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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2023-11-13

web-based enerGy management system foR the optimization of the EnErgy coNsumption in Hospitals

Descrizione del progetto

ICT for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

Hospitals are known to be large energy consumers and in most European countries the high proportion of ageing building stocks makes hospitals amongst the least energy efficient public buildings. Nowadays there is a growing urgency to achieve real energy savings from existing building stocks and to build more sustainable new hospitals.The GREEN@Hospital project aims at integrating the latest ICT solutions in order to obtain a significant energy saving in existing hospital buildings, through a better management of energy resources and losses reduction. This will be carried out by the realization of Web-based Energy Management and Control Systems – Web-EMCS – which integrates monitors and controls multiple buildings systems at the component level. Moreover models to assess the energy savings will be developed and algorithms for consumption optimisation implemented. The proposed solution will be also supported by a Maintenance Energy Service, specifically developed and integrated in the Web-EMCS to maintain optimal energy efficiency after initial efforts.Four different hospitals have been selected across Europe to take part in the pilot in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed solution under real operating conditions. Each hospital will make available specific areas selected considering the presence of: 1) renewable energy sources, 2) already available building management systems that can be easily integrated in the Web-EMCS, 3) refurbishing plans aiming at energy efficiency improvement. Moreover, they will contribute by providing different functional areas so that the consumption needs of a typical hospital structure will be globally included in the technical solution. An intense dissemination activity will be planned to spread the project outcomes across Europe. The study will be the basis for possible replications of the solutions taking into account savings and return of investments.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

PB - Pilot Type B


AEA s.r.l.
Contributo UE
€ 263 910,00
Via Fiume 16
60030 Angeli Di Rosora (An)

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (IT) Marche Ancona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (10)