduleLink to result
Result description
Biotic benthic indices generally show the gradient of pollution but the most appropriate index is not the same in every study area due to differentiations in community structure among different regions/subregions. A common harmonization integrated method is proposed.Result type
* otherLink to result
Simboura et al. 2014. Intercomparison of the ecological quality assessment methodologies involving benthic indices in different regions across the SES. Evaluation of assessments and selection of indices. Abstract Book 2nd PERSEUS Scientific Workshop, 30 November – 6 December, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/GA%20Marrakesh/3408.pdfReferences
Result description
Investigation of the high frequency variability in Mediterranean circulation (days to weeks time scales) from gliders at a biodiversity ‘hot spot’ with profound implication on circulation and ecosystem variability. The seasonal to sub-seasonal variability of the transport of water masses in the Ibiza Channel is characterized.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Heslop, E et al. 2012. Autonomous underwater gliders 22 monitoring variability at "choke points" in our ocean system: A case study in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 39: 24, doi:10.1029/2012GL053717.Result description
A website platform where citizens can contribute to a long-term dataset by uploading data about jelyfish sightings or the conditions of the beach. Mobile apps are available for iPhones and Android devices. At the webpage you can list the sightings which have been reported or visualize them in a map.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
Result description
A methodology tool has been developed for environmental and accidental risk assessment of the big ports around the Southern European Seas.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
www.eports.cat http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/EU_Maritime_Day_May2015/4259.pdfReferences
Result description
First integrated socio-economics assessment of main marine and coastal sectors has been carried out at Mediterranean and Black Sea scale and in several South European Sea (SES) pilot cases, despite missing or non-publicly available data, providing a better knowledge of pressures and trends.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Recent status of major non-indigenous species in the Marmara Sea and in the Black Sea.Result type
* ReportLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/site/content.php?artid=669. Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
Development of the full blueprints for the design of an innovative small research and survey vessel for the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, capable to work and maneuver easily in port areas,estuaries, as well as shallow navigation channels equipped with innovative positioning and propulsion system.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
New ecological quality status indexes based on seagrass meadows observation have been proposed for the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean.Result type
* otherLink to result
Panayotidis P. et al. 2014. Seagrass presence and distribution as Ecological Status indicators: Case studies in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Abstract Book 2nd PERSEUS Scientific Workshop, 30 November – 6 December, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/GA%20Marrakesh/3408.pdfReferences
Result description
Definition of the conditions potentially leading to Jellyfish proliferation for areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea such as marine constructions, inputs of nutrients and extraction of jellyfish predators.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
The study of biomass changes in functional groups of demersal fish species in 12 areas of the Mediterranean over 19 years identified geographical and temporal trends mainly correlated with bottom dissolved oxygen, bottom sea water temperature and catches.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Brind’Amour A., Mérigot B., Rochet M.J., Trenkel V., Jadaud A., Carbonara P., Follesa C., Maiorano P., Massuti E., Spedicato M.T. and Bertrand J. (2013, March). Contrasting food web structures and trends across Mediterranean Areas. MEDITS (Mediterranean International Trawl Survey) project annual meeting group, Heraklion, GreeceResult description
The CPR is a robust sampling device used to collect plankton from horizontal transects, while towed by ships of opportunity. The CPR data include zooplankton and phytoplankton abundances and diversity, biological productivity measurements, as well as temperature and salinity data that are collected by a data logger attached to the CPR during each tow.PERSEUS has initiated the use of the CPR in the Eastern Mediterranean along the Cyprus-Haifa-Cyprus transect from the newly established MedCPR Facility at The Cyprus Institute.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
This report provides an ecological geographical framework characterising the main species assemblages and environmental features, and quantifying the various environmental and human factors (biogeochemical regions, ecoregions, human pressures), in the Mediterranean Sea.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
