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The National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) as a Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan S&T Cooperation: Towards Jordan's Integration into ERA

Final Report Summary - J-ERACENTER (The National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) as a Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan S&T Cooperation: Towards Jordan's Integration into ERA)

Executive Summary:
The overarching aim of the J-ERAcenter has been to contribute to the effective integration of Jordan into the European Research Area (ERA) through building organisational, strategic and human capacities of the National Centre for Research & Development (NCRD) to actively participate in European S&T partnerships and execute large-scale projects in the key area for Jordan and the EU of Renewable Energy, with a view to creating a Centre of Excellence within Jordan and actively promoting further dissemination and replication actions in the region.

Within that general objective, J-ERAcenter aimed at:
• Building capacities in international R&D cooperation and EU project management, by providing targeted training to NCRD staff and researchers and enabling them to replicate the knowledge thus benefiting a wider target group of researchers in Jordan.
• Strengthening direct links between research teams of NCRD and their EU counterparts, initiating joint R&D initiatives in the area of Renewable Energy through a series of networking and partnering events, and facilitating researchers’ mobility.
• Ensuring firm and sustainable implementation of the enhanced capacities at NCRD with a view to promoting the Centre’s international competitiveness and improving its response to socio-economic challenges. Internationalisation, visibility, Intellectual Property and competitiveness strategies, and the implementation of a R&D Cooperation Unit were areas of action under the project.
• Promoting the visibility and impact of the project, as a pilot action, positioning NCRD as a Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan RTD cooperation, via targeted multiplication and dissemination actions (networking events, info-days, and seminars).

The project pursued these goals by means of a set of complementary and interlinked work packages and activities, taking maximum advantage of the expertise of the consortium, and with a view to generate outputs with high multiplier and dissemination potential. Indeed, the project consortium gathered Jordan’s leading research centre in Renewable Energy, as the main beneficiary and coordinator, and several EU partners with complementary expertise in the scientific field (UASTV, UMU and UA).

Project Context and Objectives:
The project focused on an area key to the EU and Jordan, i.e. Renewable Energy (RE) with two fundamental pillars: enhanced cooperation EU-Jordan and promoting a Centre of Excellence on RE research in Jordan.

The concept of the action was firmly rooted into the development objectives of the Kingdom of Jordan and the priorities of EU-Jordan cooperation. It also addressed the objectives of the International Cooperation work programme towards reinforcing the cooperation capacities of research centres located in South Mediterranean region and activating research activities and promising centres.

Within this framework, the overarching aim of the J-ERAcenter was to contribute to the effective integration of Jordan into the European Research Area (ERA) through building organisational, strategic and human capacities of the National Centre for Research & Development (NCRD) to actively participate in European S&T partnerships and execute large-scale projects in the key area for Jordan and the EU of Renewable Energy, with a view to creating a Centre of Excellence within Jordan and actively promoting further dissemination and replication actions in the region.

This ambitious overall objective was to be achieved through pursuing the following specific objectives:
• To build capacities in international R&D cooperation and EU project management, by providing targeted training to NCRD staff and researchers and enable them to replicate the knowledge thus benefiting a wider target group of researchers in Jordan.
• To strengthen direct links between research teams of NCRD and their EU counterparts and initiate joint R&D initiatives in the area of Renewable Energy, through a series of networking and partnering events and facilitating mobility of researchers.
• To ensure firm and sustainable implementation of the enhanced capacities at NCRD with a view to promoting the centre’s international competitiveness and improve its response to socio-economic challenges; through implementing specific internationalisation, visibility, IP and competitiveness strategies (for enhancement of the institutional development strategy), and the implementation of a R&D Cooperation Unit.
• To promote the visibility and impact of this pilot action, positioning NCRD as a Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan RTD cooperation, via targeted multiplication and dissemination actions (networking events, seminars).

The project pursued these goals by means of a set of complementary and interlinked work packages and activities, taking maximum advantage of the expertise of the consortium, and with a view to generate outputs with high multiplier and dissemination potential.

Jordan’s National Energy Research Centre (NCRD) was the main target and coordinator of this action due to the high relevance of Energy Research - particularly Renewable Energies (RE) - to the imminent future and sustainable development goals of both the EU and Jordan.
Being one of the most important research institutes in Jordan, and the most important in the area of RE, and considering its strong but largely unexploited capacities for international cooperation, NCRD combines extremely strong potential to turn into a Centre of Excellence and become a role model to be taken up by other research institutes in Jordan and the Mediterranean Neighbouring region.

