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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Health-promotion through obesity prevention across Europe (hope): an integrated analysis to support European health policy


The prevalence of obesity in Europe has been increasing, with rates doubling during recent decades in several countries. An increasing number of Member States has obesity levels (BMI>30) exceeding 20% in the adult population, and more than 50% of adults is overweight (BMI>25). The number of overweight children is estimated to be 22 million in 2006. Insight into the underlying determinants of obesogenic behaviours in Europe is limited, and information about effective obesity prevention interventions and policies is scattered.

This project aims at supporting and advancing the development and implementation of systematic, evidence-based European, national and regional policies effective for the prevention of obesity and its negative consequences on health and health inequalities. The project provides information and inventories of obesogenic nutrition and physical activity behaviours, important environmental determinants of these behaviours, effective intervention approaches across Member States, and of the potential impact of interventions and policies directed at key determinants of obesity in the European Union.

Specifically, the project aims to:
- Create a European scientific network on environmental determinants and interventions of nutrition, physical activity, overweight and obesity prevention, which will put together all expertise and projects that are currently ongoing or being developed in the area of nutrition, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and of socio-economic inequalities in these issues within the European Union.
- To carry out quantitative analyses, modelling and systematic reviews on obesogenic physical activity and nutrition behaviours, their environmental determinants, consequences on health and health inequalities among children and adults, and prevention interventions, to provide an evidence-based inventory of best practices for the development of evidence-based policies and interventions for obesity prevention across Europe.

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Partecipanti (6)