This assessment aims to accurately quantify the transport of nutrients between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Extensive measurements of nutrient concentrations performed at the time series Gibraltar Fixed Time Series (GIFT) were used in combination with the in situ monitoring of Mediterranean water transport in the area. The results were used to build a nutrient balance box model for the Mediterranean Sea and elucidate the contribution of the water exchange at the Saronikos Gulf to the nutrient status of the basin.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Huertas, I. E.et al. 2012. Atlantic forcing of the Mediterranean oligotrophy, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 26, GB2022, doi:10.1029/2011GB004167. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/146.pdfResult description
A Mediterranean climatology (1°x 1°x 12 months) of the mixed layer and of the seasonal thermocline, based on a comprehensive collection of temperature profiles spanning 44 years (1969–2012). The database includes more than 190,000 profiles, merging CTD, MBT/XBT, profiling floats, and gliders observations.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Houpert et al. Seasonal cycle of the mixed layer, the seasonal thermocline and the upper-ocean heat storage rate in the Mediterranean Sea derived from observations. Progress in Oceanography 132 (0), 333--352. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.11.004; link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079661114001797 D'Ortenzio et al. 2014. Observing mixed layer depth, nitrate and chlorophyllconcentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean:A combined satellite and NO3 pro?ling ?oats experiment. Geophysical Reseach Letters. Doi: 10.1002/2014GL061020Result description
Suggestion to continue research and development of MSFD food web indicators other than upper trophic level (fish, large predators species, birds) to cover all functional groups within food webs (for example zooplankton incl. jellyfish).Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Kogovek et al. Year? Journal?Result description
First assessment of composition, spatial distribution and source of litter and microplastics from the slope to deep basins in European Seas.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Pham C.K. et al. (2014) Marine Litter Distribution and Density in European Seas, from the Shelves to Deep Basins. PLoS ONE 9 (4): e9583; link: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0095839 Tubau X.et al. 2015. Marine litter on the floor of deep submarine canyons of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: The role of hydrodynamic processes; Progress in Oceanography 134, 379-403. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2015.03.013Result description
Increasing coverage for data in the South Mediterranean Sea through collaboration with key partners (i.e. Morocco).Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
A meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal area is adopted (MSFD does not discriminate coastal vs open waters on the Initial Assessment). Moreover a comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments of five Southern European Seas (SES) countries has been also independently is performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and initial assesment shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been detected for the biodiversity, marine food web, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors. The meta-analysis also allowed the identification of additional research themes targeting research topics that are requested to the achievement of GES.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Crisse et al. 2015. A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95: 28-39Result description
Recommendations to reduce litter related to tourism such as improved the collection of litter from sewage and rainfall systems, increase public awareness, improve recycling culture and alter consumer behaviour.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Generalisation of the TRIX and CSI023+ environmental indexes for use with numerical model results.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
The comparison of the coverage of sea grass meadows with historical data in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean does not show evidence of changes and clear trends.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
Development of a tool (PHYSAT-Med) to facilitate the monitoring of phytoplankton taxonomy from space (application to MSFD) in the Mediterranean Sea. The tool is based on a regionalized remote sensing approach.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Navarro G. et al (2014) Identification of dominant phytoplankton functional types in the Mediterranean Sea based on a regionalized remote sensing approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 152, 557–575; link: http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/Boussole/html/publications/pubs/Navarro_et_al_RSE_2014.pdfResult description
In this review, it is identified alien marine species that have a high impact on ecosystem services and biodiversity in European seas, classified the mechanisms of impact, commented on the methods applied for assesing the impact and the related inferential strength and reported on gaps in available information. Only 13% of the reported impacts of NIS were inferred via manipulative or natural experiments. A need for stronger inference is evident, to improve our knowledge base of marine biological invasions and better inform environmental managers.Result type
* Book/ReviewLink to result
Katsanevakis S et al., 2014. Impacts of marine invasive alien species on ecosystem services and biodiversity: a pan-European review. Aquatic Invasions 9(4): 391–423. Link: http://www.aquaticinvasions.net/2014/AI_2014_Katsanevakis_etal.pdfResult description
