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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Modelling of the passive mode-locking in fibre lasers


The aim of this project is to investigate theoretically the properties of a passively mode-locked fiber laser in order to optimize a desired operating regime.

Different operating regimes will be explored such as short-pulse generation in both normal and anomalous dispersion regime, generation of bunch states, generation of bound states, harmonic passive mode-locking and also Q-switching and unstable behaviours.

Predictions of the model will be compared with experimental data obtained in our laboratory with an erbium-doped double-clad fiber laser. The approach will be numerical and also analytical. The final goal is to clearly identify the exact experimental conditions allowing to optimize a given operating regime.

To reach this goal it will be necessary to study the interaction of pulses inside the laser resonator. In particular, special attention will be given to classify the different interactions depending on their attractive or repulsive nature or on the range of interaction.

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