CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unlocking APTL’s Scientific and Technological Research Potential in Green Mobility

Final Report Summary - APT-STEP (Unlocking APTL’s Scientific and Technological Research Potential in Green Mobility)

Executive Summary:
The APT-STEP project was a 42-month undertaking, fully funded by the EC under the REGPOT-2012-2013-1 theme of FP7 programme, aiming to unlock the significant scientific and technological potential created in APTL over the past decade in the area of clean automotive powertrain technologies for Green Mobility, by increasing the laboratory’s research and innovation capacity in this area and by integrating targeted interactions with leading automotive research organisations and industries in Europe.
Four European research and industrial partners (HONDA, AVL, CRF and CERTAM) have supported the training and scientific knowledge transfer to APTL personnel.
The project has been successfully implemented and its main objective to effect a step increase in the research and innovation capacity of APTL in the area of clean automotive powertrain technologies for Green Mobility was accomplished and this is proven by the following results:

(WP1) Acquisition of equipment: A chassis dynamometer specifically designed to serve as a load unit for exhaust emission, mileage accumulation and R&D testing on vehicles was purchased. The specific dyno chassis is a “two wheel drive” (2WD) for Passenger Cars and Light Duty Vehicles, with gross weight of up to 4,5 t, able to be extended to a “four wheel drive” (4WD) at a later stage.

(WP2) Recruitment of experienced researchers: After specific selection procedures APTL recruited three senior researchers: Dr. George Skevis, a Mechanical Engineer with expertise in combustion and emission control technologies, Dr. George Karagiannakis, a Chemical Engineer, expert in electrocatalytic processes and materials for thermochemical cycles and Mr. Penelope Baltzopoulou, a Chemical Engineer, with expertise in particulate emissions measurements, aerosol characterization and emission control technologies evaluation. The new APT-STEP personnel has been successfully integrated to APTL’s research activities through participations to networking events, conferences and seminars, contributions to laboratory’s projects as well as contributions to proposals for funding.

(WP3) Exchange of know-how and experience: During the project, sixteen (16) visits form APTL personnel where done in order to exchange know-how and experience with the four (4) project’s collaborators. In order to better exploit the Exchange Visits program, a Joint Measurement Campaign of non-exhaust & exhaust vehicle emissions, among APTL, CRF, CERTAM, JRC and ARPA was performed. The exchange visit program led to APTL’s promotion of experience and capabilities during the joint measurement campaign, the establishment of new measurement protocols about non-exhaust emissions, the success in acquisition funding by four new research projects.

(WP4) Innovation capacity building actions and elaboration of a Strategic IP Development Plan: APTL Intellectual Property Inventory - included human, structural and market assets - was organised in an electronic database – the “Digital Assets Database” – designed and developed internally, according to specifications that were mainly based on document management. Data entry, was a dynamic activity, performed during the whole project and will be also continued beyond APT-STEP whenever new IP assets are recognized. The IP organization facilitated the identification of the new research areas, as well as the elaboration of a Strategic IP Development Plan. The Strategic IP Development Plan was elaborated based on an adapted methodology for research bodies, that combined (i) the SWOT analysis; (ii) a strategy formation approach based on knowledge maps; (iii) description of required actions for better management of IP assets and (iv) an Action Plan. The Strategic IP Development Plan identified twenty two (22) new research opportunities, as well as five (5) new scientific areas. Finally and most important of all, twenty one (21) short and long-term actions were listed as part of the IP Action Plan.

(WP5) Organisation of workshops: The first APT-STEP international workshop dealt with “Combustion Emission Control for Clean and Efficient Vehicles” and the second one dealt with “Novel Material Technologies for Alternative Powertrains”. Both of them took place at the conference facilities of CERTH, in Thessaloniki, and facilitated the interaction of both research and industrial groups, and promoted the creation of future research exchanges and collaborations for innovation and the exploitation of research results. During the two (2) Workshops twenty eight (28) speakers and one (1) tutorial speaker, as well as twenty seven (27) young researcher with poster, presented their scientific work at 8 thematic areas related to Green Mobility. 158 participants in total exchanged knowledge and experiences, and discussed future collaborations, while the majority of them highly evaluated both Workshops.

(WP6) Dissemination and promotional activities: During the project, four (4) different members of APTL group participated in nineteen (19) different, international and national dissemination and networking events, while nine (9) different members of APTL group participated in sixteen (16) international scientific events (conferences, workshops, seminars). Forty six (46) publications / announcements in peer reviewed journals and conferences proceedings were published during the reported project period in widen scientific area of green mobility.

