CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Technology Platform for European Road Transport Research


This Coordination Action aims at supporting the European Technology Platform "ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council". ERTRAC makes a crucial contribution to the establishment of the European Research Area and achieving the Lisbon goals by involving all main stakeholders in the road transport sector and by fostering structured, optimised and integrated R&D efforts across Europe. ERTRAC addresses the key economic, technological, environmental and societal challenges of the 21st century for the road transport system. ERTRAC's Vision 2020 and the Strategic Research Agenda focus on 4 main themes and define for each of them the priorities for future research: - Mobility of people, transport and goods: how to enhance mobility for all in an optimised and efficient seamless system? - Safety and security: how to design a safe and secure road transport system for all users? - Environment, energy and resources: how to make road transport system cleaner, quieter and more energy efficient? - Design and production systems: how to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of products and services? The ERTRAC II Coordination Action will provide a platform to all relevant stakeholders for establishing consensus on future road transport research directions and the definition and promotion of European RTD activities such as Joint Technology Initiatives. The objective is to provide the management and organisation together with technical support, required to facilitate ERTRAC achieving its mission. In addition the cooperation with the European Union services, Member States as well as other Technology Platforms will be ensured. Finally, ERTRAC results need an extensive promotion and dissemination towards a large audience of research partners and the public'.

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