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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

Best practices to bring research and innovation in European SME through the "peer review" method


Research and Technological Development is essential for the functioning and sustainability of the European economy and therefore in the center of EU's development agenda. Small and Medium Enterprises are, on the one hand, the economic 'backbone' of the EU. On the other hand it is more difficult for them to do research on their own or to get the necessary scientific input for innovation.

In order to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of the European industry and to encourage its international competitiveness it is indispensable to exchange on successful R&D policy approaches not only among Member States but also with states from the EU's new neighborhood and other countries that succeeded in having a competitive edge.

Therefore the main objectives of EUROPEER SME are:
- to foster mutual learning, elaborate best practices and improve impact of national and regional RTD support programmes to SMEs
- to optimize the exchange of best practices by identifying conditions for transferability and developing transfer schemes
- to diminish overlap and strengthen the co-ordination of RTD policies directed to SMEs

To foster mutual learning, to identify and evaluate best practices in the field of research policy making the peer-review method will be utilized. In order to improve the exchange of in-formation and to analyze the transferability of best practices a systematic approach will be introduced. A continuous, dynamic and mutual learning process will on the one side provide insights into how existing RTD and innovation policies may be improved and made more effective.

On the other side it will lead to a sustainable network which is self-supporting after the end of the project and remain open for new members. The network will thereby help to strengthen the co-ordination of RTD policies directed to SMEs on a European scale.

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