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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29



Executive Summary:
The objective of the project was to set up a EURAXESS service network in the Faroe Islands and include the national services in the context of the broader European service network.

The Faroese Ministry of Education, Research and Culture designated the Faroese Research Council as the Faroese Bridgehead Organisation for the set-up of a national EURAXESS network.

A new staff-member, Ms Dagmar Joensen-Næs, was employed as daily coordinator for the start-up period of the EURAXESS network.

A Management Team was established at the Faroese Research Council, and a Project Initiation Document was adopted containing the project objectives, the structures and procedures of the management, and a description and work plan for the project.

A Steering Group was nominated which has acted as a consultative body for the Management Team and helped to remove barriers in the Faroese administration.

Two EURAXESS Mobility Centres were set up. The national Centre was placed at the Faroese Research Council, and the second Centre at the University of the Faroe Islands.

Contact Points were appointed at all public research institutions, the private sector and at relevant public authorities.
Communication channels were established to officials in all relevant ministries and government institutes.

A Mobility Handbook for EURAXESS Service Centre staff and Contact Points was set up with information packages on administrative procedures and important contacts. The Handbook was made available on the intranet area of the Faroese EURAXESS portal.

A Faroese EURAXESS portal with the domain name was set up. The open source solution Typo3 was chosen for the portal and a a contract on development and maintenance was made with a Faroese webdesigner firm..

The portal was primarily designed to meet the needs of researchers coming to the Faroe Islands. It features practical information, research job opportunities, information on funding and the Faroese research landscape, and is linked to search tools on

Information material for the portal was provided by the Mobility Centres and Contact Points and relevant public and private parties.

The Faroese EURAXESS portal was launched at a high profile launching event on December 19, 2013. The Faroese minister of trade, Mr Jóhan Dahl, opened the portal.

A Mobility Guide for incoming researchers was set up and printed in 150 copies. It was also made available on the Faroese EURAXESS portal. The Guide was distributed to research institutions and representations of the Faroe Islands abroad.

Leaflets in Faroese on EURAXESS and the European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers were printed in 700 copies.

In the spring of 2014 information meetings on EURAXESS and Charter & Code were held at all research institutes. The institutes were encouraged to adopt the C&C.

The Faroese EURAXESS team has informed about the EURAXESS services at several information meetings at institutes and at meetings held on national and international research.

Several awareness raising newsletters newsletters on mobility and EURAXESS services have been sent out.

Two mobility workshop have been held at the Faroese Research Council.

Two training sessions have been held for Service Centre staff and Contact Points.

Project Context and Objectives:
Project objectives

The main objective of the project was to set up the EURAXESS service network in the Faroe Islands and include the national services in the context of the broader European service network.

The overall goal was to set up a national service network that offers first class mobility guidance to researchers wanting to work in the Faroe Islands. This should be achieved by setting up a network of mobility centres consisting of one Bridgehead Organisation appointed by the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture (the Faroese Research Council) and one local service centre (The University of the Faroe Islands). Furthermore, Local Contact Points should be established at all public research institutions, industrial sector, and relevant public authorities. Together the centres would provide all the necessary tools for the EURAXESS services including training of staff and the publication and continuous running of the Faroese EURAXESS portal.

The second objective was to contribute actively to policy-making on national and European levels. The managing body of the network should formulate recommendations on national level. International cooperation with other members of the EURAXESS service centres should ensure dissemination of best practices as well as participation in shaping the strategies for the future.


In order to reach the objectives the project has implemented the following activities:

-A national network of Service Centres has been set up
-Tools and training for the effective running of the network have been provided
-A national EURAXESS portal linked to the European EURAXESS portal has been developed
-Information material for incoming and outgoing researchers has been developed
-Cooperation with information providers including political stakeholders has been established
-An awareness raising campaign on the national and European initiatives to promote researchers´ mobility has been organized

Work plan

The building up of the Faroese EURAXESS Service network has followed a work plan which was designed in order to achieve the primary and secondary objectives of the project. The work plan was divided into six work packages involving 27 deliverables and 9 milestones.

The work packages were:
-WP1 Management
-WP2 National EURAXESS Network
-WP3 National EURAXESS Portal
-WP4 Information and assistance
-WP5 Dissemination and workshops
-WP6 Training for mobility network members

Collectively these Work Packages have brought about the establishment of the Faroese EURAXESS service network ensuring high quality and effective services for mobile researchers coming to and going from the Faroe Islands. Furthermore, the project has included the Faroe Islands´ EURAXESS service network into the family of the EURAXESS service networks.

Project Results:

The Faroese EURAXESS Bridgehead Organisation was formally established at the Faroese Research Council on January 16th, 2013. The objective of the BHO is to coordinate the mobility network and to network with other members of the international EURAXESS service network.

The Faroese Research Council is also one of two Mobility Centres in the Faroe Islands. The other Mobility Centre is the University of the Faroe Islands.

The Faroese Research Council employed Ms Dagmar Joensen-Næs as EURAXESS coordinator from February 1st, 2013.

A Management Team was assigned for the set up period. Mr John D. Olsen is the project manager with the overall legal, financial and administrative responsibility of the project. Ms Dagmar Joensen-Næs is the daily EURAXESS coordinator. Ms Elisabeth Holm is the Head of the second Mobility Centre.

After the first management meeting on February 11th, 2013, a Project Initiation Document was written and published on the website of the Faroese Research Council.

A Steering Group was nominated to act as a consultative body for the management team and the coordinator and to help remove barriers in the Faroese administration. The steering group has six members representing the research community and the ministry of education and research. The group had its first meeting on February 19th, 2013.


In February and March 2013 the Project Manager and the Project Coordinator held a number of meetings with directors and staff of the Faroese research institutions. The agenda was to inform the institutions of the set up of the Faroese EURAXESS Services and to appoint contact points at the various research institutions.

Contact Points were appointed at 9 public research institutions, the private sector , the Immigration Office and the Ministry of Trade by the end of March 2013.


Preparations were made for the establishing of the Faroese EURAXESS portal. The domain name was registered, and based on advice from the Euraxess network the open source solution Typo3 was chosen. A contract on development and maintenance of the portal was made with the webdesigner firm Ctrl Sp/f on April 22nd, 2013. Hosting facilites were arranged with the public institution Nám which provides services to Faroese schools.

Preparations were made for Help Desk activities. Communication channels were identified and established to officials in ministries and other governmental institutions and agencies which are relevant in mobility issues. The prime organisations are the Immigration Office, the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the National Health Insurance, and the Taxation Office.

The structure of the portal was set up. The portal is primarily designed to meet the needs of researchers coming to the Faroe Islands. It features practical information, research job opportunities, information on funding and the Faroese research landscape. It contains links to to all relevant legislation and documents. The portal also contains an intranet section open only to registered users.

The prototype of the Faroese EURAXESS portal was completed in August 2013.

Information was gathered from Help Desk communication channels, Mobility Centres and Contact Points and other relevant public and private sources about living and working in the Faroe Islands. The material was organized in a web portal which was launched on December 19th, 2013.

The Faroese EURAXESS portal was launched in December 2013.

The information provided on the portal has been subject to regular quality control. Feed-back has been collected from researchers and research institutes, and the portal has been revised accordingly.
Launching event

A high profile launching event was held on December 19, 2013, at Hotel Hafnia in Tórshavn in order to promote the use of the Faroese EURAXESS services. Members of the Faroese research community, the media and government officials were invited to attend the event. At the launching event the mobility network and the national mobility portal were presented. The Faroese minister of trade, Mr Jóhan Dahl, held a speech at the launching event and opened the portal. At the event awareness raising material was distributed, and before and after the launch event press releases were sent out.

Workshops and training sessions

Two workshops on mobility issues have been held for staff-members of the service centres.

Two training seminars for local contact points have been organized where practical issues and obstacles relevant to incoming and outgoing researchers have been discussed.

After each training session an evaluation was made. Most participants expressed that the training sessions had been very useful and had clarified various questions, especially related to residence and work permits. All participants expressed great satisfaction with the contents of the Faroese EURAXESS portal and agreed that it was a great help in their daily work with assisting foreign researchers.

Information material

Instructions and relevant information for staff-members have been set up in a manual/handbook which has been made available for staff-members and contact points on the intranet area of the EURAXESS portal.

Practical information for incoming researchers on mobility issues have been gathered and organized in a Mobility Guide which was printed in 150 copies and made available in pdf version on the portal.

The guide has been distributed to research institutes and other public bodies dealing with mobility issues.

Leaflets in Faroese on EURAXESS and Charter & Code were printed in 700 copies and distributed to research institutes and other relevant bodies. A pdf. version of the leaflet can be downloaded on the Faroese EURAXESS portal.

Awareness raising campaigns

An early awareness raising campaign was carried out in February and March 2013. The EURAXESS Project Manager and the EURAXESS Coordinator held a number of meetings with the directors of the Faroese research institutes in order to inform about the process of building up the Faroese EURAXESS services.

A second awareness raising campaign was carried out in the spring of 2014. Information meetings were held with the directors and relevant heads of departments at the Faroese research institutions.

The agenda of the meetings was to inform about the services offered by EURAXESS and the principles of the Charter & Code.

Besides the awareness raising campagn at the research institutes the Faroese EURAXESS team has informed about the EURAXESS services at several information meetings at institutes and in meetings held on national and international research.

Several awareness raising newsletters have been published on main issues regarding mobility and EURAXESS activities.The newsletters have been distributed by email to the Faroese research community and other interested parties and have been made available online through the website of the Faroese Research Council and linked to Facebook.

Charter & Code

A campaign to inform relevant Faroese research institutes about the commission initiative on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. was carried out in the spring of 2014. Meetings were held with management and key staff members at all public research institutes. The research institutes were encouraged to initiate an adoption of the Charter & Code.

An information meeting on EURAXESS and Charter & Code was held with management and key staff members from all ministries of the Faroese government in August 2014. The ministries were encouraged to urge their respective research institutes to adopt the Charter & Code.

In the autumn of 2014 all research institutes were contacted again. A second meeting was held at the National Heritage who wanted guidance for starting the process towards implementing the Charter & Code.

The University of the Faroe Islands has declared endorsement of the Charter & Code and has started the process towards implementing the principles of Charter & Code in their Human Resources policy.

Work progress and achievements

Work Package 1: Project management


The objective of this work package is to ensure effective co-ordination and collaboration within the project partners and to ensure the fulfilment of the project activities within the time schedule and budget constraints proposed.

Work performed:

• A Management Team has been established. The team consists of the Director, the EURAXESS Project Manager and the EURAXESS Coordinator at the Faroese Research Council.

•The Management Team has met regularily to plan and discuss varous issues during the upstart period of the Faroese EURAXESS services.

•The Bridgehead Organisation has met with experts and representatives from other involved organisations, such as ministries and the Immigration Office, on several occasions to discuss relevant issues.

• A Project Initiation Document has been adopted and published on the website of the Faroese Research Council. The Document contains the project objectives, the structures and procedures of the management, and a description and work plan for the project.

• The Coordinator and the Project Manager have interacted and reported to the European Commission and represented the Faroese Bridgehead Organisation at the European level.

• A Steering Group has been nominated. The Group acts as a consultative body for the Management Team and the Coordinator. It also helps to remove barriers in the Faroese administration by increasing efficiency of implementation of legislation in relation to mobility of researchers and other relevant issues.

Major achievements:

• Coordinating and fulfilling the project

• Adopting a Project Initiation Document

• Interacting with and reporting to the European Commission

• Representing the Faroese Research Council at European level

• Setting up a Steering Group

Deviations from project programme:

D1.1 Midterm report Date due 12/13 Actual date 03/14
D1.2 Setting up of a steering group Date due 02/13 Actual date10/13
D1.3 Minutes of management team
and members meeting Date due 10/14 Actual date 02/15
D1.4 Projection Initiation Document Date due 02/13 Actual date 02/14
D1.5 Minutes of Steering Group meetings Date due 10/14 Actual date 02/15
D1.6 Final Report Date due 12/14 Actual date 03/15

Comment: The Project Manager went on leave in October 2013. This made it necessary to reorganise the management work and caused delay especially in respect to the reporting of the various deliverables. Also we had difficulties in finding the right form to report our deliverables.

Work Package 2: National Mobility Network

The objective of this Work Package is to establish the Faroese EURAXESS service network by assigning the Faroese Research Council as Bridgehead Organisation, by setting up two Mobility Centres and by setting up communication channels between the Mobility Centres and higher education institutions and other relevant R&D performers.

Work performed:
• The Faroese Ministry of Education, Research and Culture has designated the Faroese Research Council as the Faroese legal entity in charge as the Faroese Bridgehead Organisation for the set-up of a national EURAXESS network.

• The Bridgehead Organisation has been formally established at a meeting at the Faroese Research Council. The objective of the BHO is to coordinate the mobility network and to network with the other members of the international EURAXESS service network. The BHO is also one of two Mobility Centres in the Faroe Islands.

• The University of the Faroe Islands has been established as the second EURAXESS Mobility Centre in the Faroe Islands.

• A new staff-member, Ms Dagmar Joensen-Næs, has been employed as daily coordinator for the start-up period of the EURAXESS network.

• The Project Manager and the Project Coordinator have met with directors and staff of the Faroese research institutions in order to inform them of the set up of the Faroese EURAXESS Services and to appoint Contact Points at the various research institutions.

• Relevant staff-members at all public research institutions, the private sector and relevant public authorities have been appointed as EURAXESS Contact Points.

• A Mobility Handbook for EURAXESS Service Centres staff and Contact Points has been prepared with information packages on administrative procedures and important contacts. The Handbook is available on the intranet area of the Faroese EURAXESS portal. The intranet also has a page where comments and questions on mobility issues can be raised.

• The Mobility Handbook has been constantly updated and at the end of the project period sent out in pdf. version to relevant institutions.
Major achievements:

• Establishment of a Bridgehead Organisation and two Service Centres

• Appointment of Contact Points at all research institutes, the private sector and relevant public organisations

• Mobility Handbook for staff at Service Centres and Contact Points available on the intranet area of the Faroese EURAXESS portal

Deviations from project programme:
D2.1 Bridgehead Organisation established Date due 02/13 Actual date 02/14
D2.2 Establishment of Mobility Network Date due 03/13 Actual date 02/14
D2.3 Draft of Mobility Handbook Date due 10/13 Actual date 03/14
D2.4 Follow-up report on the Faroese
mobility network Date due 10/14 Actual date 02/15
D2.5 Final version of Mobility Handbook Date due 12/14 Actual date 02/15

Comment: The Project Manager went on leave in October2013. Due to lack of resources we decided to concentrate on publishing our portal first and then set up an intranet section where the mobility handbook was made available.

Work Package 3: National Researchers´ Mobility Portal

The objective of this Work Package is to develop the national mobility portal:

Work performed:
• The domain name has been registered.

• Based on advice from the Euraxess network, the open source solution Typo3 has been chosen.

• A contract on development and maintenance of the portal has been made with the webdesigner firm Ctrl Sp/f .

• Hosting facilites for the Faroese EURAXESS website have been arranged with the public institution Nám which is the main provider of services to Faroese schools.

• The design of the portal has been set up. Its layout mirrors the other European EURAXESS portals. The portal is primarily designed to meet the needs of researchers coming to the Faroe Islands. It features practical information, research job opportunities, information on funding and the Faroese research landscape. The portal is linked to the search tools on It offers the possibility of registering Faroese CV´s and research job vacancies on the European EURAXESS portal´s job database. It contains links to to all relevant legislation and documents and has a database of all EURAXESS service centres and contact points. The portal also contains an intranet section open only to registered users.

• The prototype of the Faroese EURAXESS portal was completed in August 2013.

• Information material has been collected and edited. The content has been provided by the Mobility Centres and Contact Points and relevant public and private parties.

• The Faroese EURAXESS portal was launched in December 2013.

• The information provided on the portal has been subject to regular quality control. Feed-back has been collected from researchers and research institutes, and the portal has been revised accordingly.

Major achievements:

• Arrangements made for hosting and technical maintenance of the portal

• Prototype of the Faroese EURAXESS portal completed

• Information material collected and edited

• Final Faroese EURAXESS portal launched

Deviations from project programme:
D3.1 Prototype of Faroese
EURAXESS portal Date due: 05/13 Actual date 03/14
D3.2 Final Faroese EURAXESS
portal Date due: 07/14 Actual date 02/15

Comment: We had technical difficulties for some time when setting up the prototype of the portal.

Work Package 4: Information and assistance for researchers

The objective of this Work Package is to create tools for information and assistance to mobile researchers, by setting up a mobility centre help desk and by creating a comprehensive mobility guide with practical information for researchers about living and working in the Faroe Islands. This work package will also inform the relevant Faroese research institutions about the commission initiative on “The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.

Work performed:

• Communication channels have been identified and established to officials in all relevant ministries and government institutes that could be helpful in mobility issues. The prime organisations are the Immigration Office, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture, the National Health Insurance, and the Taxation Office.

• The coordinators of the BHO and the EURAXESS Centre at the University of the Faroe Islands have with assistance from the mobility network gathered information and set up a draft for a mobility guide for incoming researchers and their families. The mobility guide contains information on entry conditions, health and social security, taxation, family issues etc.

• The draft of the mobility guide was published on the Faroese EURAXESS portal on March 5th, 2014.

• An offer was received from the Faroese printing company Føroyaprent for printing 150 booklets with the title “A Foreign Researcher´s Guide to the Faroe Islands”. The size of the booklet is A5 and it contains 68 pages and a cover and has spiral binding.

• The Mobility Guide has been printed and distributed to research institutions and representations of the Faroe Islands abroad. Research institutions have been instructed to provide incoming researchers with a copy of the mobility guide.

• The final version of the Mobility Guide has been made available for download (.pdf) on the website of EURAXESS Faroe Islands.

• An action plan for informing the relevant Faroese research institution about the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers has been set up. The aim is to encourage the institutes to acopt the C&C.

• A Faroese version of the latest Charter & Code leaflet has been set up and printed in 700 copies.

• In the spring of 2014 information meetings on Charter & Code were held at all research institutes.

Major achievements:

• Communication channels identified and established to officials in relevant ministries and other governmental institutions instrumental regarding incoming mobility.

• Help Desk established to provide researchers with assistance and information related to mobility

• Mobility guide for incoming researchers published

• Action plan for institutions in the Faroe Islands to participate in the European Charter for Research and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers set up and carried out

• Faroese versions of European leaflet on Charter & Code set up and printed

Deviations from project programme:
D4.1 Help desk manual Date due: 04/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We had difficulties in finding the right communication channels at two public organisations.

D4.2 Draft of mobility guide
published at portal Date due: 08/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We decided not to publish the mobility guide until the contents were completed and ready for printing as we wanted to be sure that everything was correct.

D4.3 Mobility guide published Date due: 12/14 Actual date: 02/15

Comment: We had to concentrate on completing all materials for the portal before being able to make a version for the mobility guide.

D4.4 Final version of Mobility
Guide published at portal Date due: 12/14 Actual date: 02/15
D4.5 Help desk activity log Date due: 12/14 Actual date: 02/15
D4.6 Action plan for institutions to
participate in Charter & Code Date due: 02/14 Actual date: 06/14

Work Package 5: Dissemination & Workshop

The objective of this Work Package is to promote the mobility network and the portal.

Work performed:

• An early awareness raising campaign was carried out in February and March 2013, The EURAXESS Manager and the EURAXESS Coordinator held a number of meetings with the directors of the Faroese research institutes in order to inform about the process of building up the Faroese EURAXESS services.

• A second awareness raising campaign directed towards the R&D community was carried out in the spring of 2014. The object of the campaign was to introduce the services offered by the national and European EURAXESS mobility networks and mobility portals. The campaign was aimed at potential users of these services. Information meetings were held with the directors and relevant heads of departments at the Faroese research institutions. The agenda of the meetings was to inform about the services offered by EURAXESS and to urge the institutes to adopt the principles of Charter & Code.

• A Faroese version of the latest EURAXESS leaflet for researchers was printed and distributed at the meetings with the research institutions. The leaflet was set up with the source files for the original EURAXESS leaflet and printed in 700 copies by the Faroese printing company Føroyaprent. The size of the leaflet is A5, and it contains 3 folded pages. A pdf. version of the leaflet can be downloaded on the Faroese EURAXESS portal.

• Besides the awareness raising campagn at the research institutes the Faroese EURAXESS team has participated in several information meetings at institutes and in meetings held on national and international research where we have used the opportunity to inform about the EURAXESS services.

• A mobility workshop was held at the Faroese Research Council on September 10th, 2013. The process of the building up of the Faroese Euraxess services was evaluated and an awareness raising campaign for the Charter & Code at the Faroese research institutions was discussed. Also the publishing of a Faroese mobility guide and various topics essential to mobile researchers were discussed.

• A second mobility workshop was held at the Faroese Research Council on January 14h, 2014. An awareness campaign for the EURAXESS services and the Charter & Code at the Faroese reseach institutes was planned. The contents of two leaflets in Faroese on EURAXESS and Charter & Code and the Mobility Guide for Foreign Researchers were discussed.

• A high profile launching event was held on December 19th, 2013, at Hotel Hafnia in Tórshavn in order to promote the use of the Faroese EURAXESS services. Members of the Faroese research community, the media and government officials were invited to attend the event. At the launching event the mobility network and the national mobility portal were presented. The Faroese minister of trade, Mr Jóhan Dahl, held a speech at the launching event and opened the portal. At the event awareness raising material was distributed.

• Before and after the launch event press releases were sent out.

• Several awareness raising newsletters have been published on main issues regarding mobility and EURAXESS activities.The newsletters have been distributed by email to the Faroese research community and other interested parties. The already highly subscribed newsletter by the Faroese Research Council has been used for this purpose. The newsletter has also been made available online through the website of the Faroese Research Council and linked to Facebook.

Major achievements:

• Awareness campaign directed towards the R&D community planned

• Leaflets in Faroese on EURAXESS and Charter & Code printed

• Workshops on mobility issues for members of Service Centres organized

• Newsletters sent out on EURAXESS activities.

• Launching event held

Deviations from project programme:

D5.1 Awareness raising campaign Date due: 08/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We had difficulties with translation of leaflets into Faroese and getting the right source files for the printing. We decided to postpone the campaign until we had the material we needed.

D5.2 Mobility workshops 1 Date due: 06/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We found it most useful to have our first mobility workshop when we had collected most material for the portal.

D5.3 Mobility workshops 2 Date due: 11/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We decided to have our second mobility workshop when the portal had been online for some time and we were about to start our awareness campaign.

D5.4 Newsletters Date due: 09/14 Actual date: 02/15
D5.5 Launching event Date due: 07/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We decided to have the launching event when the portal was ready to go online.

Work Package 6: Training for mobility network members

The objective of this Work Package is to build up the capacity of the national mobility network by organizing training sessions on how to manage mobility information and services.

Work performed:

• The first training session of the Faroese EURAXESS mobility network was held on April 9th, 2013, in Kaffihúsið in Tórshavn. The main discussions were on regulations for work permits. Other items that were discussed were differences between taxation systems in the Faroe Islands and other countries, health insurance, day care for children, and retirement pension.

• The second training session of the Faroese EURAXESS mobility network was held on October 31st, 2013, in Kaffihúsið in Tórshavn. Discussions were held on various issues relevant to mobile researchers presented at the EURAXESS portal and on the need for implementing the Charter & Code at research institutes in the Faroe Islands.

• After each training session an evaluation was made. Most participants expressed that the training sessions had been very useful and had clarified various questions, especially related to residence and work permits. All participants expressed great satisfaction with the contents of the Faroese EURAXESS portal and agreed that it was a great help in their daily work with assisting foreign researchers.

Major achievements:

• Training sessions on mobility issues held for Contact Points

• Evaluation on training sessions

Deviations from project programme:
D6.1 Training sessions 1 Date due: 09/13 Actual date: 03/14

Comment: We decided to have our first training session for the Contact Points before starting to collect material for the portal as we wanted the Contact Points to assist with this work.

D6.2 Training sessions 2 Date due: 08/14 Actual date: 02/15
D6.3 Final training seminar
follow-up report Date due: 12/14 Actual date: 02/15
Project meetings

16 January 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
5 February 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
19 February 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Steering Group meeting
3 April 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
9 April 2013, Kaffihúsið: Training seminar
10 September 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Workshop
31 October 2013, Kaffihúsið: Training seminar
4 December 2013, the Faroese Research Council: Steering Group meeting
19 December 2013, Hotel Hafnia: Launching event
14 January 2014, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
19 February 2014, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
4 March 2014, University of the Faroe Islands and Faroe Marine Research Institute: Information meetings
1 April 2014, Department of Occupational Medicine and National Heritage: Information meetings
2 April 2014, Food and Veterinary Agency and Earth and Energy Directorate, Information meetings
3 April 2014, Environment Agency and Aquaculture Research Station: Information meetings
21 May 21 2014, National Hospital: Information meeting
3 June 2014, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
28 August 2014, Ministry of Culture: Information meeting
7 October, 2014, University of the Faroe Islands: Management meeting
2 December 2014, the Faroese Research Council: Management meeting
13 February 2015, the Faroese Research Council: Steering group meeting

Problems which have occured

At the beginning of the project we had some difficulties in finding out which kind of technical solution we should chose for our portal. After consulting other EURAXESS service centres we chose Typo3 and made a contract with a provider on developing and maintaining the site. However, we had to solve several technical problems on the way which delayed the project.

In October 2013 our Project Manager went on leave and since then we have had to manage without his deep knowledge of the project and experience.
The fact that our Project Managar went on leave in October 2013 has caused us some difficulties in the daily work but it has not resulted in major deviations from the workplan. Several deliverables were not reported on time but most of the tasks were carried out as scheduled.

Changes in the consortium

In October 2013 the Project Manager, John D. Olsen, went on leave. The director of the Faroese Research Council, Annika Sølvará, has taken over as Project Manager.

Potential Impact:

The project has brought about a fully functional EURAXESS service network in the Faroe Islands which will is able to provide quality service to any query in relation to mobility issues relevant to researchers coming to the Faroe Islands. Likewise the national service is able to provide guidance to outgoing researchers wishing to take up a position in a European country.

The service network has brought together key figures in the Faroese research community, ministries and other relevant governmental institutions to work collectively on providing the necessary information for mobile researchers and removing red barriers.

The Faroese EURAXES portal, has made information and service contacts easily accessible to mobile researchers. The Job Portal has given Faroese research institutes the opportunity to post vacancies accessible to researchers all over Europe thereby working towards making the Faroe Islands an integrated part of the European Research Area. Faroese researchers have been given the opportunity to post their CV´s on the portal which has improved their chances to get an interesting research position in another European country.

A number of tasks within the Faroese EURAXESS Service network have strengthened the knowledge base of the partners in the start-up project. E.g. the production of the handbook and the training sessions have ensured that the relevant information is at hand and the personnel have the right competences. The training seminars have also enforced awareness of the Faroese association in the European research context.

Promotional acitivites for the Faroese EURAXESS services have established awareness of the network and the portal. It has fostered a more positive attitude in the local research community and in the general society towards mobile researchers. It has also established awareness among researchers about mobility possibilites and awareness among research institutes and public authorities of various obstacles and solutions for mobile researchers.

The EURAXESS service centres in the Faroe Islands have raised several practical issues encountered by the researchers in their daily lives with the policy makers. The steering group has high profile representatives from the research institutions and relevant ministries which are close to policy makers and thereby in a favourable position to bring into focus possible legislative issues affecting mobile researchers.

The Ministry of Education, Research and Culture has together with the Faroese Research Council and the administration of the University of the Faroe Islands ensured the continuous operation of the EURAXESS services after the start-up phase.

List of Websites:

Bridgehead Organisation:
The Faroese Research Council
Bryggjubakki 12
P.O. Box 259
FO 110 Tórshavn
Phone: +298 567800

Annika Sølvará, director,
Dagmar Joensen-Næs, EURAXESS coordinator,