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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-18

Extended Collaborative integrated Life cycle supply chain Planning System


As a consortium we want to address two key challenges to the European industry. A first is to globalise their supply chains while reducing inventory investments. Globalisation is an opportunity for both selling and sourcing but it increases lead times and their variability. As such it increases inventories and working capital. To meet competition in a global economy it is necessary to reduce working capital needs.

A second key challenge to the European industry is to deliver ever-more customized and up-to-date products, again while reducing inventory investments. Today, product introduction and end-of-life stages are typically poorly supported and managed, resulting in excess inventories. To meet the demand of a global but more individualized customer it is important to increase the pace of product introductions while decreasing working capital needs.

As a consortium spanning the academic, the business and the world of information technology, we see an opportunity in leveraging recent advancements in information technology to feed breakthrough multi-echelon supply chain optimisation models. Our key value proposal is to improve and automate product life cycle management over multiple levels in a supply chain. We believe the different stages of a product life cycle need a different answer. We propose breakthrough innovation for the different stages (introduction/maturity/end-of-life). In a next step we address the integration of these stages. Automated switching from one technique to another is important in sustaining shortening product life cycles.

This automated switching is a green field from both an academic and a business perspective. Our consortium will develop optimisation components and package them into an add-on that can easily be integrated with existing ERP and APS packages. As such we will extend the current technological means and provide multi-echelon optimisation capabilities through an existing ERP and APS backbone.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

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