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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Family politics and the construction of citizenship in Europe

Final Activity Report Summary - FAMPOL (Family Politics and the Construction of Citizenship in Europe)

The project aimed to analyse how different family right regimes influence the meaning of citizenship in relation to gender, sexuality and reproduction. The project's general objective was to analyse how the family is conceptualised and regulated in different EU countries, how differences in family policy create unequal individual entitlements in different national contexts and what kind of pressure is (and can be) exercised by EU institutions towards the achievement of more uniform national politics in relation to the family.

More specifically, the analysis has concentrated on state policies towards family and family welfare entitlements in Italy and Poland in the post-war period, with a particular attention to reforms taking place in Poland since 1989. The project rested upon the hypothesis that in periods of fundamental political transformation the rights of individuals are being reconsidered and spelled out through major legislative changes. The definition of families' prerogatives represents an important aspect of this process.