CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training ‐ research

Final Report Summary - ADAPT-R (Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training - research)

The ADAPT-r project intended to further develop and build capacity in creative practice research, and it has achieved this. It built on the previous expertise of the partners. After a difficult and slow start due to technical issues, the partners are happy that all milestones and deliverables (including the number of fellow months) have been fully realised during the second half of the project period.
The ADAPT-r project has built community and capacity in creative practice research as is evidenced by the growing number of researchers attending the PRS events. PRS1 was attended by 64 persons, PRS8 by 127. In 2017 (after the project period has ended), the activities continue and four events (instead of two during the project period) will take place. Many universities from a wide range of universities (such as the TU in Berlin) and countries have shown interest and intend to collaborate. Hence, the partnership enjoys a much wider interest and participation than originally anticipated.
Furthermore, the capacity in creative practice research has been building up in the different partner institutions through completions (as eg. Siv Helene Stangeland at Aarhus School of Architecture as well as 6 from RMIT), a large number of ongoing doctoral projects (6 at KU Leuven to be completed after the project period), and the expansion of supervisor capacity in Europe (such as at Westminster) through the many supervisor training sessions, etc.
A unique aspect of the ADAPT-r project is that the ERs studied the work of the ESRs in order to better understand their ways of working , and the specific kind of knowledge which resides in creative practice. This has led to the realization of 12 books which are a huge resource for future researchers in the field.
The project concluded its activities with a highly visible exhibition at the University of Westminster in London. This event and its related activities have been highly successful and created a wonderful exposure of the project to professionals and the general public.
The idea of having ADAPT-r days in between the planned PRS events, was initiated at Westminster and adopted, developed and expanded by the consortium to promote further local dissemination and outreach. These events targeted, beside local staff, the profession and researchers from a wide range of disciplines (arts, design, music, etc). The format of the ADAPT-r days also provided time for the fellows to meet as a group, and from one of the fellows meeting came the idea that they would design and enable a small travelling exhibition – this became known as the ‘Boxes Exhibition’ and travels under the badge of ADAPT-r. Although ADAPT-r is now concluded it is expected that the exhibition will travel to Berlin and Rome, and also to Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia in 2017/2018.
Furthermore, the ADAPT-r project was presented to all schools of art and music at the ELIA Biennale in Florence (November 2016); the Milano Design Film Festival (October 2016), the Venice Biennale (2016); a special day in Paris at the Arsenal targeting Landscape architects (2016).
Westminster hosted the ADAPT-r exhibition, which was much supported by all participants, hosted a number of related events and welcomed some 2800 visitors overall.
At the University of Ljubljana, the most important aspect of the ADAPT-r training network is its impact on the local doctoral training policy. The most ‘touchable’ result is the change of the conditions for supervisors within the existing doctoral programmes at the university.
The major ADAPT-r achievement for the Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture has been a complete rebuilding and restructuring of their PhD program in architecture and urban planning based on the core values and aspirations set by ADAPT-r agenda.
For the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, the ADAPT-r project has brought a substantial impact on the research climate due to the number of ADAPT-r fellows. It made Creative Practice Research very visible internationally.
Finally, it can be mentioned that the heritage of the project continues in RMIT obtaining an Australian research grant which will bring the findings to all schools of architecture in Australia and the organisation of following CA2RE conferences and PRS events in 2017.
CA2RE conferences
7th - 9th of April 2017 Ghent - KU Leuven (
8th - 11th of September 2017 Ljubljana - University of Ljubljana (
PRS events
28th - 30th of April 2017 PRS RMIT Europe
24th - 26th of November 2017 PRS RMIT Europe