The multiplier potential of NCRD was reinforced by the fact that the centre is directly affiliated to the Higher Council of Science and Technology (HCST), the policy-making body responsible for coordinating S&T strategy and funding in Jordan.

Project Results:
Following its specific objectives, J-ERA center has produced a set of tangible and intangible outputs:

Output 1: Capacities built in NCRD staff and researchers on international R&D cooperation and EU project management. This was achieved by providing targeted training, enabling staff and researchers replicate the knowledge gained to reach a wider audience in Jordan.

Most activities were carried out under WP2:
(2.1) A set of training modules was developed, based on the information gathered in WP1, the results of the SWOT and specifically from Deliverable 1.2 ‘Institute Briefing Paper for Development Strategy & Training needs’ .The main topics addressed are the research project management, proposal drafting, IP management and patent commercialisation, Horizon 2020 opportunities for energy sector.

(2.2) Implementation of two intensive training for trainers workshops, one targeted at lead researchers and focussing on priority research areas, and the 2nd one targeted at management staff focussing on research management and technical EU programme and project skills. Two events was held in Amman, Jordan in order to raise awareness amongst researchers on EU funding and research cooperation opportunities, focussing on priority research areas of mutual interest and to build strong competences and skills in staff at multiple target groups, managers, administrators, researchers, leaders of research groups.

-The first training practical project management training was held in Amman 17-19 June 2013. The main topics addressed during this three-day training are:
• From the scientific idea to the project (how to find a matching call, where to find information on past and active projects and state of the art; what are the important steps to ensure the idea is eligible and has potential to be funded etc.)
• Practical application writing workshop (with exercises such as CORDIS database searches, consortium building and networking techniques; key techniques for proposal writing, project cycle management approach, etc.)
• International Project Management: key skills for complex project management, tools and methods used, practical examples.
• Financial management of FP projects (from drawing up a budget, including indirect cost calculation, to the final report of expenditures; important documentation, audits etc)
• IP, technology transfers and research commercialization workshop: adapted to the needs of the target group identified in WP1. IPR management in FP projects and contracts; frequent problems and how to avoid them; IP & commercialization in general: how to draw up an institutional IP policy with a view to promote cooperation with industry, technology transfer and research commercialization.
After the workshop, the participants have acquired a deep understanding of EU funding mechanisms and international project management, and complementary skills.
-The second workshop was held in Amman on April 2014 with the aim to raise awareness amongst researchers on EU funding and research cooperation opportunities, focussing on priority research areas of mutual interest. Specifically , This workshop addressed the opportunities in the new Horizon2020 programme. In addition, the workshop also provided an opportunity for researchers, research leaders and managers to apply what they have learnt to the context of Horizon2020. Drawing on expertise from all three EU partner countries as well as the host institution, the workshop hosted 5 experts from the EU and 24 experts from Jordan.
The themes addressed were:
• General opportunities in Energy Research in H2020
• Opportunities in Energy Efficiency
• Opportunities in PV and Solar Thermal

The second part of the workshop was divided into a clinic session and a working session exercise. In the clinic session, EU experts advised Jordanian researchers on their research proposals. The latter were asked ahead of the workshop to prepare and bring their proposals. In the working session, Jordanian researchers were provided an example of a specific call for proposal and interest by an EU partner. Researchers were then asked to prepare a one page summary to include their research interests and contribution. All materials where designed for further exploitation and use.

(2.3) Thematic Workshops: Two Thematic workshops on renewable energy issues was organized in Amman, PV Workshop: Held at Higher Council for Science and Technology on February 26th 2013, The aim of this WP was to promote the implementation of innovative technologies, as well as know-how transfer in the field of solar energy, particularly PV systems in Jordan. The workshop aimed to highlight the characterization of the electrical grids and identification of their weaknesses, analysis of the legal framework of grid-connected PV installations and recommendations, a conceptual definition of the new system architecture, technological development of an energy management system, pilot projects in small and medium size industries and public facilities, tests and dissemination. A total number of 65 local experts have participated in the day of the event. The participants represented wide spectrum of specialized people in different fields of Solar Energy.
Energy Efficiency WP: Held at Higher Council for Science and Technology on June 2013, the main aim of this event was to Provide training and resources to address skills and knowledge gaps in Energy efficiency technologies; to Promote management and understanding of the EE process and organisational benefits; to Introduce energy efficiency assessments; and audit practices; Establish a common understanding of energy efficiency assessment and the skills, knowledge and experience required to achieve competency; and to Support peer-to-peer and expert-led learning and networking;

(2.4) Creation of on-line training resources: JERA Centre Project has chosen Moodle as the online platform for learning. This open share approach allows easy access to materials. The Moodle beta site is hosted on

Activities under WP5 contributed also to this output via the organisation of multiplier seminars /info-events at other Jordanian research organisations, conducted by NCRD staff trained in WP2.

The ‘training for trainers’ methodology was used with a view to enable multiplication and replication: the researchers attending workshop 1 acquired hands-on-expertise enabling them to act as tutors and ‘EU ambassadors’ for other NCRD and Jordanian researchers. Management staff benefiting from the 2nd workshop were trained to provide continuous information, coaching and support to researchers interested in engaging in R&D cooperation with EU counterparts.

Tangible results:
• Comprehensive set of training modules.
• 2 training for trainers’ workshops, benefiting some 40 key researchers and NCRD management staff. ( see
• 2 thematic workshops organized by re-trained NCRD staff (who participated in the training of trainer workshops), providing know-how to NCRD researchers. ( see
• E-learning resources to benefit a wider target audience of researchers
• 2 multiplier seminars organized at other Jordanian research institutions, targeting additionally some 60 Jordanian R&D staff (researchers, managers, administrators).

Intangible results:

• Enhanced capacities of NCRD researchers to identify opportunities and participate in FP (and other EU funded) projects, enhanced international networking capacity, increasing international focus and relevance of R&D activities conducted.
• Strengthened organisational and managerial capacities in relation to ERA and international S&T cooperation due to enhanced skills of NCRD’s management staff to effectively support researchers, and create and maintain contacts with EU and regional S&T key actors.
• Increased awareness and capacities in Jordanian researchers and research managers on ERA and R&D cooperation opportunities.

Output 2: Direct links between research teams of NCRD and their EU counterparts strengthened; joint R&D initiatives in the area of Renewable Energy initiated, through a series of networking/partnering events; mobility of researchers facilitated.

Activities & methodology to achieve the output:

Most activities to this output were carried out under WP4:

(4.1) The EU- Jordan Networking in Renewable Energy was held in Vienna-Austria on November 2013 . The goal of the event was to gather research institutions, companies and Universities from European countries with the participants from the Mediterranean countries in the field of renewable energy:

- To develop joint projects that fits into the financing Scheme of the European Commission or other financing opportunities.
- To find new partners and strengthen their collaboration within the Mediterranean countries.

(4.2) Networking event in Jordan with participation of research teams from other research institutions from Jordan. The Networking event in energy and energy efficiency was held on 27th & 28th February, 2013 to gather Jordanian Energy Sector Stockholders , along with several regional and international experts to find ways in which they all can collaborate and benefit from each other.
A total number of 124 local experts and 12 European experts have participated in the two days event. The participants represented wide spectrum of specialized people in different fields of RE & EE

The event methodology was based on a highly interactive and participative approach consisting of plenary sessions and key note speeches, practical combined with poster sessions, and moderated thematic break-out sessions where researchers had the chance to discuss their ideas first amongst each other and secondly with experienced experts (moderators). A well-planned and targeted dissemination strategy ensured the participation of key research groups and key actors of the EU and Jordanian S&T systems, as well as international dissemination of the event.

The networking events resulted in the (4.3) identification of concrete cooperation opportunities. NCRD researchers were invited to conceptualize their ideas in concept papers to be submitted to the Project Management Board (PMB) for evaluation and selection of the most promising ideas – and award the researchers with mobility grants to carry out short-term visits (A total of 20 mobilities was implemented within 4 visits to EU institutions) .

Tangible results:
• 2 Networking events implemented with the participation of 140 researchers from EU, Jordan
• 4 research group created and project ideas received and evaluated by the PMB.
• 20 researchers carried out short-term visits to Spain and Austria.

Intangible results:
• Enhanced visibility of S&T Jordanian landscape and actors, research competences and activities in EU, and vice versa.
• Strengthened ties amongst EU and Jordanian research groups.
• Enhanced practical know-how of Jordanian researchers in EU project development and implementation.

