CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Coordination Action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence

Final Report Summary - CAENTI (Coordination Action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence)

The CAENTI project was a consortium of eight universities and seven territorial actors. As a general objective, it aimed to integrate present research projects on territorial intelligence tools, so as to give them a European dimension.

The three main research coordination activities included:
- the design of tools for and with territorial actors and the coordination of their achievements (tools for actors);
- the inventory of scientific methods, research protocols and generic instruments for territorial information analysis, used in the HSS laboratories and likely to provide technological modules for the action tools (fundamental methods);
- the governance principles, standards and protocols for research and action that ensure these tools respect the sustainable development ethics (governance principles).

The project was structured into six work packages (WPs) as follows:

WP 1: [Management] Management of the consortium. Workpackage leader: Amélie BichetMiñaro, Université de FrancheComté (France).
During all the scientific coordination meetings, the CAENTI manager briefly presented the management state to the CAENTI participants representatives. Then, they evoked together the management following steps, in particular the next gathering of financial data and the next scientific coordination meetings to be organised.

WP 2: [Conference] Annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence. Work package leader : Mihai PascaruPag (Universitatea 1 decembrie 1918 Alba Iulia).
Main objective of the annual international conference of territorial intelligence was gathering all the European network members with other researchers and territorial actors in order to exchange information about the past working and research year, have debates on progress and prospects. It guaranteed the transparency of the project through common decision-making procedures. Each activity was invited to make a report on its work during the past year, to enlarge its thinking state and to debate with all consortium members. It also had other objectives:
- allowing detailing and tuning the territorial intelligence concept that is in the core of the project;
- confronting researchers' and actors' visions;
- collectively evaluating the efficiency of management, of organisational device and of the tools developed for sharing formation and working in a collaborative way;
- collectively evaluating dissemination device, either online or under paper shape, to inform the consortium members, and more generally the scientific community interested in the project issue;
- guaranteeing the scientific work quality by formulating advice for the scientific committee, year after year, according to the works progress.

WP 3: [Portal, UFC] The extranet and internet portal. Work package leader: Cyril Masselot, Université de FrancheComté.
The WP3 main objective was to contribute to the visibility and dissemination of all the CAENTI activities and results. In accordance with the steering committee and under the editorial committee authority, the WP3 managed the territorial intelligence web portal (please see online) and is in charge of the integration of new internet services. The WP3 also provided the CAENTI with a protected extranet (intra-consortium website) and a cooperative workspace (Coospace). Finally, the WP3 was in charge of all the consortium external communication and of the edition.

WP 4: [Fundamental methods] The spreading of fundamental methods and research design in territorial information analysis within the humanities and social sciences. Work package leader: Csilla FILÓ, University of Pecs.
The WP4 aimed at improving the dissemination of spatial analysis and territorial information processing methods and tools within the humanities and social science and at increasing the territorial information use. These objectives have been divided into five scientific coordination activities during the two first periods. A synthesis of these research activities was made during this third and last period.
WP 5: [Governance principles] Analysis of the application of the principles of governance of sustainable development in territorial action research. Work package leader: Blanca Miedes Ugarte, University of Huelva.
The CAENTI WP5 analysis of the application of the governance principles of sustainable development to territorial action-research main general objective consisted in deliberating on ethical and methodological principles that should be respected by research protocols of humanities and social sciences, so that the research results favour territorial governance and therefore the territories sustainable development.
The main deliverable linked to this work was the elaboration of a European quality letter of research action favouring territorial governance of sustainable development in 2007. This work was made by taking as a starting point the document, Application of the governance principles of sustainable development to territorial action-research which was elaborated during the first period.
Therefore, systematic efforts were made in order to achieve the following goals:

- Regarding action-research processes that contribute to sustainable territorial development:
1) To identify the governance principles of sustainable territorial development and to specify the impacts, potentialities, risks and limiting factors of their implementation. During this phase, the WP designed the reference framework of the other WP5 phases.

- Concerning action-research activities:
2) To ensure, through a European suitable quality letter, ethical and methodological principles and conditions to be respected in the development of research projects. Thus, they should efficiently contribute -through their impact on governance- to generate sustainable territorial development dynamic and to identify the way those principles constrain action-research, in terms of processes, tools and results.
3) To define the role of technological developments encouraging the practical implementation of the research participative-cooperative principles.

WP6: [Tools for, with and by actors] Design and dissemination of methods and tools of territorial intelligence accessible for the territorial actors and respectful of a sustainable development ethics. Work package leader: JeanJacques Girardot, Université de FrancheComté (France).

As a general objective, the WP6 'Tools for, with and by actors' aimed at designing, making and disseminating methods and tools of territorial intelligence accessible to territorial actors and that respect the ethics of sustainable development. It also aimed at designing a European observatory of elementary school.

At the beginning of CAENTI, catalyse method, which was essentially contemplated as a set of tools, was the work starting point of CAENTI and of the WP6 that aimed at 'design tools for territorial actors'.
The WP6 organisation was designed to firstly analyse and write the specifications of the catalyse tools, by harmonising the tools used in Europe by the different observatories catalyse, in accordance with the European standards, in order to create a 'catalyse' toolkit that offer modules articulated properly. The second period was devoted to put the bases of their integration in a territorial information system, designed as a geographic information system but more accessible for actors, through an editorial chain. The third reporting period should allowed drafting the specifications of a territorial information system that will integrate the tools in the logic of this editorial chain. The design of a territorial indicators portal was a step in this system design. The WP6 did not only write the tool specifications. It often coordinated tools and prototypes execution.