Project Context and Objectives:
APT-STEP involved 1 partner, the Aerosol & Particle Technology Laboratory of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (APTL/CERTH)-Greece (Coordinator) and it is comprised 7 workpackages (WP), aiming to increase the research and innovation capacity of the APTL.
Over the past decade, APTL has developed significant research result capital in the area of internal combustion engine emissions control technologies; however, this technology area is maturing, and the automotive industry is turning to hybrid, pure electric and hydrogen fuel cell powertrain technologies in order to develop Green Mobility.
The APT-STEP project aims to unlock the significant scientific and technological potential created in APTL in the area of clean automotive powertrain technologies for Green Mobility, by increasing the laboratory's research and innovation capacity in this area and by integrating targeted interactions with leading automotive research organisations and industries in Europe.
The project’s main objectives were:
• To increase APTL’s RTD capacity by upgrading and acquiring key equipment, recruiting experienced researchers from abroad, and training the laboratory’s personnel in areas of new RTD and innovation opportunity by leading automotive research organisations and industries in Europe.
• To elaborate a Strategic IP Development Plan and to increase APTL’s innovation capacity by training the laboratory’s personnel in IP management methods and creativity management methods, improving the organisation of IP, and networking for the exploitation of research results from past relevant projects.
• To establish strategic partnerships and collaborations for RTD and innovation with leading automotive research organisations and industries in developed EU regions, in thematic areas targeted by European Research and Innovation Policy (such as Transport, Energy, Nanotechnology and Environment).
• To increase the visibility of APTL in the Region of Central Macedonia, in Greece, in Europe and in the rest of the world by disseminating and promoting the laboratory’s scientific and technological excellence, its research capacity, and its capability to serve as a RTD and innovation partner to the global market.

Project Results:
WP1: Acquisition of research equipment (project month 01-42)
The main objectives of the first work-package (WP1) were:
• Acquisition, installation and deployment of a chassis dynamometer and constant volume sampler blower for the dilution and sampling system.
• Interfacing of existing emission measurement instrumentation with the resulting vehicle testing infrastructure.

The chassis dynamometer supplied in the frame of WP1 is specifically designed to serve as a load unit for exhaust emission, mileage accumulation and R&D testing on vehicles. In general such equipment enables APTL to perform: (i) Accurate road load simulation to ensure that the vehicle is tested under realistic operating conditions; (ii) Fast, critically damped inertia response simulation, to provide realistic loading of the test vehicle powertrain; and (iii) Ability to test 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive vehicles, including hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
The specific dyno chassis is a “two wheel drive” (2WD) for Passenger Cars and Light Duty Vehicles, with gross weight of up to 4.5 t, able to be extended to a “four wheel drive” (4WD) at a later stage.
The dyno chassis equipment includes the rollers, AC motor, the restrain system, the vehicle centering device and all appropriate electric and electronic installations for control and operation. All parts of the equipment meet the European (ECE), the U.S. (EPA) and the Japanese (TRIAS) specifications of chassis dynamometers for exhaust emission monitoring. The equipment also includes the Driver’s Aid system. Such system includes hardware, software and monitors and facilitates the dyno chassis operator during the exhaust emission measurements.
The power supply from the dyno chassis back to the electric network meets frequency and total harmonic distortion national specifications (EN61800-3:2004). The power supply is automatically interrupted in case of power outage.
Training and familiarization of the APTL personnel regarding the operation of the new equipment were facilitated and supported by AVL in the framework of WP3 “Exchange of know-how and experience”, that contributed with dedicated demonstrations, training and discussions. Additional training testing was performed in the framework of Joint Measurements that included: (i) chassis dynamometers measurements of exhaust and non-exhaust (brake pad) emissions supported by CRF and JRC and (ii) in-cabin air quality measurements supported by CERTAM. Such measurements were performed with APTL’s light duty van employed for on-road emission/air pollution measurements and in-field testing of emission control devices (MOBILAB), valorising laboratory’s current infrastructure.

WP2: Recruitment of experienced researchers (project month 01-42)
The main objectives of the second work-package (WP2) were:
• To recruit experienced Greek research personnel from abroad.
• To integrate and exploit their skills and activities into APTL.
From the perspective of not just simply increasing APTL’s research personnel, but significantly increasing the laboratory’s research and innovation capacity, 3 experienced researchers were recruited:
A senior researcher with engineering background and experience in the testing of vehicle powertrains on a chassis dynamometer, in emissions measurements, and in the management and development of vehicle powertrain testing infrastructures.
A senior researcher with engineering / physical sciences background and experience in the development of alternative powertrain technologies for hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including know-how in the system level design, integration and testing of battery technologies.
A senior researcher with industrial research and innovation background, having experience in the development of laboratory RTD results into products for the automotive/transport sector (e.g. development of retrofit programmes for in-use Diesel vehicles; verification, testing and prototyping of emission control components for automotive OEMs; contribution to technical standards; identification of partners and sources of finance for commercialisation, etc.)
Although the initial intention of APTL – as described at the DoW– was to attract Greek researchers from abroad, during a preliminary searching in the international research community it was proven that no Greek researchers from abroad were willing to get hired by a Greek organization. The state of the Greek economy and the insecurity in the business / research environment make most of the Greeks living and working abroad very reluctant to return to Greece even in a large research organization of the status of CERTH.
Taking into consideration this finding and after Steering Committee’s discussion and agreement, APTL decided to proceed the recruitment widening the invitation to researchers from both abroad and inland.
Such decision strengthened Greek economy and contributed to the reduction of unemployment and “brain-drain” happens nowadays in the Greek research community.
In the frame of WP2 and after specific selection procedures APTL recruited three senior researchers who will contribute to the strengthening of APTL’s capacities in the area of Green Mobility. The selected researchers are:
Dr. George Skevis, who is a Mechanical Engineer (B.Eng. Imperial College London (UK), M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA; PhD in combustion technology, Imperial College London (UK)) and expertises in combustion and emission control technologies.
Dr. George Karagiannakis, who is a Chemical Engineer (Dipl. Chem. Eng. Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1999; M.Sc. I.S. Univ. of Macedonia, 2004; PhD, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, 2005) and expertises in electrocatalytic processes and materials for thermochemical cycles.
Mr. Penelope Baltzopoulou, who is a Chemical Engineer (Dipl. Chem. Eng. Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR), 2001; M.Sc. in Environmental Physics, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR), 2004) and expertises in particulate emissions measurements, aerosol characterization and emission control technologies evaluation.
The recruitment is completed and Milestone 2 (MS2) Completion of recruitment process is fulfilled.
The new APT-STEP personnel has been successfully integrated to APTL’s research activities through participations to networking events, conferences and seminars, contributions to laboratory’s projects as well as contributions to proposals for funding.
Dr. G. Karagiannakis and Mrs. P. Baltzopoulou have greatly contributed to European and national research projects as well as research announcements and publications, while Dr. G. Skevis was mainly involved to networking and consortium building activities and to proposal writing in the field of Green Mobility.

WP3: Exchange of know-how and experience (project month 04-42)
The general objectives of the third work-package (WP3) were:
• To strengthen the scientific and technological communication between APTL and the partner industries and research organisations, which are located in developed EU regions.
• To create long-term strategic partnerships for research and innovation.
• To train APTL’s new and existing personnel in the operation of the new powertrain testing infrastructure.
• To set up detailed operational protocols for the new powertrain testing infrastructure and to fine-tune its operational parameters.
• To exchange know-how and experience related to future joint research activities with the partner organisations.
• To train APTL’s personnel in IP management and protection methods.
• To exchange know-how and experience on IP management and innovation approaches suitable for APTL.
• To train APTL’s personnel in creativity management methods.

During the project sixteen (16) exchange visits of APTL personnel and one (1) Joint Measurement Campaign were done in order to exchange know-how and experience with all of project’s collaborators (HONDA, AVL, CRF and CERTAM). The detailed mobility program between APT and the four collaborators is presented in Table 1 of the attachment.
The exchange visits with HONDA gave the opportunity to APTL to escalate their existing collaboration in the field of the emission control technologies to (Honda SUV vehicle donated to APTL). Moreover, HONDA trained APTL researchers on how to address specific challenges early on in the battery materials development, in hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicle testing and the IP management and innovation.
The exchange with AVL was valuable due to their contribution to the formation of the specifications of the chassis dynamometer, and the training in particular powertrain testing methodologies and protocols and in engine calibration methods for new/modified fuel formulations.
The exchange with CRF, involved CRF’s Powertrain Research and Technology Group and Materials and Process Technologies Group, and they trained APTL personnel in automotive engine technologies (operating protocols for new advanced combustion engines, emission measurements on standardized cycles) and material technologies for future emission control systems (with emphasis on tomographic characterization and ageing procedures to assess long term materials performance). CRF trained APTL’s personnel in IP management and protection methods relevant to innovation in automotive research and industry, and in open innovation approaches suitable for APTL. Moreover, the collaboration with CRF led to the successful undertaking of two EU research projects under the HORIZON 2020.
CERTAM trained APTL personnel in vehicle in-cabin air quality assessment and in experimental methods for assessing the biological impact of emissions, in particular using comprehensive experimental setups that facilitate biological cell and tissue exposure under realistic conditions.

In order to better exploit the Exchange Visits program, an amendment of the initial schedule was proposed that included a Joint Measurement Campaign of non-exhaust & exhaust vehicle emissions, among APTL (Thessaloniki, Greece), CRF (Turin, Italy), CERTAM (Rouen, France), JRC (Turin, Italy) and ARPA (Turin-Ispra, Italy). The Joint Measurement Campaign was performed with the APTL’s mobile laboratory MOBILAB and faced new challenges in nanoparticle measurements emitted both by vehicle brake wear, as well as by the engine and included: (i) Brake wear (non-exhaust) emissions joint measurements with CRF & JRC; (ii) Chase study measuring in-cabin air quality and tailpipe emissions of the vehicle in front jointly with CERTAM; (iii) Stationary atmospheric quality joint measurements with CRF & ARPA.
The main characteristics of the Joint Measurement Campaign, is presented in Table 2 of the attachment.

The Brake Wear Emissions joint measurements with CRF & Joint Research Center (JRC) aimed at investigating the physicochemical characteristics of brake wear particles generated by a whole vehicle on a chassis dynamometer under different initial speeds and deceleration rates. The particle number concentration and distribution as well as the morphology and chemical characterization of brake wear particles were investigated. The selection of driving conditions was made in such way to better represent driving conditions met in urban environments due to the fact that the contribution of brake wear is more significant in big cities and urban sites. In Figure1 of the attachment the experimental apparatus arrangement, is presented.
During the In cabin joint measurements with CERTAM, APTL completed a field measurement campaign with CERTAM, at Rouen, France, investigating in-cabin air quality. The aim of the campaign was to correlate the distance of the front vehicle, which affects significantly in-cabin air quality, to pollutant concentration levels inside the vehicle. For this reason, two vehicles were used, equipped with gas and particulate monitoring instruments. A specific route around Rouen was selected to perform the measurements, that included a tunnel and highway parts and measurement were performed at varying distances between the two vehicles.
The aim of the Stationary Atmospheric Quality joint measurements with CRF & Piedmont Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA) was to monitor the air pollution of a specific urban area in the city of Torino. More specifically, regulated (NOx and CO) and also non-regulated (particle number) emissions were constantly recorded, in a stationary manner, at the backyard of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA) in a 24-hour basis for a period of 7 days. The results were compared to data collected from ARPA from an atmospheric measuring station covering the same spatial/temporal framework.

WP4: Innovation capability building and elaboration of strategic IP development plan (project month 01-42)
The main objectives of the fourth work-package (WP4) are:
• To organise APTL’s IP and create an IP inventory
• To elucidate the new research opportunities identified in the SWOT analysis
• To identify new research and innovation areas based on existing IP
• To elaborate a Strategic IP Development Plan.

In the framework of the WP4 the APTL Intellectual Property Inventory was organised in order to facilitate the identification of the new research areas and elaborate the Strategic IP Development Plan delivered at the end of the project. The identified IP include human, structural and market assets.
For that purpose an electronic database – the “Digital Assets Database” - was designed and developed internally, according to specifications that were mainly based on document management. APTL IP assets identified and recorded and were entered in the APTL IP Manager database, fulfilling the milestone MS 4 “IP inventory completed”. However, data entry is a dynamic activity, part of the everyday IP management that APTL established in order to sustain the IP database. Data entry / update was performed and will be also continued beyond APT-STEP.
A Strategic IP Development Plan was elaborated based on an adapted methodology for research bodies, that combines (i) the widely accepted model of SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats) analysis (Section A); (ii) a strategy formation approach based on the traditional mapping tool of knowledge maps (Section B) that make a connection between competitive situation with the competitors in order to maintain or re-establish laboratory’s competitive advantage; (iii) description of required actions for better management of intellectual property assets of APTL belonging to the so called structural capital and (iv) the IP Action Plan itself.
During this process some important objectives of the project were achieved such as the elucidation of twenty two (22) new research opportunities that were identified according to the SWOT analysis, as well as the identification of five (5) new scientific areas.
Finally and most important of all, twenty one (21) short and long-term actions were listed as part of the IP Action Plan driving APTL to the beyond APT-STEP period.

