Final Report Summary - CLIMATE-FIT FORESTS (Solutions for adapted forest management strategies under the threat of climate change - learning from a climate gradient from Germany over Italy to South Africa)
Climate-Fit Forests (GA 295136)
Solutions for adapted forest management strategies under the threat of
climate change - learning from a climate gradient from Germany over Italy to South Africa
Forests play an important role as carbon sink and in providing CO2 neutral raw materials. Due to predicted climate change it is important to know how these functions of forests will be affected by climate change, how best to mitigate these potential changes through adaptive forest management strategies, maintain current carbon fixation rates and minimize carbon emissions from forest operations. In this context, research within Climate-Fit Forests addressed various aspects to enhance the knowledge about forest dynamics under climate change and about optimizing low carbon emissions by forest operations and forest management.
Research activities were pooled within three main areas of interest:
I. Tree and stand growth under climate change and their implications for carbon sequestration. Here, Climate-Fit Forests focused on evaluating single tree and stand growth performance under different climatic regimes. Investigated stand types comprised plantations as well as close-to-nature forests.
II. Managing climate relevant emissions of CO2 from forest operations and forest managrement. Here, Climate-Fit Forests analysed forest operation systems in terms of CO2 release and management option to reduce carbon losses through risk reduction.
III. Developing adapted management tools for forests under the threat of climate change. This includes the development of instruments and tools to evaluate carbon storage and carbon dynamics of forest as well as to reduce carbon emission by forest operations.
Utilizing a unique temperature and moisture gradient along a north-south orientation from Germany / Switzerland via Italy to South Africa, and with South Africa’s warmer climate and arid conditions a broad range of forest types and possible dynamics was covered. Having South Africa’s climate conditions incorporated provided an outlook into the future development of forest dynamics in Europe. This methodology will also allow observations of the characteristics and behavior of close-to-nature forests versus plantation forests under climate change conditions.
Project Highlights
The ‘Climate Fit Forests’ project addressed three major topics around climate change:
- vulnerability of trees and forests,
- adaptation measures and
- mitigation contributions in forestry.
Concerning the vulnerability to climatic change, specifically the response of water limitations was assessed at different spatial levels ranging from stand to wood anatomy. A prominent cross-sectional study provided evidence on growth trends under climate change. An understanding was gained on the effects on root-shoot allocation pattern and the growth allocation between trees within the stand at different levels of water supply. A novel finding was also the ontogenetic effect on competitive sensitivity. Effects of water supply on wood properties such as e.g. density were revealed. The knowledge gained in the vulnerability analysis was used to develop novel modelling approaches for forest growth simulation that can be used for adaptation of forests to climate change. Economic approaches to adapt forest management to increased market and production related risks were proposed. Mitigation measures were explored aiming at reduced carbon forestry operations. Carbon foot printing techniques for forest operations were developed and dedicated control mechanisms for machine engines were developed in order to minimize CO2 emissions. Many innovative methods were developed and applied within the project. Substantial experience was gained in order to compile future climate change related studies in forests.
Main results
The research activity within Climate-Fit Forest improved our knowledge of climate induced changes in tree and stand growth as well as in wood properties. This includes a better understanding of the growth performance, growth partitioning and stand dynamics under changing conditions and growth reaction on drought events. Findings were used to improve existing growth models. A comprehensive data base on CO2 release by forest operations reflecting a multitude of stand types, topographic features and operation systems. Analyses based on this data base reveal the potential of mitigation possibilities in this sector. Applying methodologies from economic science facilitated the estimation of carbon release reduction from forests through risk distribution. A tool for simultaneous measurement of fuel consumption (i.e. carbon emission) during operation was developed.
Final Results and their societal impact and use
With Climate-Fit Forests we expect to have created a knowledge gain in forestry related climate change impacts. By improving the system knowledge and prognosis models we furthermore expect to enhanced the basis to react with more sophisticated adaptation and mitigation solutions in forest management. Having made the results public available and having them presented to a broad range of forest related stakeholders guarantees a substantial awareness of the results. Additionally, results will flow into training and education of students. The established trial series are ready for follow up investigations and provide the basis for long-term surveys, monitoring, and teaching within the coming decades.
Climate-Fit Forest has led to a vital exchange of knowledge and expertise between the participating institutions with high impact on capacity building. It offered students and young scientists the possibility of networking and strengthened the cooperation between the institutions. This cooperation has paved the way for a sustained networking in the future. Results were disseminated along different channels. Several scientific papers were published during the project’s duration. At the end of the project a comprehensive overview of the project’s outcomes were presented to a broad audience within the framework of a scientific symposium in Freising/Germany. Beside scientist representing various disciplines also forest managers and representatives from forest industry and policy makers participated. An elaborated application for a common summer school will enable to integrate the findings directly into advanced training of students and forest practitioners.
The results of Climate-Fit Forests supported the understanding of forest dynamics under climate change. They are relevant for forest management, forest industry and policy makers in conserving the functions of forests in terms of carbon sink and economic good.
Project website:
Contact details:
Hans Pretzsch (project leader, and coordinator WP1) at TUM:
Enno Uhl (project coordinator) at TUM:
Raffaele Cavalli (coordinator of WP2) at UP:
Martin Ziesak (coordinator of WP3) at HAFL:
Pierre Ackermann (coordinator at SU):