CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

European Research Forum for Urban Mobility


OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVES: Identification and development of innovative concepts and tools for a better coordination between all relevant stakeholders and a better structuring of research on urban mobility of passengers and goods. The project will provide a coordination of European research actors involved in urban mobility issues in order to: - help structure the supply side of European research in this field, - pave the way to make Europe a real competitive global player in the field of urban mobility - reduce the overall cost of urban mobility, - increase the attractiveness of public transport, walking and cycling, while encouraging a more rational use of motorised traffic. The project will cover all relevant transport modes (road-, rail-, and waterborne-based), and focus both on technology-oriented and on policy-oriented research. One of the project's priorities will be the integration and harmonisation of transport systems in the New EU Member States, with particular attention to urban and regional mobility. SPECIFIC PROJECT OBJECTIVES: - identification of priority research areas in the field of urban mobility, taking into account technology-oriented and policy-oriented research, - promotion of innovative proposals for urban mobility research, including those identified in existing modal technology platforms, - development of instruments to improve the knowledge base on urban mobility Europe-wide (i.e. across agglomerations), - promotion of intermodal mobility services in urban areas through identification of potential cost savings brought by increased harmonisation of those services at European level, and the exchange of know-how and experiences coming from different transport sectors, - building up appropriate links between existing modal technology platforms (ERRAC, ERTRAC, WATERBORNE, ISTAG, etc.) in order to cover transversal/intermodal issues addressing similar priorities (e.g. Traffic Planning, Traffic Management)'...

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CA - Coordination action


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