Output 3: Sustainable implementation of the enhanced capacities at NCRD with a view to promoting the centre’s international competitiveness and improve its response to socio-economic challenges; through implementing specific internationalisation, visibility, IP and competitiveness strategies (for enhancement of the institutional development strategy), and the implementation of a R&D Cooperation Unit.

Activities & methodology for this output, mainly under WP1:

(1.1) A strategic working group of Jera-center was set-up in September 2012 and includes members from different areas of NCRD: Senior researchers, management staff and administrators. The working group was responsible for carrying out an in-depth analysis (1.2) - Data collection and analysis, using the SWOT methodology studying the internal and external factor conditions acting upon NCRD’s integration into the ERA, with specific focus on analysing human resource training needs. The working group was responsible for collecting data and carrying out a SWOT analysis of NCRD, with special focus on analysis of training needs of staff and researchers (D 1.2 Institute Briefing Paper for Development Strategy & Training needs uploaded at the participant portal). After the collection of the data, the team conducted interviews with: NCRD key staff (including directors, heads of departments, leaders of research groups, researchers), the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) for policy input, industry sector representatives and databases for data on industry perceptions and needs. (1.3) Based on the analysis in T 1.2 and, the following strategic plans was developed: Competitiveness and Visibility Strategy, Internationalisation and Research Cooperation Strategy, IP & Research commercialisation strategy .The working groups at NCRD carried out the drafting the strategies, with the assistance of EU partners .The Strategies have been adopted by NCRD management and integrated into the overall institutional strategy. More details regarding the developed strategies at the participant portal (D1.3 D1.4 D1.5)

Structural capacities of NCRD were further reinforced through WP3, via the implementation of an R&D Cooperation Unit (3.1). The Unit has been created at NCRD since July 2013, as a responsible point for centralising R&D collaborative activities in NCRD, and promoting NCRD’s interaction with the private sector and other research institutions. The responsibilities of the Unit include oversight for relationships between researchers and industry, internationalization of R&D collaborations, Intellectual Property (IP) and exploitation of R&D results, such as patenting and licensing activities. The R&D Cooperation Unit depends directly of the NCRD’s Directive Team, what ensures the necessary knowledge of the institutional and individual researchers’ capabilities and difficulties to help achieve the objectives of the Unit. (3.2) to support R&D cooperation, the obsolete NCRD website was upgraded to improve the provided services and online presence of the organisation and enhance the user-friendliness of this important communication tool (

Activities which contributed to enhance NCRD’s response to socio-economic challenges (besides the SWOT analysis where opportunities and threats were analysed and a competitiveness and visibility strategy formulated) were: the organisation of 2 thematic round-tables with the Renewable Energy industry sector, leading to the identification of priority lines for NCRD for enhancement of research-to-market links.

Tangible results:
• Interdisciplinary-working group created by the project beginning.
• Institute briefing paper for development strategy & training needs of staff.
• Strategies integrated into the overall institutional development strategy: Competitiveness and visibility strategy, Internationalisation and Research cooperation strategy, IP and Research commercialisation strategy (3 strategy papers, adopted by NCRD management).
• 2 thematic round-table with industry partners carried out on May 2014

Intangible results:
• Increased international competitiveness and attractiveness of NCRD for international partners (through thorough analysis of factor conditions, subsequent action plans to improve weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities, enhanced website and structure).
• Strengthened organisational sustainability of NCRD.
• Enhanced knowledge base and strategic fundaments for international R&D cooperation.

Output 4: Promotion of the visibility and impact of the project as a pilot action, positioning NCRD as a Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan RTD cooperation, via targeted multiplication and dissemination actions.

Activities & methodology to achieve the output:

A targeted supra-regional dissemination strategy supported the attainment of this output and enhanced the overall impact of the project. It was complemented by a dissemination package consisting of a set of materials which were used in the different project activities. The dissemination strategy included specific actions for internal and external groups; national, regional and international dissemination; such as: NCRD internal info-events and seminars, the organisation of multiplier seminars/info-events at other Jordanian research institutions, the project website and regular dissemination of results through relevant means.

Tangible results:
• Supra-regional dissemination strategy.
• Comprehensive dissemination package, including project visual identity, leaflets, posters, etc.
• Project website & management tool development and continuous up-dating.
• press releases in national and international media on the project.

Intangible results:
• Enhanced visibility of NCRD as Centre of Excellence for EU-Jordan R&D cooperation.
• Actively promoted national and regional up-take of the NCRD pilot model by peer centres in the region.
• Enhanced commitment to research area integration amongst NCRD staff
• Reinforced ties of NCRD to its socio-economic environment.

Potential Impact:
This initiative was conceived with a view to targeting the impacts listed in the FP7 Capacities Work Programme to the largest possible degree.

The project developed capacities in one of NCRD, as a pilot action, easily replicable in other institutes and across disciplines. The project has generated outputs, such as the training materials and online resources, with clear dissemination and multiplier potential.

Energy Research, in particular Renewable Energies, is a fundamentally important and strategic research area both for the EU and Jordan. Besides, NCRD is strategically placed to become a 'role model' through its strong connections with the Higher Council of Science and Technology (HCST), which acts on a policy-making level to coordinate R&D strategy and funding for Jordan. Taking into account this framework, NCRD, via this initiative, has contributed not only to building capacity for R&D for the benefit of the own institute but on a national level. The partnering and networking focus of the project also promoted the ideals behind it to other entities and organisations, aware of the project by the dissemination actions which have been carried out.
-Enhanced participation of Jordan in Horizon 2020:

The participation of Jordanian researchers and institutes has been quiet limited within the Framework Programme, owing to many constraining factors. The project has directly targeted such constraints in a bid to promote participation and increase it for the future. This impact was assured via a series of specific actions within the project including:
• increasing the networking potential and spread of contacts of the NCRD via mapping, and mobility actions;
• creating a "Centre of Excellence" at NCRD as a role model for other institutes within Jordan;
• taking advantage of a train-the-trainers approach and multiplier activities to the maximum to ensure the spread and circulation of relevant information and knowledge;
• creating an R&D Cooperation Unit to centralize these actions at NCRD to disseminate funding opportunities and other relevant information, and act as an international point of reference within Jordan for research cooperation.

Several mechanisms were implemented in order to provide NCRD and other research actors within Jordan with the necessary skills and information, to be freely circulated and shared, to enable them to increase their interest and participation in European-funded cooperative actions:

-Increased scope (regional coverage, subjects, activities) of NCRD with increased linkage with economic and social environment:

The scope of NCRD as a centre was enhanced during the project in various ways. The Centre has all of the pre-requisites to be an important national and regional actor, as well as holding the desired linkages with other actors (industry, government). Concretely, the project has impacted on the scope of the institute by:

• Regional / national interaction - NCRD has been able to interact on a EU/ national level with institutes from different research areas and disciplines following this initiative, as well as gaining a reputation as a point of reference within Jordan and regionally for R&D cooperation actions;
• Activities' scope - the reach of NCRD's activities were widened, in particular by introducing a European-led and oriented approach towards Horizon 2020 participation;
• Economic and Social Environment - Linkages have been created/enhanced with socio-economic actors within Jordan, including by roundtables with industry and enterprise to determine and mobilize research-to-market links to enable technology transfer, matching of research to market needs, and commercialization.

-Networking with other research centres, disseminating scientific information as well as the results of research, facilitating communication between the centres having similar scientific interest:

This impact was assured via networking events (1 in EU, 1 in Jordan) as well as national visibility actions and a small mobility element. This impact constitutes one of the fundamental aims of the project - that of mobilising resources for better spread of activities as well as the dissemination of important information. We can highlight the following actions under the project, which have directly contributed to its impact:

• Networking events in Austria (November 2013) and Jordan (February 2013) targeted at other actors in the Renewable Energy fields and related areas, reaching over 140 participants in total;
• Development of strategic plans within NCRD, including a goal for further internationalization and networking potential;
• Identification and mapping of other actors and potential cooperation partners;
• Online training modules to for knowledge transfer outside NCRD to other actors in Jordan and the region;
• Creation of the R&D Cooperation Unit to assist NCRD's networking potential as a point of reference;
• Mobility scheme for Jordanian researchers to EU Centers;

As a last dissemination action, The J-era Center Project Final Conference was held in Amman on 30 0ctober 2014, bringing together managers, researchers and industry representatives from Jordan. The main focus of the event was the achievement of the Jera project, the EU Framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020. This gathering was held back-to-back with a Brokerage session, aimed at supporting networking and cooperation between research institutions and Energy Industry in Jordan

List of Websites: