The main objective of this exchange scheme is to train and to create new European research opportunities in the emerging area of automated coding of interstate conflict event data with significant implications for transfer of technology in social sciences. During the last five years, researchers at Penn State University have improved technology that allows computers to identify international conflict events of interest from virtually millions of news reports, and applied this technology to successfully replicate and extend one of the most popular datasets, the Militarized Interstate Dispute (MID) Dataset from the Correlates of War project.
In this exchange program, experienced and early-stage researchers from Sabanci University (SU) and University College, London (UCL) will be trained at The Pennsylvania State University (PSU). As a result of the collaboration od the CONFTEXT exchange program, the hosting of the widely used MID Dataset will be transferred from the U.S. to Europe, new real-time computerized event data coding routines will be developed, the routines will an updated version of the MID dataset will be released, and joint scientific papers will be published. To further raise awareness to the promise of this technology in the European research community.
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MC-IRSES - International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES)Koordinator
34956 Istanbul