Similar studies have been made for coastal areas and open waters of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. This report presents the results of the economic and social analysis of the human activities which are exerting pressures on open waters of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The analysis has been done using existing available data on main marine activities such as fisheries, maritime transport, submarine cable and pipeline operations and marine hydrocarbon extraction. It makes the same analysis on marine coastal ecosystems of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea taking into account the main marine sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, maritime transport and ports, recreational activities and coastal tourism, submarine cable and pipeline operations and marine hydrocarbon (oil and gas) extraction as well as on the main land-based activities impacting the coastal marine. The gap analysis in both open and coastal waters has shown that a significant part of required data to perform the economic and social assesment of human pressures assessments are missing or not publicly available, especially those needed to assess value added and employment wages as well as cost of degradation.Result type
* ReportLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/3288.2_Final.pdf http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/3332.2_Final.pdfReferences
Result description
The hydrology of the Cretan Sea is studied by using T/S (temperature salinity) profile data derived from the first Argo float deployed in the area over a 2 year period (2010-2012) which was combined with time series data recorded from the POSEIDON E1-M3A multi-parametric instrumentation platform. The acquired datasets were enriched with available CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) profiles taken on the mooring site during cruise maintenance surveys. The combined research activities resulted in a large dataset of physical properties allowing extended geographical coverage and an in-depth analysis of the Cretan Sea dynamics during the 2-year period.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Kassis et al. 2015. : Hydrodynamic variability of the Cretan Sea derived from Argo float profiles and multi-parametric buoy measurements during 2010–2012. Ocean Dynamics, 15-00058. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-015-0892-0. Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10236-015-0892-0Result description
An extensive analysis based on the joint signals provided by available historical fisheries records and data from remote sensors for surface currents, kinetic energy (KE), temperature and chlorophyll is performed. Based on this analysis, it is concluded that anchovy recruitment in the Alboran Sea is highly linked to the dynamics of the Atlantic Jet and the associated circulation features in the basin.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Ruiz J et al., 2013. Recruiting at the edge: Kinetic energy inhibits anchovy populations in the Western Mediterranean. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55523. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055523; link: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0055523Result description
A Strategy for an Integrated Mediterranean and Black Seas Ocean Observing System (IMBOOS) was developed, following the “Kostas Nittis Scientific and Strategic Workshop’’ (May 2015). This defines the guiding principles, key components and first steps to establish a system for the South European Sea (SES).Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Impacts of mesoscale mechanisms (Gulf of Lion’s open-ocean convection, Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System) on the pelagic ecosystems 3D observation of variability of upper ocean eddies with a multi-platform approach (ALBOREX). Sub-mesoscale processes and impact on circulation and ecosystem identified and modelled.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Identification of a change towards a more oligotrophic character of northern Aegean.Result type
* exploitable scientific resultLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/site/content.php?artid=669. The deliverable will be available at the end of December 2015.References
Result description
The oceanographic information management system provides user-friendly and fast access to physical, geochemical and biological data of the Mediterranean and Black Seas’ ecosystems. The database includes both data collected by PERSEUS (100 cruises or 8,000 CTD casts) and previous European projects such as SESAME, MyOcean, SeaDataNet and EMODnet. The database contains data for almost 8,000 cruises since December 2015. About 98% of the data is freely available to any user after online registration. Other data can be obtained through negotiation with data provider. (Data are held at http://isramar.ocean.org.il/perseus_data/)Result type
* dataLink to result
Result description
Marine plankton assimilates rapidly chemical contaminants but prey-predator contaminant transfer is difficult to clearly distinguish within planktonic food-webs.Result type
* otherLink to result
Tronczynski et al. 2015. Accumulation and trophic transfer of POPs in plankton in the Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean. Link: http://meetings.setac.org/frontend.php/presentation/listForPublicResult description
The Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox has been especially developed to assist policy makers to develop measures in order to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) of costal and marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. The purpose is to organize relevant scientific findings and resources into a user-friendly format to aid the decision-making process, thus saving time and frustration.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
Result description
The role of Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) variations in shaping the phytoplankton phenology was explored in the Mediterranean Sea, a basin displaying contrasting phenological regimes. A database of MLD estimations was merged with ocean color chlorophyll concentrations to generate concomitant annual MLD and color chlorophyll concentration cycles. Several indices such as annual maximum of MLD and satellite surface chlorophyll-a concentrations were calculated to quantitatively analyze these cycles. It was found that two dominant phenological regimes coexist in the Mediterranean Sea. The first is marked by a typical spring bloom, as in temperate regions. The second displays a low seasonality and an absence of an intense satellite surface chlorophyll-a concentrations peak as in subtropical areas.Result type
* exploitable scientific resultLink to result
Lavigne et al (2013) Enhancing the comprehension of mixed layer depth control on the Mediterranean phytoplankton phenology, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 3416-3430, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20251. Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgrc.20251/abstractResult description
Confirmination that DNA barcoding can be used to assess marine biodiversity and monitor invasion dynamics. Upon publication more results will be made available.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Karahan, A., et al. Submitted to Journal for Nature Conservation. Under revisionResult description
This fact sheet summarizes the findings of the research on create sustainability for Atlantic bluefin tuna and provides specific insights for science-based policymaking for the management and conservation of the bluefin tuna.Result type
* otherLink to result
Result description
A tested methodology is presented to assess the environmental status Sensu on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) based on the data obtained from the monitoring of water quality in the Hellenic coastal waters within the Water Framework Directive (WFD).Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Simboura, N.et al. 2015. Assessment of the environmental status in Hellenic coastal waters (Eastern Mediterranean): from the Water Framework Directive to the Marine Strategy Water Framework Directive. Mediterranean Marine Science, 16/1: 46-64. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/PERSEUS%20Publications/5123.pdfResult description
The ‘Jellyfish Spotting’ & ‘Litter Watch campaign’ rely on “citizen scientists” to recordsightings of jellyfish and litter at the beach, take a photo and send it by e-mail or post it on the PERSEUS website. A smart phone application will also be developed Incoming information, will be put on a GIS database and the distribution of jellyfish and litter can be viewed from the “Jellyfish and Litter Spotting” website.Result type
* services/toolsLink to result
Result description
An updated assessment of organic pollutants and metals in seawater and sediments and marine organisms (molluscs, fish) in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea was updated (based on Joint MISIS cruise).Result type
* Book/ReviewLink to result
Oros, A., Coatu, V., Tiganus, D., Secrieru, D., Shtereva, G., Bat, L., Beken, L., Atabay, H., Toulun, L., 2014. Chapter V. DESCRIPTOR 8: Contaminants, in MISIS Joint Cruise Scientific Report, 2014. “State of Environment Report of the Western Black Sea based on Joint MISIS cruise” (SoE-WBS), Moncheva S. and L. Boicenco [Eds], 401 pp.ISBN: 978-606-598-367-0Result description
A methodology for the assessment of the eutrophication status in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean and Black Seas (Gulf of Trieste, Saronikos Gulf and Varna Bay) was developed.Result type
* otherLink to result
Pagou et al. 2014. The environmental status in three coastal areas of Mediterranean and Black Seas: a eutrophication approach towards the MSFD implementation. Abstract Book 2nd PERSEUS Scientific Workshop, 30 November – 6 December, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/GA%20Marrakesh/3408.pdfReferences
Result description
Stock assessment of small pelagic fish in the NW Black Sea was possible for 7 out of 25 major stocks and six of these were exploited at rates exceeding FMS (fisheries management systems).Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Snigirov S. (in press). Current state of commercial ichtiofauna of Dniester Estuary. Romanian Geographical Journal.Result description
A prototype of an “Early Warning System for Oil Spills” has been developed to demonstrate to policy and decision-makers the usefulness of having in place early warning systems which can guide them in limiting the damaging effects of potential oil spills in their coastal and open waters.Result type
* prototypeLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/site/content.php?locale=1&locale_j=en&sel=1524innovator.ath.hcmr.gr/perseusdemonstrator http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/3752.6_Final.pdfReferences
Result description
Development of a method for assessing Bluefin tuna population status used by NOAA and IEO in the framework of ICCAT assessment: Bluefin tuna larval habitats are produced at SOCIB as input to the larval index calculation (ICCAT).Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Ingram, G.et al. 2015. Development of indices of larval bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. ICCAT,Collect.Vol.Sci.Pap. 71(3):1279-1296; link: https://www.iccat.int/Documents/CVSP/CV071_2015/n_3/CV071031279.pdf Alvarez-Berastegui et al. (2014) Spatial scale, means and gradients of hydrographical variables define pelagic seascapes of bluefin and bullet tuna spawning distribution. Plos One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone 0109338; link: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0109338Result description
First indications of contaminant levels in deep sediment of different regions of the Mediterranean show they decrease rapidly when the distance increase from point sources; however, a large amount of coastal inputs is exported offshore. Attention should be paid to the fate and the impact of new emerging pollutants. At the basin scale, contaminant concentrations in biota show very different patterns depending on substances. For some substances, the biogeochemical background and the environmental conditions play a important role in the contamination of marine organisms.Result type
* ReportLink to result
http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/969.1_v4.pdf http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/deliverables/2840.pdfReferences
Result description
Guidance for the application of NIS related management in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Ten recommendation, including NIS identification, standardization of sampling data, indicators, propagule pressure and management issues are considered. Regarding monitoring of NIS, it is recommended to be focused on well-studied taxa for which long-term records are both available and reliable.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Ojaveer, H. et al., 2014. Ten recommendations for advancing the assessment and management of non-indigenous species in marine ecosystems, Marine Policy 44: 160-165; link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/PERSEUS%20Publications/3398.pdfResult description
An assessment of the trends of marine alien species introductions in the European Seas, i.e. Baltic, North East Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Sea, in relation to the pathways/vectors of their first introduction on a decadal basis in Europe.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Katsanevakis, S et al, 2013. Invading European Seas: Assessing pathways of introduction of marine aliens. Ocean & Coastal Management, 76: 64-74, Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.02.024.Result description
It describes how to submit data from different platforms, in real-time and delayed mode, to the European marine data infrastructure. A second version of this handbook will include information on standard QC procedures for each platform. This document will be updated in 2015, will remain accurate beyond the end of PERSEUS, and hopefully will be applicable to future EU projects.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
Overview of the status of each Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) indicator regarding its capability to provide a coherent assessment through the Synthetic Tree Diagrams, by graphically showing the different methodological options considered by the respective EU countries in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Not publicly availableReferences
Result description
Definition of the optimal available algorithms for the estimate of Chla data from satellite products for the Aegean Sea.Result type
* ReportLink to result
Result description
The major elements and structure of the Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) are described. Some recent scientific, technological, and society-related results that are of relevance at a global ocean scale are presented, such as new methodologies for coastal zone delimitation and marine spatial planning to well-identified problems such as recreational boating.Result type
* Scientific PublicationLink to result
Tintoré et al. 2013: SOCIB: the Balearic Islands Observing and Forecasting System responding to science, technology and society needs. Marine Technology Society Journal, 47/1, January/February 2013, pp. 101-117(17), http://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10Result description
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) indicator development - Analysis of the pelagic food web components and transfer to fish using the end-to-end approach indicated that normalized biomass-size spectrum (NBSS) could be used as a quantitative indicator of the impact of multiple stressors (such as eutrophication and overfishing) on pelagic communities.Result type
* otherLink to result
Frangoulis C. et al 2014. Testing the biomass size spectrum as an indicator of the impact of combined pressures on the pelagic community of Saronikos Gulf. Abstract Book 2nd PERSEUS Scientific Workshop, 30 November – 6 December, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. Link: http://www.perseus-net.eu/assets/media/PDF/GA%20Marrakesh/3408.pdfReferences
Result description
The study reveals a decrease of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in most study areas. These decreasing trends were coupled with those of nutrients except for the Gulf of Trieste, where the decrease of chlorophyll a was related to an increasing salinity trend from 2002 to 2008.Result type
* otherLink to result
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