WP5: Organisation of workshops (project month 10-42)
The main objectives of the fifth work-package (WP5) were:
• To facilitate knowledge transfer in selected Green Mobility thematic areas at a regional, national and international level.
• To inform APTL’s personnel on new developments and opportunities in Green Mobility, and their potential as a vehicle for APTL technologies.
• To expose APTL’s personnel to a more international environment.
• To build APTL’s reputation as a strategic research partner of international calibre.
• To create and establish a network of research partners.
• To create opportunities for joint innovation and the exploitation of research results.

The first APT-STEP international workshop dealt with “Combustion Emission Control for Clean and Efficient Vehicles” and took place at the conference facilities of CERTH, in Thessaloniki, on the 16th -17th of October 2014. The workshop facilitated the interaction of both research and industrial groups, and promoted the creation of future research exchanges and collaborations for innovation and the exploitation of research results.
The topics / sessions of the workshop were: S1. Future Fuels - Future Engines; S2. Multifunctional Emission Control Devices; S3. Challenges in Low Emissions Measurement and Testing; S4. Air Quality Issues and Retrofit Approaches
A series of promotion activities have already been performed such as announcement at project’s, APTL’s and CERTH’s website and flyer design, flyer distribution at relevant events, announcement at international periodic issues etc.
The detailed Agenda of the 2-day workshop is presented in Table 3 of the attachment
Four speakers, scientists of international recognition have been invited for the plenary lectures as follows:
(i) Dr. Rik Baert (TNO) (Future Fuels - Future Engines); (ii) Dr. Martin Votsmeier (UMICORE) (Multifunctional Emission Control Devices) (iii) Dr. Oliver Bischof (TSI) (Challenges in Low Emissions Measurement and Testing) (iv) Dr. Andreas Mayer (TTM) (Air Quality Issues and Retrofit Approaches).

After Workshop’s call for papers and APTL’s additional invitations the 12 lecture speakers were selected to present their achievements.
At the Poster Session of the Workshop’s 1st day, eighteen (18) scientific works were announced mainly from young / new researchers.
Seventy-six (76) participants attended the APT-STEP 1st Workshop. 63% of the participants represented other than APTL bodies, while the rest of them were APTL members. Moreover, 26% of the participants came from the industrial and services sector, while the rest of them came either from private and public research organisations or universities. Approximately 20% of the participants were originated from abroad and the rest 80% were originated from large Greek cities such as Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Larisa, Kozani.
It is worth-mentioning that TSI Corp. – a large company of measurement instrumentation – expressed its interest to demonstrate its products during the workshop. A special booth was installed at the coffee / lunch break place and three TSI instruments were available for demonstration.

The second APT-STEP international workshop on “Novel Material Technologies for Alternative Powertrains” took place at the conference facilities of CERTH, in Thessaloniki, on the 25th – 26th of February 2016. The workshop facilitated the interaction of both research and industrial groups, and promoted the creation of future research exchanges and collaborations for innovation and the exploitation of research results.
The topics / sessions of the workshop were: S1. Enabling Technologies (nanosynthesis and computational materials) ; S2. Challenges in Battery Technologies; S3. Challenges in Membrane Electrode Assembly Technologies; S4. From Materials to Systems
Both days of the workshop included sessions and review discussions. The first day included a tutorial speech on Electrochemistry, as well as a poster presentations session of work from new/young researchers, while the second day a tour at CERTH’s and APTL’s laboratories and pilot facilities was performed.
The Call for Papers was launched on November 2015 and it remained open until late January 2016. Announcements of the event were published at several sites.
The detailed Agenda of the 2-day workshop is presented in Table 4 of the attachment.
Four speakers, scientists of international recognition have been invited for the plenary lectures as follows:
(i) Prof. Jorma Jokiniemi (Univ. of Eastern Finland) (Enabling Technologies); (ii) Prof. Silvia Bodoardo (Politec. di Torino) (Challenges in Battery Technologies); (iii) Prof. Jens Oluf Jensen (DTU) (Challenges in Membrane Electrode Assembly Technologies); (iv) Dr. Vottorio Ravello (CRF) (From Materials to Systems).
A Tutorial speech of two hours, on Electrochemistry was given by Prof. Constantinos VAYENAS, one of the most distinguished researcher worldwide in the field of electrocatalysis, fuel cells, heterogeneous catalysis and mathematical modeling of chemical and physical phenomena
After Workshop’s call for papers and APTL’s additional invitations the 8 lecture speakers were selected to present their achievements.
Eighty-two (82) participants attended the APT-STEP 2nd Workshop. 59% of the participants represented other than APTL bodies, while the rest of them were APTL members. Moreover, 95% of the participants came from private and public research organisations or universities, while the rest of them came from the industrial and services sector. Approximately 11% of the participants were originated from abroad and the rest 89% were originated from large Greek cities such as Athens, Thessaloniki and Larisa.
WP6: Dissemination and promotional activities (project month 07-42)
Work-package 6 (WP6) “Dissemination and promotional activities” – together with WP5 - constitutes the communication strategy for increasing the visibility of APTL and for networking for innovation and the exploitation of research results during the project, as well as the foundation of APTL’s communication strategy after the end of the project.
The general objectives of the sixth work-package (WP6) were:
• To increase the visibility of APTL in Greece and abroad.
• To promote the APT-STEP project and awareness of Green Mobility
• To network for the development of collaborations for innovation and exploitation of research results
• To stimulate the development of Green Mobility policies and actions in Greece
• To disseminate research results and promote the scientific excellence of APTL
• To create the foundation for APTL’s communication strategy after the end of the project

The project website is accessible through the following domain name:
As a mean to promote the APT-STEP project, as well as to increase the visibility and recognition of APTL, it was continuously updated until the end of the project. APT-STEP related news and events were announced via the website (at the sub-category News), while it was the main communication and dissemination web-tool for the promotion of the two APT-STEP International Workshops ( &
It is worth-mentioning that since APT-STEP website is hosted internally (by CERTH’s Information Technologies Unit) it was decided by the Project Management team to continue its operation for another 6 months beyond APT-STEP in order to better promote the project’s results and outputs.
Project's main dissemination activities were:
- Participation in sixteen (16) international scientific events such as Conferences, Workshops and Seminars.
- Participation in nineteen (19) international and national dissemination and networking events organised by EC, Sectoral Associations and other scientific organisations (e.g. EARPA, EGVIA, Info days, Matchmaking Events etc).
- Organisation of two (2) public events (APTL "Open days")
- Dissemination of project's objectives via CERTH's Newsletter (issue 9, 2014)
- Organisation of two (2) International Workshops including APTL's oral & poster presentations, as well as APTL's laboratory tours.
- Project's printed promotion general brochure.
- Twenty nine (29) peer-reviewed journal publications of APTL's innovative scientific achievements during project's duration.

Potential Impact:
APT-STEP principal impacts:
1. Increase APTL’s level of integration in the European Research Area, particularly through the development of long term strategic partnerships with research organisations and industries located in developed EU regions
2. Increase the RTD capacity and quality of APTL (in terms of both human and material resources and potential) in the area of clean powertrain technologies
3. Increase APTL’s capacity to contribute to regional economic and social development through innovation and the development of Green Mobility actions.
4. Increase APTL’s innovation potential in the area of clean powertrain technologies for Green Mobility.
5. Increase the level of participation of APTL in European funded research (FP7) and other important European programmes in the area of clean powertrain technologies and Green Mobility.

Project's main dissemination activities were:
- Participation in sixteen (16) international scientific events such as Conferences, Workshops and Seminars.
- Participation in nineteen (19) international and national dissemination and networking events organised by EC, Sectoral Associations and other scientific organisations (e.g. EARPA, EGVIA, Info days, Matchmaking Events etc).
- Organisation of two (2) public events (APTL "Open days")
- Dissemination of project's objectives via CERTH's Newsletter (issue 9, 2014)
- Organisation of two (2) International Workshops including APTL's oral & poster presentations, as well as APTL's laboratory tours.
- Project's dedicated website (which will remain active after APT-STEP).
- Project's printed promotion general brochure.
- Twenty nine (29) peer-reviewed journal publications of APTL's innovative scientific achievements during project's duration.

APT-STEP exploitable results are:
- Know-how and infrastructure gained regarding for vehicle exhaust testing services at the chassis dynamometer, which will be exploited as light duty vehicle exhaust testing commercial services.
- Know-how and experience on the non-exhaust (brake pad) emission measurements that APTL gained, aiming to contribute to the standardization of the non-exhaust emission measurement protocol.
- Know-how and experience on vehicle in cabin air quality assessment, which will be exploited as advanced services for vehicle in cabin air quality measurements.
- Knowledge about material synthesis, which will be exploited to the design and development of nanomaterials for battery application.

List of Websites: