Final Report Summary - SCINTAX (Novel ceramic thin Film based Scintillator for high resolution X-Ray imaging)
The developed novel scintillating film was used in detector systems for high resolution X-ray imaging in two-dimensions (2D) and three-dimensions (3D), preferably at synchrotron radiation sources. A second dedicated detector with high efficiency was built and mounted into a demonstrator also developed in the project for industrial application. The fully functionality system for X-ray online inspection will be presented for fires and exhibitions.
The SCINTAX project involved nine different partners having different competences in the X-ray imaging field: detector optimisation, certification of the achieved performance, development of the growth technique and integration of the new scintillating screens into the fully working device. The long term experience of the involved partners guaranteed the outstanding results of the project and allowed the successful accomplishment of the initially established targets.
BAM finalised a standard ASTM E2597-07 'Standard practice for manufacturing characterisation of digital detector arrays' and published it in January 2008. That standard includes the description of different test methods for characterising digital imaging devices in terms of spatial resolution (SRb duplex wire based on ASTM 2002, high spatial resolution with JIMA RT RC-0.2) SNRn and achievable contrast sensitivity.
A patent was submitted in Germany with the title 'Festkörperleuchtschirm für ortsaufgelöste Detektion ionisierender Strahlung' and it was registered with the number 10 2007 054 700.714.11.2007. The citations from the German Patent Office were notified to K. Dupré (FEE) and 18/30 months are still available for taking decision upon the other countries.
The usage of such systems in automated inspection systems will improve the product safety. The advanced spatial resolution even at higher energies and reduced exposure times are interesting aspects for tomography measurements with synchrotron radiation resulting in an enhanced field of applications and a significantly increased number of measured samples in a time unit.