A European Commission concern, expressed in Europe needs more scientists (2004) states The poor image and the perceived irrelevance of school science impacts on students career aspirations the best we can do is to modernise the educational approach to science and technology education, make the school education through the context of science more acceptable to society, and enhance student and guardian awareness of career opportunities that relate to science, engineering and technology.
The proposal identifies the characteristics of educational approaches that strive for relevance, student interest and meet the aspirations of society. Noting trends in the science education literature, especially those related to the thrust for scientific and technological literacy and a better appreciation of the nature of science and cognitive, personal and social gains needed, the project sets out to identify teaching materials that bring practices by teachers in school closer to the advances put forward in the literature.
The project will: create a network community from those working in the field of developing teaching /learning materials; assemble notions of best practice from the diversity of considerations by partners; develop a model encompasses the range of philosophic al consideration and approaches that lend themselves to a general develop of best practice materials; modify existing exemplars to reflect the model.
Also, the project will:
- translate exemplar materials, test and disseminate these to teachers and other stakeholders;
- take steps to meet the need for teachers to take ownership of the model through adaptation of exemplars;
- evaluate the impact of this on teacher ownership of the model and student interest (paying particular attention to interest by girls).
The project strives to make available alternative teaching materials to teachers to promote student interest of science in schools without alienating the teaching from the curriculum intentions.
Convocatoria de propuestas
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Régimen de financiación
CA - Coordination actionCoordinador